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S3 licensed
I saw that, and it looked like something the PR department would LOVE....
S3 licensed
CFD.... I'm guessing they have generated some more lookuptables using CFD, maybe....

Can't imagine they are using CFD aero in realtime on a PS3?
S3 licensed
Very nice. I am pretty excited about this. My favourite part is always the first bit where you have virtually no money and a crap car. Racing on the cheap and building that first car is fun! :-)
S3 licensed
Wow, that Pagani sound amazing... *sigh*

I wish cars in GT6 would sound like cars, sorta like this Z4
S3 licensed
I tried making my own plate on an iOS device, but it said the plate was already installed... :-(
S3 licensed
How do you guys make money in this game? I seem to spend whatever scraps I get on painting cars so the cops won't ruin them within minutes.

Also, how can you change your personal car? I wasn't aware that whatever car you used in the tutorial would become your car forever and I had a crappy one....
S3 licensed
Way back in the LFS early days we had a discussion about tires, temperatures, thread depth and tire longevity.

As far as I can remember the conclusion was that (and it makes sense in my mind) is that as the rubber carcass thins out, the heat contained in it gets less. Or rather, the amount of energy it can store. So that way the surface temperature gets more important than the carcass temperature. So basically your tire cools off alot faster and heats up alot faster. So that means your surface temps spend far less time in the sweet spot, and THAT is what give you decreased grip, in addition to the obvious chemical degradation of the rubber itself. You enter a corner with cooler tires than before, and exit with hotter tires than before.
S3 licensed
A low pass filter on the headshake would be realistic and help the issue, I think.
S3 licensed
Finally bought and installed it.
Played a few hours, and so far it blows GTA4 out of the water, both content and visually. The driving is a bit meh, but I think I'll be able to adapt. Worst is the oversensitive throttle, there is almost no way to be able to follow traffic, you are constantly on and off the throttle to drive slow enough. Other than that it fits the game.
S3 licensed
Morningwood? Really?
S3 licensed
At least there's moddability so it'll keep interesting a little longer. Having said that, I still enjoy LFS.... :-)
S3 licensed
Do you get the excessive engine braking issue, Dawe?
S3 licensed
Got Rift support in the last update.
S3 licensed
Hehe. Yeah.

They also messed up engines this time around, or something is very wrong with my setup. The engines have an inverse torque curve at off-throttle situations, which means that with throttle fully off the torque curve mimic the full throttle torque curve, only in "reverse". The engines also seems to have lost all their inertia somehow. The other users either don't care or don't have this issue though, so it might be something in my end.
S3 licensed
What the hell is wrong with English?
S3 licensed
New update, and the cars are ALOT more stable and driveable now. They fixed alot of stuff, including Oculus support.
S3 licensed
What an extraorinarily ugly car....

Also, how smooth is that track? Looks like the car was just floating around the track.

But that might have been the weird outside camera. You could see the suspension move but the car seemed to just hover.

Oh well, let's see that again with a proper road car so we can compare to a known frame of reference.
S3 licensed
I will try to find time to do some simple experiments and compare them to real life. Somehow it feels like the physics, and especially inertia is in "slow motion", or in low gravity. But speed is very hard to judge on a computer screen, so until I have some solid data I won't claim anything.
S3 licensed
The chassis physics seems pretty good, but applying those rules to tires just won't work.

I also suspect there might be something wrong with inertia, as the cars seem to take a while to change direction after a bump, for instance. Very evident over small sharp bumps where my real bumps right back down and the BeamNG cars will make a jump. I haven't analyzed this indepth though, might be another issue.
S3 licensed
From the devs:

Quote :The main problem with our tires seems to be that they are losing grip too easily, and regaining it in a strange way. So for example, in a quick slaloming maneuver, the car takes too long to respond to the direction change, and when it does, it responds quite violently. It makes the car feel slidey and twitchy at the same time. We will continue to investigate and work on this problem. The cars are making the correct amount of static grip compared to real-world vehicle measurements, so the issue is not the amount of grip, but how it is lost and regained.

Quote :We are aware that the tires are not perfect, but you are totally exaggerating. The cars all have a realistic amount of static grip. The weight is correct (we couldn't make it wrong even if we wanted to). The supercar is a supercar. If you expect perfect grip while flooring it you are playing the wrong game. I am not sure what makes you an expert on cars hitting trees at 80 mph that you can say our physics are wrong.

To put it simply: We don't need to defend the realism of our physics against people who clearly don't know anything about physics

Quote :There is no wheelspin past 60 mph. I don't know what game you guys are playing where the car does this. It starts to pull one way or another around 100 mph due to resonance within the tire but if you get past that speed it is stable again.

Quote :He comes in acting like his intuition is worth more than the years of research that have gone into the physics. His ego is astonishing. We have dealt with many people like this, who somehow think that their opinion of how things should happen is more accurate to reality than a physics engine built by experts. I see nothing polite about his post, just a constant ill-informed shitting on our hard work and demanding us to fix imagined problems. Most of the bitching and moaning about poor handling is nothing more than a lack of driving skill. There is a difference between smooth racetracks and kiddie suspension physics in Forza and GT5 and bumpy back roads and real suspension in a game like BeamNG.

You'll find no complaints about our physics from actual physicists and engineers, just people who think they know everything because they played a racing sim or GTA 4. The tire physics have room for improvement but there's nothing wrong with the suspension simulation. The cars are not too bouncy. Your driving is too reckless. And after dealing with the same ill-informed complaints from the same people over the past year and a half it gets tiresome. You know how suspension works in GTA and Forza? It magically absorbs most of the force into the nether. Go airborne or catch a big bump and the force simply goes away, magically absorbed by some extra layer of suspension that isn't really there. The car doesn't really lose grip or get unsettled at all. We don't cheat it the way they do to make it easier to drive.

It goes on to a rant about bouncing cars after jumps, which culminate in the gem:
Quote :There is nothing we need to change about our suspension/chassis dynamics to make them more realistic. All of these videos just validate the accuracy of BeamNG physics.

It goes on with a spinoff about burnouts and irrelevant console comparison, and then we get back to a discussion about the Bolide (a Ferrari-lookalike supercar) that won't drive straight at anything over highway speeds (even on a mathematically flat surface provided with the game)
Quote :I, and many other people, have no problem controlling the Bolide, even with keyboard. I just don't understand what's so difficult about it. Be precise with your steering and throttle. Yes, it veers at 100 mph. If we could wave a magic wand and fix it we would. But most of the time you're way below that speed and I think the handling characteristics are fine.

This just to show a little about the attitude you get on the BeamNG forums. I try to stay reasonable, but it gets hard after a while when opposed to this ignorance
S3 licensed
The thread turned into a pissing contest, as usual. There is another thread that seems promising, where we back stuff up with real life videos and stuff.

I agree the driving off road is enjoyable and believeable enough to be fun. Driving on a hard surface just expose so many underlying issues that it detracts from the fun.

I am amazed how little the devs seem to understand about tires and their inner workings, though.
They literally said that they didn't undestand where the low speed wobble came from... "uhm, you 12-segment tires, perhaps?"
S3 licensed
Drift-o-meter! Woot! :-D I like your gauge!
S3 licensed
Rock climbing is great fun, and about the only thing the tires are good for at the moment. I've started a long thread, go have a read, the devs are constantly telling us they don't understand the issue at all while shoing how little they actually know themselves, it's quite funny.
S3 licensed
Yeah, actually what they said was that theirs was by far the best, but still not good. All the others sims were useless and faked and such, that was the gist of the thread I read...
S3 licensed
Double post, but I am angaged in a discussion with the devs about the tire physics.... They claim to have nailed it... But the thing is... 16 segment polygon wheels, with no math smoothing.... So, they are simulating a 16 segment wheel, and claiming the cars drive like cars.... Amusing, and a little sad...