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S3 licensed
Signed up for a month again, since the last build got some nice changes, it seemed.

And I must say I'm pleasantly surprised! The Miata is driftable now, the Solstice is brilliant, the Skippy is better than it ever was on NTM, but still not as tossable as on OTM. Specracer feels like a light car on relatively sticky tires now.... Overall, cars are starting to feel like cars, and when I do spin I know why, there's no more WTF instaspins like before.

I might even start to race again.....
S3 licensed
So, if that is the case, award points for number of positions gained. Have the faster qualifier start in the back to give him the best chance of most passes and there you go. As long as it's a championship that award the faster driver, not the most spectacular one, you get this.

Also, as we witnessed last weekend, the track itself can greatly enhance the spectacle. When a track don't allow for overtaking we are watching a 90 minute parade.
S3 licensed
So a driver that is faster in qualifying and dominate the race weekend after weekend deserves the DWC LESS than the guy who struggle in qualifying and must claw his way trough the entire race? How does that work?

I enjoy a good fight for the lead as much as the next guy, but if noone's there to fight I'm not gonna beat on the guy that's better than the rest.
S3 licensed
So, was there ever any explanation as to what this actually DOES? Is it just dynamic compression, enhancing the little forces and compressing the larger ones?
S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :but your country is not the one they aim the majority of the protest at. Your countries leaders are not called Nazis and your countries cars are not being set aflame

...yet. Know why? Cause we still have oil, so they can go on with their crazy spending spree and just throw money on any problem that comes up. Must be great having that kind of control on your population. But shit WILL hit the fan here too. We/they are doing the exact same thing as Greece, it's just that they can, for now.
S3 licensed
Not just the mind.....

S3 licensed
So, news on teh other cars this build? Got better/mor driveable than before?

I keep hearing good things about the Lotus 79 and the Skippy. How about the Miata, is that still trying to kill you?
S3 licensed
Atle Dreier. I like to keep my usernames simple..
S3 licensed
I agree the iRacing cars are too hard to control in a slide.

I'm not used to rwd cars at all, but I could consistently drift my friend's RX-7 on Toyo R888 after driving it 10 minutes.
S3 licensed
Well, can't you just up the force in the sim so you get a nice balance of small forces and just accept the clipping if you hit the ditch? No point preserving the full force of a ditch if it means limp noodle steering 99% of the time.
S3 licensed
Holy Crap, batman! They actually made something that works like any other car on the planet, simulated or real? Wow.

Great, I'll give it a go!
S3 licensed
Ok, if they fixed the Skipyp I might even bother to try this again. Is it like the proper skippy that you can get a little sideways without certain death? On the OTM it was bloody brilliant with the sideways action.
S3 licensed
Still, it's 'a' Rockingham. Better'n what we got in LFS at the moment.
S3 licensed
Well, at least we get to drive Rockingham finally.... Would be nice to do it in a Scirocco, though. Let's pretend we got a diesel Scirocco and drive the Jetta!
S3 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 :lol Schumacher team radio : "Herr Schumacher, sie møche sofort schneller fahren" which he responded :"Ach das is doch pfeinligt, du reprimerst mich doch. I gehe zum bet genau"

Sorry for bad Deutsche.

What's that in human speak?
S3 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :Ah watching these videos makes me want to install it again!!

S3 licensed
Can't believe how dated it's starting to look... This was the pinnacle of awesomeness back in the day. Still nothing close to driving feel, though.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :
And why are people so against taxes anyway? Taxes are borring, yes no doubt, but have you ever stopped and think of all the great things that has been build and supported over the years thanks to it?

How much better and more effective could all that money have been spent... *sigh*
S3 licensed
I'm gonna wear those when i play CoH! ONLY those!
S3 licensed
I think people that do vrime like this has forfeited their right to reenter our society, hence no need to spend tax dollars on rehabilitation, and as little as possible on keeping them alive. Keep them out of society is the main objective in my opinion.
S3 licensed
There is a difference between "being kept alive" and the treatment he gets in norwegian prisons. The man has several cells, for crying out loud! There are currently 6000 students without a place to live, but Scumbag mofo got his own office, funded with MY taxmoney. That's not right!
S3 licensed

When seconds count the police is only minutes away....
S3 licensed
The good thing in all of this is that the attacks have shown the complete lack of preparedness for an event such as this, and the police and homeland security, and government all the way up to the prime minister is under extreme pressure to clean up their act. A report is made that outline the blatant lack of competence by most levels of government and personell. This will have wide repercussions, most of them for the good.
S3 licensed
That input lag looks painful.
S3 licensed
No, but please state time and server, we'll come 'visit' you... 8)