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S3 licensed
Then there is also the T500RS with the Thrustmaster shifter.... Available now, and inbetween the Fanatex and G27 in price.... Seems like a pretty good choice if I want to go a little up on the G25 but don't wanna spend all my savings?

I have a Thrustmaster Warthog setup, and if the build quality is anything NEAR that the T500 must be amazing!
S3 licensed
GT3RS.... Same wheel as the GT2, right? I don't need XBOX support.
S3 licensed
The thing is....

The GT2 is NOK1500
The Clubsport is NOK5000
The clubsport shifter is another NOK1500

And then there is the alternative, cause my purse is only so fat:
S3 licensed
Brake fade would be great to simulate with FFB, didn't think of that. Hate that mushy feel of the middle pedal....
S3 licensed
FFB to simulate ABS most of all. But purists don't use ABS, so that point is moot.
S3 licensed
The new fanatec Clubsport rims have a separate motor in the actual rim for vibrations I think. That might feel somewhat akin to what we are talking about?
S3 licensed
Ever tracked an Elise? I found it to feel like a dog if you enter even slightly too fast, and then I felt I had to drive with an egg on the throttle to avoid the instaspin on exit. Might have been tirepressures or something that was off, but I feel AC captures this behaviour pretty well.
S3 licensed
The somewhat understeery nature of the Elise makes this a bit hard to evaluate, imo. When you understeer you have very little aligning force, and when you oversteer you are usually going backwards headed for a barrier, so again, limited value. We need an oldschool E30 M3 or something on road tires to test this properly.
Or a model of my car, the Toyota GT86, that does aligning forces VERY well.
S3 licensed
I agree, and I think AC got this less wrong than many others. What you SHOULD feel in the wheel is centering force, and that you feel pretty well in AC too. In AC I don't feel much of the kurbs or bumps at all. That might be my wheel, though (G25).

In my real car I don't feel much of the bumps and stuff either, but aligning forces is VERY evident (rwd, electric servo)
S3 licensed
I've read reviews saying it feels "slow". Compared to what, and in what sense? Compared to a G25, which I never found "slow".
fanatec GT3 or Clubsport
S3 licensed
So, my G25 crapped out on me and I need anew wheel.

Fanatec is looking like a good choice, especially since the new shifters are coming soon, and I can use my G25 pedals on them (mounted in my simpit, keeping them for now).

So, is the new Clubsport base and rim really worth the premium?
S3 licensed
And incredibly ugly hands to boot. Poor doll.
S3 licensed
I just wish they'd let me drive it a little.....
S3 licensed
I've said it before.... Why the hell don't they just mount a camera on the front and have a "quick glance" button to switch to that? Problem solved.
S3 licensed
You mean the license to use some iRental content.....
S3 licensed
Driver swaps are supposed to be in the next build from Q2 2011... I wouldn't hold my breath...
S3 licensed
Hehe. Indeed.
S3 licensed
Indeed. So polar opposites, those two tyres.
S3 licensed
Had it on track again this weekend, this time on Toyo R888 rubber. The difference is pretty substantial. I used to do around 53.5 laps on my lokal shitty track. Yesterday I did 52.28, and that was with a new shicane onto the back straight due to surface damage. Figuring 51.5, so around 2 seconds off on a VERY tight and slow track. That eco-rubber the car comes with is really not very good.... :-p
S3 licensed
I have. What's your point? My annual subscription and several hundred dollars worth of content licenses should pay for a hosted session, I think. But apparently it doesn't so I'm voting with my wallet and haven't resubbed for a while.
S3 licensed
What creeps me out about that panel is centered on the last line.....
S3 licensed
It is indeed a kart track. Still fun as hell! :-)

Last weekend I did a 1000mile drive in the Norwegian mountains with some 40-ish other cars. Had an absolutely stunnig time. Got so many comments on my car and how I could keep the speed up in corners where the new porsche crowd had to back off. One guy asked me what rubber I used and how I kept up and even outran them in places. Told them i was still on the Eco-rubber that came witht he car, and it's a matter of feeling limits so you can explore and exploit them, not have limits so high and narrow that you don't dare approach them. Ever.

I'd much rather have 200hp I can use all the time and grip I can utilize 110% than 400hp and limitless grip that I don't dare to use other than a straight line.
Last edited by atledreier, .
S3 licensed
Oooh, integrated LFS tweak.... I think I came a little... :-)
S3 licensed
So, send that thing back to space and get an '86 already! :-D