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No I think you just have too much time to spare
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:munching_Waits in anticipation

Hey I can use that smiley for once as I really am sitting at the PC eating noodles-in-a-box on my lunch break with nothing better to do
S2 licensed
View I use is custom wheel view - which is not a bumper view but more an incar view without the car being drawn (think a number of people use this view so would be good to add to the poll)
S2 licensed
My father also had trouble with LFS (he has momo racing wheel), he plays most of the games you listed as well as some others including GTR and GTL and I would regard him as quite a skilled driver in real life.

But when he spent a few days on and off searching these forums, asking me for advise on wheel settings and just experimenting with wheel settings he did get pleasing results. He still wasn't very fast in lap times, but when I sent him a bunch of good setups and some replays to watch, he reported that he was doing much better and enjoying the game alot more

Wheel related threads:

Setup related threads:
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :I already responded earlier, but I have to tell of the regular production schedule. Before I joined the R&D department, I worked just about the best schedule I ever saw. We worked 12 hour days, 7 am to 7 pm, 4 days one week and 3 days the next. This netted us a week off straight every month the way the rotation went. That was awesome.

The minning industry here is like that, if you live locally its four days on and four days off (12hr days, with either shift of 6am-6pm and 6pm-6am) and if its a remote area they fly you in and out every two weeks (so it would be two weeks on then two weeks off) and they pay very well , also on the remote sites you get fee five star meals, have very good recreational facitlities, broadband etc. The tough part is that the remote areas are in generally harsh environments.
S2 licensed
Quote from janm :Thanks, Vain.

I did that, but the pc keeps beeping and won't restart...What's wrong?

I suspect the optimised defaults are setting you ram timings too aggressive, if there is just a default setting try that or find the ram timing section and set them to auto. If that fails set them to the slowest setting which generally is the highest numbers.
S2 licensed
It maybe possible that the previous faulty ram has corrupted some files on your hard drive. So if you cant resolve the problem any other way, try reformatting the hard drive and reinstalling everything to see if that corrects the problem before buying another harddrive.
S2 licensed
38 hr week here with time and a half first two hours and double time after that

But I do shift work so basic hours are 6am - 2:30pm, 2:15 - 10:45pm and 10:30pm - 6:30am...

Also used to average 70hrs a week, and do a second job on the weekends but now I've got a life lol but wasted about 15 years doing long hours like you say work, eat, sleep, then one day you wake up and think "WTF were did the year go!" then realise your thinking 1986 year when its already 1996
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :Seems to be fine now.

Hmn I wonder if that was young Leo pulling out the plug
S2 licensed
All good suggestions

I don't think how it is at the moment is necessarily bad though, it would just be nice if you could set up a server to be more real and then encourage drivers to drive within there limits abit more on those servers, but still have your standard servers also. That way we get the best of both worlds.

I do get tired of racing against guys that often are very fast but crash out of every 3rd race or so (and their the good ones) because they just push too hard. And quite often look for longer races for that reason. So to get that same mentality of longer races into the shorter ones (20-30min) would be a great feature for some servers. I would definately frequent such a server
S2 licensed
Quote from t1ger :This implies I go a long way to get to this server, could be part of the problem. The ones seem to be the biggest problem. Hmmm, more testing.

If I posted a tracert of that IP from my location, I think you would redifine "a long way"

From here I get about 420ms ping response to that IP and that in itself doesn't prevent me from racing or cause me to show any lag whatsoever to others

I think you will find lag issues come from other problem areas in your path, which tracert can help you find. e.g. an overloaded router which will cause lost pakets, another one could be noise (interference) on cetain segments of the signal path which can cause corrupt or lost pakets.

So if you have these types of problems, try gather as much info as possible (helps identify patterns e.g. at certain times of the day a particutlar router might be unable to cope) and then armed with that info contact your ISP tech support and see what they can do

It does look like is not performing well and that is definately something to highlight to your ISPs tech support.
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Quote from o000o :Could such a system be employed here for the demo servers?

Quite possibly, but the only way to do it at the moment is to give out the server Admin password to trusted individuals... not many want to do this.

I have thought for awhile now it would be good if servers had three accounts instead of two i.e. Admin, Guest and Moderator accounts.

That way you could issue the Mod password to quite a number of people without compromising the Admin password/security of the server your running.

It would also work well with your sujestion in that many unrelated servers could have different Admin passwords but the same Mod password if the community decided to band together in the way you discribe.
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :Opinions?

gets my vote!
But maybe in combination with needing the two leading drivers to vote as well as having a 75% majority for the second one...
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Smaller the better yes, also if you are lagging your bar (the green one) would be rising above everyone elses and turning red while all the others stay normal. If all the bars rise and turn red its someone else or the server I think
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :If you jam your car into the wall at T1 and nobody else does, that's tough titties sunshine. That's the way the cookie bounces.

If you join a server it only takes a few seconds to ask "are you guys racing or practising?" A bit of latitude goes a long way towards an enjoyable session and people will respect you for it.

Totally agree with you there Gunn, seems this common courtesy isn’t so common sometimes…
S2 licensed
Thx will give them a bash
S2 licensed
Quote from farcar :And the old favorite: The Oil Slick.

don't forget the tacks...
S2 licensed
Quote from farcar :LFS needs guns, pure and simple.

Vehicle mounted ones.

C'mon, who hasn't wanted to pump a heat seeker in to that uncatchable hot lapper at Blackwood?

In that case there will be some calling for counter measures chaff and flare
S2 licensed
Quote from Rob76 :I guess I'm not getting why a DVI triplehead would be a problem if driving digital LCDs...

Well I would guess that there current one is post-processing an analog signal, where a "DVI triplehead" would have to work with and process a digital signal. This would be a totally different disgin and electironic package (and most likely more expensive) Historicaly digital signal processing lags behind analog signal processing in its development cycle, so its just probably a matter of time, which probably would be proportional to the demand for the TripleHead2Go
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Ok... what i want to know is, is there a list of graphics cards that can do these high resolutions?

All i can find about a 9800 Pro, is that the maximum resolution is 2048x1536 - which isn't enough to run at 2400x600, 3072x1024 or 3840x1024.

I was hoping the 9800 Pro would do the job, as it's a reasonably recent DX9 card, from last year, and also because i've got one sitting here just asking to be used.

Does it have a custom resolution option in your drivers?

I've got a nvidia 6600GT and it has an option for setting a custom resolution. I tried 3840x1024 and it accepted it! So I'm hoping it is ok

P.s 2048x1536 is 3.1 million pixals and 3072x1024 is about the same so theoretically it should be able... I also just checked before I put in the custom res the max res my card listed was 2048x1536 as well, my card is 256MB so if yours is it should be possible to get 3840x1024 out of it, I guess it is just if it allows custom modes.

Also on the Matrox site it says it will automatically show the resolutions that your card can support when you install it, seems any card with a RAMDAC of 300MHz bandwidth or higher will do the job, they also said as it gets closer to the release date they will publish a list of compatible cards.
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Why doesn't the Multiplayer button feel like a real button? :zombie:

It's not a problem with LFS, I think the reason you getting that problem is cause you have the wrong display type. What your looking for and I feel you need, is a hyrogighic model, as that has much more feel when you touch the buttons in general
S2 licensed
Quote from Screeny :i guess this could delay s2 even a bit more


No it might speed it up as Scawen want be able to sleep so what else can he do but some codding
S2 licensed
Welcome to the world of competitive simultated racing where just as in real life the range of drivers is from young hot guns with fiery tempers to the old cool hands who patiently await their next move if it be this race or the next and nothing ever seems to fluster them

I've seen drivers in real life come to blows on the side of the track, it happens its a adrenalin filled competitive sport and although alot see this as just a game, some take it very seriously .

Alot of people come on here and winge about being banned too quickly and admins being harsh, well thats true, but thats because not every server in the list is good for new guys, LFS doesn't have an auto-grading system so you have to find racers with similar level to yourself.

While I'm all for helping new guys, and those that know me will know this is true, I think you also have to stop and consider where the fast racer is coming from too. I don't know this for sure as I haven't talked with Bawbag recently (we live on the opposite sides of the world ) but from reading what he has to say, they had setup a server for the purpose of doing some practise for an upcoming league event and most likely just left it open for other similar level drivers to come along and practise for that event as well... you just happened to drop in and start racing with them when you were clearly out of your league, so probably got banned just as much for that as anything else because their interest is in similar level drivers not drivers that are way off the pace don't take it personally, I'm sure Bawbag doesn't have a vandetta against you, go onto another server get better at LFS then come back at a later stage and get your revenge by beating Bawbag

When you enter a server try and get a feel for the atmosphere there and act accordingly, hey I've been arround for quite some time in LFS but there is still car track combos where I will not just jump in with other drivers who are near WR pace and ruin it for them, I'll go find the same combo with more average drivers or goto an empty server and set up that combo and do some practise first, then return when I at least know the proper lines for that track and are a little closer to the pace for the level of driver on that server. If I do race on a server where I'm not fairly confident, I'll deliberately get out of the way of everyone before turn1 and then try and catch the field if it looks like I'm going to be lapped I'd probably pit if I wasn't 100% confident I could let them through cleanly, as I'm still learning and not there to race competitively.

Also I just looked at the replay your friend was having alot of trouble just getting around the track (was loosing control an average of 3 - 4 times a lap) so was always a reciepe for disastor, one of the first things to learn is to re-enter a track cleanly when you have had an off... my guess is he is not even confident with mirrors, the map in top right hand corner and the look buttons, so you would have been much better off finding an empty server to practise with your mate first before bringing him onto a server with high level drivers. Just my 2cents

P.s. I would have the above opinions regardless of wether Bawbag was a teammate or not.
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Quote from TheRealEddie :Heh, those DYI projectors are "very good"? From what I've seen its usually an internet scam. =)

I have an Infocus 4805 projector that I use for TV/Movies/PS2. I've also connected my computer to it as well, but the 4805 has a max resolution of 1024x768 and LFS doesn't look so hot on it. One thing about this Matrox device is the fact that it the horizontal resolution is so high thus allowing you to really get that peripheral vision.

I actually prefer the matrox solution too thats why you see my positive comments about it throughout the thread as for the DIY projector being a scam well it could be... but from the research I've done it does look possible if you use good parts, and as they say nothing ventured nothing gained. (but you would have to be handy at DIY projects and I didn't say it was without risk) I only posted it for SpeedSoro's as he seems set on that path.