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S2 licensed
Congratulations And you thought LFS was a big project now comes the next 20 years of Leo's development

So that's why the UF1000 was added to LFS
It was for a training car for your son
Hmn a good color combination for Leo's LFS name would be a white capital "L" and dark blue "eo" hang on a minute... think I've seen a chap like that knocking about somewhere he must be fast on the take-up! definately from Scawen's gene pool

P.s. Just how many cats do you guys have
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Goto get that new mouse it keeps double clicking when I click once
S2 licensed
Quote from Combathanger :I paid for S1 the day it was release.......OMG...have I been playing a buggy beta all this time I cant beleive Ive allowed myself to be duped into have all this fun.......its just so unfair

Three years in LFS and this is the thread that finally got you to post!

Nice then we are onto something good Welcome to LFSForums
We might be a mite sarcastic at times but we don't really bite but then how can we its the internet
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :I have a suggestion about these "whaaa whaaa, I want what my mommy paid for me" posts to all you other guys. Just stop and refuse to read or comment in these posts when they pop up.

But its so much fun
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :But yes, the 3 moinitors, with such Matrox solution, is something to dream about, once is cheaper than a new vga, and with a price of a simple Epson S3 projector you can buy 3 19"LCD monitors.

Do a search for DIY projectors, there is details of how to make very good quality projector out of an overhead projector and LCD panel. Think there is even a topic on our forums here or RSC.
S2 licensed
Quote from Madman_CZ ::hyper: lol bob..... A value of pi :biggrinfl

Think he was crypticaly saying +infinity
S2 licensed
If he hates the bugs soooo much why does he use FO8 on the oval

I think we should have a forum bot (like a spam filter) that automatically amends these types of threads to the previous one
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :If I won in a lottery I'd totally build a curved room with a projector (or even three projectors) and add a cyberseat to that. Or I'd buy a decent car and do real racing... oh the beauty of imaginary decisions.

Thats my favourite hobby
S2 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :crazy harry i like your avatar , you should post more often

Reverse psychology?

But I have to agree
S2 licensed
Quote from jtw62074 :No way

Well the way I see it, traction circle theory is merely a way for drivers to better understand how a car handles and is not a good way to model lateral and longitudinal grip as it is too simplistic.

As you stated even when longitudinal grip is beyond its limit there should still be some lateral grip and how tyres behave in different states (i.e. well within there limits, at or near their limits and just over there limits) make it quite difficult to get all the variables just right.

In my mind it would seem necessary to treat each “different state” with a different set of variables which will describe the traction in that phase and of course treat each tyre separately and preferably each segment on the tyre, but you would have to draw the line somewhere as the CPU overhead would become ridiculously high.

If you want tell us we have to try and guess!
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I got 3x 21 inch monitors in good second hand condition from a shop with piles of monitors (i guess from offices upgrading to LCD) years ago when Matrox sent me a Parhelia to support.

I normally race in 2400 x 600 to keep the frame rate up, any higher isn't good enough for racing. 600 doesn't seem that low because it's more zoomed in. Horizontal FOV is 120, giving an approximately life-size view.

I don't think you will need 1024 in the vertical resolution. I'm interested to know how / if the new Matrox gadget works with a last year or so card like a Radeon 9800 Pro - specially as i've got one of those lying round here - i know it has better frame rate but i can't yet give up my triple head!

Now we know for certain, that LFS has been specifically programed for surround gaming and a wheel So we have to conclude that you need both to fully appreciate LFS we can also assume that we will get priority support for the matrox device (vested interest :razz

BTW interesting "temporary" permantent desk design especially like the G-Clamps
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Jarmin :cheers for bring this little beast into the light

i'll wait for the price to come down however

Wouldn't hold my breath for that one Matrox has a history of keeping there pricing on products fairly consistent (i.e. they don't drop much over time)

I know where your coming from, I'm the same I generally don't buy the latest hardware and wait for it to go down in price, but in this case I think I'll make an exception
S2 licensed
Thx for the info KidCoDEa, I know LFS was in the support list excetera but find info like that can be rather sketchy, and just wanted to get confirmation in black and white
S2 licensed
Great thx for the feedback Scawen

So then once you have set the mode in display settings to 3840x1024 with the matrox device, LFS will have that mode? I just dont see similar modes in there at the moment even with non-square modes enabled, but I'm guessing it only shows supported modes of your current hardware.

Just wanted to be sure about it before taking the plunge
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Can LFS display 3840x1024? or any of the other resolutions that this divice does, as they are all about 4:1 aspect ratio... I'm very likely going to get one but would just like to know for sure if LFS will display properly accross all the screens
S2 licensed
Awsome I know what I'll be playing LFS on with the next major patch

Checked my card it can support 3840x1024 just got to wait for April

Next question is what is the max wiodesceen resolution that LFS supprots? Cause thats like 3.75:1 aspect ratio
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Learn from Netkar - no multiplayer in the demo :up:

yes but multiplayer is one of LFS's greatest features and to not allow prospective buyers to get a taste of it wouldn't do LFS any good IMO
S2 licensed
Quote from mosquito25 :Ran my uncryption algorithm.

The result : Geraldine is pregnant. Congrats, Scawen :ices_rofl

:ices_rofl Have you been on something today you seem to be stuck in funny mode
S2 licensed
Quote from mkinnov8 :I understand about the name attracting them etc

Well think like a wrecker for a moment, they want to create as much trouble as possible and cause the most disruption... so if thats your goal would you go for the run of the mill server that is just full of newbies that can't stay on the track anyway or would you go for people trying to have a clean race A wrecker would get far more satisfaction out of wrecking a quality race than just adding to an already shit race I wasn't meaning the CRC name as such but any server that makes a stand and tries to maintain clean racing will automatically become a major target of serrious wreckers and my experience is the only effective way to curb their concentrated attacks is to maintain a server with admin or be on a server with voting that has several other clean races on at the same time so it can be kept clean. Otherwise wreckers being serrious about wrecking will find away to stuff everyones night - even if it is just spamming and being a general pain.

I think what you are trying to do is commendable, all I was suggesting is possible ways to make it a haven for clean racing even without an admin present, sure it might limit people from connecting when an admin is not there but the people that do know about it will frequent it and this will make it a better environment to introduce new LFS drivers to LFS, which is a great goal. Because at the moment unless your already are a pretty good driver there just isn't many choices in demo for introducing people to LFS in a quality environment. I wasn't in anyway saying it was a waste of time but more discussing ways to make it better

At the end of the day maintaining a server with clean racing in demo is a huge ask but if you create an environment where experienced guys interact with newbies it may become more "self" maintained, which makes it easier for you as well as a better service to LFS all around. And to be really honest with you, and I am not trying to be rude, I have no need wahtsoever to go onto the CRC server, but I do like to hang with newbies at times to encourage and teach them what little I know when I find some that are wanting and willing to learn, I find this quite rewarding so the suggestions I bring to the table have nothing to do with me personally wanting a clean race.

Here's an idea I will throw at you which you can do with it as you want, what about having set times for training sessions on the server, one on one (i.e. an experienced driver with a newbie preferably on something like teamspeak) and then with those same new guys direct them to your website and then when training is not happening and the server is being admined keep it public for any other newbies that might venture along, but when its not admined have it private but issue the password for it to promising young drivers and other trusted drivers.

Quote from mkinnov8 :voting for kick / ban although effective in terms of getting rid of people, its not good at calming an atmosphere.

My experience is quite different from that. If votes and bans are carried out by mature and trusted people they have a far more positive effect than negative. The only time it becomes an issue that creates a bad atmosphere is when the power is abused.
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Glade to hear the complain loudly option worked, and you didn't even have to pay more to get the same service effectively as a premium account holder.

I'm affraid for some though it's a matter of dishing up more currency to get better quality service sometimes, although persistent requests often work well
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Well, we're on the case with some things we've mentioned and some that we haven't.

Hopefully we can give you a nice surprise in not too long a time. But we've got to see how some planned things work out first.

How's that for cryptic?

That is rather cryptic! Must be at least 256 bit encryption on that one And a devious plan to keep us occupied for the next month trying to work out what you mean

Looking forward to the next installment, keep up the good work
S2 licensed
Perhaps it might be a better option to only have the sever public when there is an admin around, for the rest of the time put it private with info on your main website. I think you did it that way in the past... certainly would limit the majority of muppets

When it is not admined the CRC logo or perhaps the fact that they can see there is no voting, just attracts the wrecker types

I've raced there with an admin and its good, also been on without and it's unbearable another option I guess would be to allow voting when there's no admin present, but if that doesn't fit with the CRC rules it's probably best to make it private or take it down when not admined. That way when people see it in the public list they know there is an admin on site and can go there with confidence
S2 licensed
I get this issue with the clutch pack even in the GTi but it doesn't happen with a locked diff By tyre issue affecting it in this situation I mean the one that is locking is beyond the limit of grip and the other is at or near the limit of grip so it is possible this is contributing to the effect also as Scawen has already identified this as an issue in similar situations.
S2 licensed
Quote from colcob :I guess some preload might help during trail braking as you come off the brakes, but the the UFR is even a bitch to brake in a straight line with 80% coast locking, and preload wouldnt affect that much.

So the tyre model, specifically the issue of grip at or just beyond the limit, might be at play here as well You tease me Colcob now I await with even more anticipation of the next update J/K I'm really fairly patient
S2 licensed
Quote from axus :What I found with the qualy set was that when trail braking into a tight corner with a clutch pack LSD (even on a high locking factor), the rear would slide out unexpectedly and uncontrolably and it felt very weird.

Did you notice a sudden drop in RPM just before you lost the back end? Because that would be exactly what I'm meaning. It will be interesting to see if it is the diff not having preload or something to do with the tyre model I can't wait for the next update to see how all these things develop

But what Colcob describes sounds very plausible as the inside front wheel on a FWD car locking would cause the back end to step out, and until recently I didn't know that if one wheel locked you wouldn't hear any skid sound