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S2 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :I was shocked reading some of the early posts in this thread dont people realise its the Devs game and they can do with it what they see fit...

I have to say I respect Scawen & co for not allowing some of the negative comments from high profile members to rattle them as it might me...

Fantistic product great work Scawen, keep it up any way you like
with my full support.

My thoughts exactly!

Haven't been on S2 or forums in a long while (lifes pretty busy), but still have the odd race on some good gti severs in demo every once in a while. And when I do, I still get a kick out of LFS
S2 licensed
I love all the road class cars (UF1 - FZ5) and race them almost exlusively whenever I'm online, but that is getting less and less at the moment life's too busy .

Had some great races last weekend on SO Long Rev with the GTi and GT cars

Just to make a comment about the imbalances, sometimes its a good thing for example I was in a GTi but a sec or so off WR pace but Takumi was in a GT at WR pace so we had some great battles and close racing because of the imbalance in car performance, that wouldn't have happened with perfectly balanced cars

When I join servers with road going cars I generally race what the other guys are racing, unless I'm too far off pace , so if the majority are in GTT's with maybe a few less experienced guys in FXO's, I'll jump in a GTT also but if a few fast drivers connect and take the FXO I will also go for the FXO, as that is my car of choice at the moment. I have a sneaky feeling that that will most likely change with the next patch though
S2 licensed
Quote from axus :I'm going for a bit of LX6 at Aston GP!

Why drive the LX6 the LX8 makes the LX6 look sick, and don't mean in a good way
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I voted that AI would be valuable, because sometimes (and especially in some time zones) there are few human opponents online to race against.

I voted no for exactly the same reasons but from a different perspective Having good AI would give people an option which means there is even less chance of you finding people online in those times zones
S2 licensed
Um no, I think most people get better than that I do and I only have a nVidia 6600GT, Becky has 2x 6800GT's in SLi mode so she should get better than I

I can only replicate the type of octagonal wheels she and Bean0 get by raising "Dynamic LOD Reduction" otherwise they look round (no matter what distance or angle) So I have to guess that somehow LFS isn't recognising their cards full capabilities...
This could be a bug or it could just as likely be a driver installation has gone bad have heard/read of such instances having unusual effects before
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
I'm beggining to think it is some sort of bug :/ with LFS not recognising your graphics cards full capabilities...

Try installing LFS in a new folder and then run it. Also check all drivers are up to date and the latest version of directx is installed
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Do you still have the problem if you select a lower resolution? (1024x768 or 800x600)
S2 licensed
Under Misc options check your settings for multiplayer speed up particularly "dynamic LOD reduction" setting (0.00 is best, 1.00 is max dynamic LOD reduction)
S2 licensed
Which to do natively in LFS would require rendering to seperate windows like MS Flight Sim and Scawen has ruled that out for now... the method that other guy used can work but is no good for online multiplayer as you would need multiple accounts logged onto a server which isn't practicale...
S2 licensed
Quote from bez_bashni :yes - i 've seen it -but it renders wide view from one point - u cannot put one monitor in front of you and one left side one right side -they have to be in line to make normal picture. I sugessted to use 2 machines or more to render many monitors with fov and angle u want to set

Scawen has already indicated that doing a similar thing to MS Flight Sim, which can render seperate "windows" is way too much effort as it will require rewriting the entire LFS graphics engine...

Quote from Scawen :LFS supports multi screen using a single "surface" as excellently provided by Matrox Parhelia graphcs cards.

It does not support multi-screen with multiple video cards. This is hard to program, and is a bad idea for every single game manufacturer to have to do this individually, when a video card manufacturer can do this in its drivers and hardware, so solving it for all games at once.

S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I do have one annoying issue with the graphics though - my PC runs at 60% throttle to play LFS but cars in the near corners of my screen have octagonal wheels, i've dragged the LOD sliders right up - i'd like to disable the LOD effect completely.

Under Graphics options make sure "Simple wheels" is set to off or mirror and under Misc options check your settings for multiplayer speed up particularly "dynamic LOD reduction" setting (0.00 is best, 1.00 is max dynamic LOD reduction)

@ SamH in real life if you look into the distance you can see a slight bluring or washing out of distant objects (5-20km away) that is what the haze affect is replicating, its not trying too create fog and or smog
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Do a tracert test also... it may be a change in your routing (isp end) causing a problem.
S2 licensed
Quote from lalathegreat :Yea alot of the limitation in real life i realize were added for safety reasons.

I personally would love tinkering with engine setups but I have to agree with all those that say it is not good to overall racing. I would even infact like to see the ability to limit suspension/ gear ratios etc as a server side option for race serries or "race weekends"

As to limitations in race serries, it not just about saftey, infact I would say it less than 50% about safty and that limitations are imposed more to make the racing competitive. e.g. In the V8Supercars the whole serries is about creating an exciting but relatively equal field of cars creating some very close and hotly contested racing. Before this type of racing here in Australia they had Touring Cars but what happened with them is that one manufaturer would dominate for great lengths of time (years even decades) and that detracted from the racing (bit like F1 ) What they have created with the V8Supercar serries is great for the spectators and drivers alike, as it always gives great action on the track and gives each driver/team much more chance than they normally would have to do well, although at the end of the day the ones with the biggest budgets still tend to win most often, but not always .
S2 licensed
I mapped the clutch to a button on my controller right back in S1 days. I tried using the button clutch method for changing gears, but simply didn't like all the extra work in driving the car so hence never use the button manual clutch method to change gears. Now since S2 as far as I know the advantage of using a button clutch is nearly non existant anyway

But I still have a button mapped as the clutch and use it in a few circumstances, e.g. if you stuff the start and you realise you are bogging down abit, a quick tap of the clutch will get the wheels spinning again, preventing it from being a dismal start to being just a slightly below average start Another one is if you are unfortunate enough to get stuck in a sand trap it can help you get out...

P.s. I wasn't in anyway indicating that in real life a race driver would choose to do a clutchless shift well unless they had burnt out their clutch I was just indicating that it is possible
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Besides by the time S3 is out we will all have multiprocessor systems and there is no reason at all why LFS at that time couldn't take advanatge of that

processor 1 - main game engine
processor 2 - collision detection
processor 3 - main physics engine for your car
processor 4 - physics engine for oponents cars
processor 255 - ...
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I currently have 1280x960 and i'm going to raise it again soon purely for cosmetics, I was running at 1024x768 and to be honest there's no advantage other than prettyness. However there is a huge advantage to increasing your framerate as it helps you to control the wheelspin at the start of races.

Currently 1152x864x32 at 75 hertz.

Obviously frame rate is the most important issue for playability, but if your getting 80 - 100+ then I think higher resolution is an advantage as it enables you to see reference points on the track and the side of the track more clearly I certainly notice the difference between say 800x600 and 1152x864 but then I need glasses
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Now, if I could only get my boss to spring for a nice new TFT monitor for work........

Tell him it will save $$ a year when you factor in the difference in power consumption of the CRT and TFT and then the extra cooling costs the CRT requires (i.e. aircon working harder in summer) it should add up to abit at least it the basis of a good argument LOL then as the final ace up your sleve tell him that it can be claimed as a tax deduction
S2 licensed
What will they think of next in this fast food generation
S2 licensed
I had a few problems connecting to the master server a couple of hours ago too. Probably just a temporary glitch happens every now and again...
S2 licensed
Quote from xapexcivicx :You can't shift unless you use the clutch? What are you asking? lol

In real life you can shift without the clutch, you just have to match the engine rpm to the tailshaft rpm easy as that LOL
S2 licensed
Quote from Dupson :i play from time to time - demo fully suits me. I dont mind racing on the same track. Not everybody is a hardcore racer try to understand that.

I din't mean anything nasty was just having a laugh

I race demo fairly often too, and was just making a humorous comment about the difference between S2 servers and demo servers i.e. the number of people that don't think when they join the server mid race and drive out amoungst the race leaders

That's not to say you can't find good racing on demo servers, you can but there is generally less people that just drive out on the track and mess up a perfectly good race in S2 servers I guess my humour was just lost in translation sorry about that...
S2 licensed
Quote from Dupson : sorry i just hate when ppl dont THINK !

And you have been a demo racer since early 2004 you must be going crazy by now then illepall
S2 licensed
Great post Gunn

My interpretation has always been if I am lapping slower lapped traffic they should hold their line and allow me too pass by slowing on a straight section of track just enough for a safe pass, but at the same time avoid unexpected or erratic behaviour, if that stops me getting a new pb because I have to slow a little in the corner it doesn't bother me . If they are on the same lap as me I generally am dissapointed if they don't defend their position (by that I don't mean weaving from side to side though )

Quote from Gunn :The driver expects the slower car to stay close to the normal racing line, avoiding any sudden moves and allowing a safe and easy pass to occur. Able to predict where the flagged car will be allows the driver to overtake safely and without incident.

If I am being lapped then I try and allow a clean overtake by staying on my normal racing line but slowing alittle on a straight section (not a corner). If on the other hand I have joined part way through a race I give way well before the faster car is near me by pulling off the track or if it is an unfamiliar track/car combo will even pit (shift + S) well before the leaders are near me and will generally try stay on the opposite side of the curcuit in such circustances where I am warming up or learning the car/track combo .

Quote from Gunn :One type of driver judges the current situation in relation to safety, his own race position and battle, with consideration for the faster driver in accordance with the rules. He will allow the following car(s) a safe and easy pass at the first reasonable opportunity.