Based on that assumption I should be equalling or bettering the WR on some car track combos then I'll settle for just a 0.5 - 1.0 sec improvement, with better consistency
What it would do though probably is make me more comfortable with the SS and GTR classes which I've hardly touched at this point.
Was following your other thread about how terrible the FFB was and TBH was nearly turned off the idea of a wheel for ever
I've been using an xbox controller since the beggining with LFS, I've always known a wheel would be better, but hey I'm the king of procrastinators illepall
I do pretty well with the xbox controller but certainly can't keep up with some of my team mates :schwitzi.e. wgooden, modoff, aussie) but if I get a wheel
heh first I have to get a descent internet connetion thats supposed to happen tomorrow fingers crossed (been waiting a year living in the outback of Australia has some disadvantages ) and a wheel well maybe I can get one in April, with a good internet connection and your inspiring words I think I just might
Not all ISP's are equal as madcatz has mentioned... When you look for an ISP you need to ask some quite specific questions about things like their backbone bandwidth and connection type, what backup connections they have, how many (max users) users at a time can be connected to your access point, what is the backbone bandwidth from your access point to there main site/internet, etc etc... Just because you have a 2MBit connection to the access point doesn't mean that you have a 2MBit connection to the net, if they oversubscribe the service it will degrade
As an example - perhaps when they implemented it (the majority weren't using even 50% of there capacity), it was fine with the level of use at that time, but now the majority of people that connect are using there max capacity (thx's to P2P networks, popularity of downloading music and TV programmes expanding expometially) and now it is becoming apparent that the ratio of users is too high for there infrastructure, this can happen, and until they do some major upgrades to the backbone infrastructure you can expierience very poor performance during peek times
So what to do, call your ISP and talk to a tech and ask some pointed questions... if you don't get a satisfactory answer call other ISP's and ask the same questions of there tech staff, if you find one that has satisfactory answers, try and see a demonstration of there service then if all's ok change as a side note quite often ISP will have different levels of service, i.e. their cheap service will be oversubscribed, but they may have a premium service which garrantees a certain level of performance unfortenately you often get what you pay for...
Would like to agree with you Clownpaint but I can't
I'm a grip racer and that's all I ever disire to be but i think your comparing a high level of grip racing with a low level of drifting If you see some of the truely professional drifter's I don't think you could make that comment
My guess is it's the low speed grip issue of the tyres (i.e. the difference in speed between the inside and outside tyres)
Locked diff is the best for traction under acceleration and braking stability and therefore gives you confidence in the car, but it should have significant disadvantages in the entry and exit phases of the corner... currently it doesn't.
Also currently the clutch pack behaves a little odd under trail braking, where there is often a sudden drop in RPM which causes unexpected moments (this doesn't instill great confidence in the car )
So when you've got a choice of clutch pack that has odd behaviour, or locked diff that doesn't have the disadvantages it should the choice is simple... but I don't think it will remain this way indefinately.
It's a great idea imho As LFS becomes more and more popular it will be a service that is sorely needed, so establishing even more than one "training school" is worthwhile I think
Hmm it is probably not your firewall or settings but the college firewall and network setup I'd guess... I'd say if you really wanted to get a good connection to LFS through your college network your going to have to contact the college network admin and convince him to set QOS packet scheduling for LFS packets
But I'd say you need to look at getting a dedicated connection if possible
Are you guys using any wirless networking? There has been other threads with similar problems on wirless hubs check them out if so...
Also at least one of you have indicated you are on a university network, so therefore there is much that is out of your control (i.e. how many are online at one time, whether or not there is any problems within that network, or even the possibility that alot of other students are using P2P and IM software) also on a uni network it's quite likely they have Quality Of Service paket scheduling and maybe LFS pakets aren't getting high priority
From an MSDOS prompt type "ping" press enter. Do it a few times, do you get fast ping every time or is there some poor ones mixed in? Can also try "tracert" might help you identify the problem... take your computer to another location were there is a different broadband connection altogether and see if it behaves better, if it does it's something to do with the network your on
P.s. Not all claimed broadband is equal, cable broadband for example is shared bandwidth so can vary alot depending on demand, 2-way satalite is great for downloading surfing the net etc but abismale for online gaming (it has high latency and is also shared bandwidth), for online gaming you really need a broadband service that isn't shared and has low ping (ADSL, ADSL2, ISDN, and possibly new generation wireless connections to name some). For LFS if you are not hosting a server the actual bandwidth is not really that important, whats more important is the quality of service and low latency.
I think you did really well all things considered honest
There's just as many disrespectful grippers as there is disrespectful drifters in reality It's just the later probably sticks in the grippers mind more and vice versa
I very much agree and am previleged to race with one such individual, at least that I know of this guy I know is simply mind boggling in his drfting abliity (e.g. 360 and even 720 deg spins before entering a corner fully drifting and in 100% control for 2 laps without error) and then at the same time he has held a few WR's in grip racing so a true DaVinci and on top of that he is a true gentalmen, so he gets my greatest respect