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S2 licensed
My guess is (and it is only a guess ) that within the next 2 months we will see some compatible patches (i.e. no physics changes) and then in the 3 months or longer time frame we will see a major physics update I base this on what little I have read of the complexities of tyre physics and that is a very complex subject

Ps we might see an earlier physics update if it is dealing with the aero only but thats my guess, lets see who gets the closest
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :Seems like most of you doesn't agree with me.

These "I was hooked right away when I played the demo" examples are useless because we are all LFS fanboys. You forget that most the players who didn't hook up right away are not here to say that. There are lots of them (who play sims, not some stupid arcade lamers). I still think that there would be a concrete change in their opinion if they had a chance to test LFS with better cars, as they think the road cars in the demo are simulating driving on ice. Blah, I'll just keep repeating this...

Good point about the demo setups, though.

Which goes back to the tyre model still needs some tweaking and or better setups supplied with the demo If as has been metioned before the car feels right to prospective buyers they will want the faster cars as well and therefore buy the S2 license immediately but if they are left with some nagging doughts they will post pone there discision to buy..
Those of us who have bought it, have bought it because we are willing to look past the current flaws realising that the other aspects of the sim more than make up for it.. and see the ongoing development of the game as a major plus it can only get better..
S2 licensed
Quote from detail :I'm thinking about buying this lens. Wrote a question to the 3dlens guys. They sell 300x400mm lens!

They also sell different focal lenght lens for the same sizes, that maybe a consideration also.. keep us posted on what they say as I'm on the edge of ordering one myself - sounds worthwhile
S2 licensed
Quote from ysu :I vote (if it matters at all) for no more demo content
but the next patch with the AI fix, and tyre fix would be nice.

those who find the demo boring are cheapskates anyway. Those who're newcommers will find the ai unplayable and the online races dirty on demo servers.

These are the problems - IMHO - not the content. The content is generous for a demo.

:iagree: Most people I know (personally) who race or have raced in real life have negative comments about the known issues of AI awareness and the tyre situation not being quite right (i.e. recovery from spin and slow speed grip) they generally are very positive about all other aspects of the sim .. so getting the AI and tyre model up to a little higher level would do alot more for the sim than more content in the demo mode imo (and that is the course I believe the developers are going in anyways)

One idea that was mentioned earlier in the thread which I think would aid greatly in the maketing of the product is being able to view S2 content replays, even if it's only a selection of replays the developers choose
S2 licensed
Have any of you guys bothered to look at his LFS stats...
If you goto lfsworld and in Online Race Results type in V8-Supercar what do you see? Explain that to me..
As I said I could be totally wrong, but the bit about him having an S2 lic appears to be true, no? Or did he hack the lfsworld website... either way it requires further investigation.. and thats all I was initially trying to get people to see..
The other stuff well it just pisses me off when everyone jumps on a band wagon and sticks their boots in so I will just natually jump in a fight and defend the poor bastard
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Quote from nikimere :ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Funny s**t!! That V8 bloke is as close to Allan Grice as i am to Ayrton Senna!

1st of all he wont answer any of sinbads questions about his races
2nd he cant even spell or string a sentance together!

May i ask what the hell all the talk about a hacker is? Did i miss something?

I can totally understand why Victor won't listen to you, he's not actually going to listen to anyone who pretends to be someone they're not and someone who doesn't have a clue what they're talking about!

p.s. It's good to see Jean Alesi plays LFS

Well thats exactly what I'm talking about.. I've known several highly sucessful people in life (i.e. multi-millionaires or achieved great things) who are iliterate, but it din't stop them because its about heart not brain..
Over the years I've seen many unemployed university grads (all brains and no heart) and many a battler who has started with pretty much nothing and built an empire you should study history a bit closer my friends and don't be so quick to judge a book by it cover..

Just because someone isn't as articulant as you doesn't mean they are inferior, I think you will find for example it's mostly those that have vision and heart (not nescisarrily the paper qualifications) that employ the guys with degree's in life. I could be totally wrong about this guy but so could you, and thats all I'm trying to convey...
S2 licensed
you could always set up a server "Clean Racing (No wankers!)" seen one like that once before maybe that would work oh but that would exlude the majority of the male population
S2 licensed
Quote from CrazyICE :and if he is really Allan Grice, he managed it to be unreliable because of some statements in this thread...
if he like to change something, there are other and better ways to so so...
why not visiting some of the devs or joining some international meetings where the devs are present...
i think he got the money to do a trip to europe, if it is really such a big thing for him...

Vykos for example is a big name in LFS, but why? because he did something for that.
only shouting and whining is the wrong way...

that's my opinion......

And your entitled to your opinions, but don't try to judge and conform everyone into how you think they should be...
We are all individuals and therefore have different strengths and weaknesses (no matter who we are)..
If you dismiss people on that basis, then your going to miss out on getting to know some great characters in the world, sometimes you need to walk a mile in others shoes to understand how they behave and react and that only comes from exposing yourself to many life experiences..
One thing I've learned is never assume anything, because assumption will generally make an ass out of you
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :I'm well aware the V8 Ute series is commonly known as V8Brutes but just to be technically correct I gave the exact name from the website. See where it says: Yokohama V8 Ute Racing Series? and also the name of the website, so I seriously doubt Allan Grice would completely refute the existence of a category called V8 Utes, a series in which he actually participated this weekend.

Read his posts again, why the heck would Allan Grice (I'm well aware of who he is and his legendary status) post things like that out of the blue, to get attention?

You can believe this guy if you want, maybe you "dinkum" Aussies are more naive folk than the rest of us. The internet is full of mysterious and fraudulent folk, take care if a Nigerian Banker sends you an email sometime soon.

PS Je m'appelle Jean Alesi et je pense que LFS est fantastique! Au-Revoir!

EDIT: IF he has indeed got a legitimate S2 license (it would be the first instance I know of the licensed status being incorrectly shown in these forums, then I apologise for questioning that, maybe it's something Victor could look at and fix, for there is something wrong somewhere).

Call me naive if you like but I do generally give people the benifit of the doubt, unless there is irrefutable evidence suggesting otherwise. And I have been around the block once or twice so am well aware of the scammers that are out there, and have had my fair share of skirmishes with them

But I don't let that blind me to the possability that the next person or oportunity that comes along is nessecarily a scam also.. I think this guys claims are worth further investigation..

If someone hacked your account I think you would let your thoughts be known too, I think he is very frustrated with the whole situation and that's why he was seeking attention.. and as for famous people using their name to get attention, it happens all the time just watch the news...

Anyway thanks for your mature response I'm not really wanting to make this a further animated discussion I just wanted to make a point that this should be investigated further..
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :mind telling the real story?
as the saying goes, one lie leads to another

and if you've ever read the scarlet letter you must understand the concept of effects of sin now too

Man you guys are quick to jump to conclusions the guy could be on the level for all you know and fancy all you peeps from other countries judging if he is a dinkum aussie or not illepall just how many aussie's do you know in person to make such judgements..

I just did a quick search of V8-Supercars online race history and that part of his story checks out! S2 alpha was released on the 25th June 2005, V8-Supercar was online that night using s1 cars and tracks (BTW so was I the first day because I wanted to compare the physics of S2 with the cars and tracks I was familiar from S1) then on the 26th June he made his first foray into the S2 cars and tracks check and see for yourselves.. (certainly to soon after release to suspect hacking or other chinanigans) so IMHO he must have had S2 as he claims!

And if he wasn't lying about that then he probably wasn't lying about the rest.. also the way that I read what he had to say he never said he didnt race other cars besides V8-Supercars or if he still currently raced, what he did refute was that the V8-BrUtes as we aussies know they are called aren't referred to as V8-Utes we drive V8-Utes for work but they race V8-BrUtes, but only aussies are likely to pick that up also.. anyway how'd you feel if you learned you showed so much disrespect to a true legend just because you were too lazy to do a bit of research before you let off your mouth If this sounds a bit harsh, it's because it is, I know and respect most of you guys and think more of you than this...
S2 licensed
sounds wiered m8 :S only think i can suggest is the normal routine stuff..
check the bios is the most current for your motherboard and make sure you have all the latest drivers also search the tech support sections of Windows ME, motherboard and the wheel manufacturer for any known issues.. oh one other thing comes to mind, have u used the usb port before? if u haven't maybe they got the connectors mixed up or something when assembling your pc..
S2 licensed
Mm true, but in what way are we simulating racing when we do this although if the smash repair bills weren't so high I'm sure some real life drivers would do the same especially if someone had taken them out with some dumb ass high risk manouver LOL
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Yep please leave that behaviour behind in demo mode illepall I go online in S2 to escape that sort of attitude.. Racing servers are for racing, join a contact server for smashing there's a time and place for everything...
BTW does anyone play Cops an Robbers anymore? haven't seen it played since S1 days.. its a contact sport with skill
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Wow I was seriously considering making a home made LCD projector, but having seen this I've changed my mind for US$28.50 I think its definately worth a try.. and how about a setup like this with dual screens
S2 licensed
Mm and thats exactly the point m8 it's a little too challenging takes way too much out of me (fo8 in general) I'll leave it to you younger guys.. I'm much more at home in the cars from FZ5 and down
S2 licensed
I see the humor in it, but im not rolling on the floor laughing its just a fact of life as u get older ur reflexes wont be the same but some peoples reflexes where never any good to start with
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
In no particular order

FZ5 @ AS National
FOX @ AS Historic and Koyoto GP
FXO @ any of the SO tracks
UF1 @ AS Club
FZ5 or FXO @ WE Int.
I'm with Bob on the MRT @ autocross circuits can be a blast
S2 licensed
U guys that dont get it are obviously not old enough Being of the older variety id have to say i avoid the gtr's and fo8 simply cause it takes too much out of me even fox is a stretch for me lol
Last edited by B2B@300, .
S2 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :When I come across the occasional wrecker, I even challenge them. Theres nothing better (or 1337er, j0!!!one1) than winning a 8 lap race with a wrecker trying to exclusively wreck you

Still, most wreckers get fed up with this after one or two races and start again to wreck everyone else. Thats the point when I strike back and try to block the wrecker, allowing the others to race as cleanly as possible. Quite fun

is that a variation of the game we all used to play back in s1 when bored (Cops and Robbers) but this one is called Wreckers and Dodgers
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :i havent seen this in s2. i was gangbanged by a team once but i assumed all the bumping was not on purpose.

one time in the demo though, a bunch of wreckers made a baricade at turn one, and would use attack formations on me... made for an interesting race since they were too slow to keep up with me.

LOL im with u there i see wreckers as a simply moving chicanes
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :I've been thinking of doing this :-

in my spare room

but cheap, working, 15" tft's are hard to come by.

The results look really impressive though.

Anyone tried it ?

Mmm that looks very interesting will give that some serious considertation
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Like this? Pony up $40,000 and it's yours

one of there main selling points on the website is its low cost well if i had 40k sitting around

Mm I wonder if I attached a fisheye lens to a projector
S2 licensed
Quote from Doorman :Spring chicken. You ain't nowhere near.

Man your the same age as my old man, he's got LFS also but no matter how much I try I can't get him online guess I've scared him off I think he thinks 99% of online racers are at my level but the truth is probably more like he is a good driver in real life (won alot of local speedway chapionchips in his day ) and sims don't do him justice but I still think he would make a great contribution to the LFS community at 64
S2 licensed
Quote from Lola Popeye :maybe we can hijack a cinema? stuff 50", 5000"!

Yeah the omni theartre here in Perth would be awsome surround 3d screen with mega sound system sure they wont mind
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I've been thinking about getting an XGA projector instead of a monitor when I next upgrade, for similar reasons. Ooh, actually, two projectors would solve the "LFS on two monitors is crap because of the line down the middle" problem!

What a brilliant idea! Now if u could get the projectors to project the image undistorted onto a curved sureface :lovies3d: