Looking at Don's BF1 slowmo video of a South City Long WR lap, it doesn't look off at all. Not saying that you're wrong or anything, but it looks quite realistic to me in that specific video.
I'd recommend 1280x960 with 2XAA and 16XAF. My 9800 Pro could handle that very well, and the image was nice and sharp. I don't really like too much anti-aliasing, it blurs the image too much.
You could always ask for someone who understands both English and [insert your language here] to do a quick and dirty translation. Or even a good translation, and then release it to the public
You don't need to "log in" unless you have a license. At least according to the forum software you're a demo user, so you don't have to worry about this.
A few weeks back I didn't notice I had no FF because I had accidentally disconnected my wheel PSU. I played for around 30 minutes until I realised the reason for that somewhat "iffy" steering feel.
Well, yes. I think it's in the view options, and the option name is pretty much self-explanatory. Sorry for not bothering to fire up LFS to give more specific instructions.
Can't see the need for another modern single seater, maybe some 1930's to 1960's GP cars would be nice though. Indy/Champ cars have been suggested before I think, probably in the correct forum as well