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Oh god OP suggested an option to choose between real time speed and measured speed from transmission (like in most cars) and for no reason whatsoever this thread turned in to a "war" of how speed is measured and showed.

Funny thing here is that most of you are telling the same thing but only think that the other guy is telling the opposite because you simply didn't read the guys post with any thought.
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :What the ****.

Didn't you see those ears? They're huge.
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S2 licensed
I remember an episode of two and a half men where he explains how he hates the ears of older woman, because they never stop growing so they get big.

I guess that has gotten the better of him too.
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :Cod is dead as of today.

It's a crime if they aren't going to include a coop / lan option for the campaign. Looks great but a good campaign is just something way more when played with a friend.
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For me those "symptoms" sound similar to what I experience when I haven't had good night sleep or there is some other reason for being tired.

If I haven't got enough sleep the night before it's hard to concentrate and driving becomes somewhat sleep like. I may be able to drive somewhat competitively for an hour but the performance isn't good as it should and I tend to easily make mistakes. But when I'm not tired and I'm in the right driving mood I can keep racing for pretty much endless amount of hours without any problems. I may start to feel a bit tired at some point but it's different and doesn't make me loose my concentration.

Are you sure you just simply are sleeping enough at nights? Driving sims usually require huge amounts of concentration and at least for me I really need the good amount of sleep per night to be able to concentrate properly.
Last edited by BigPeBe, .
S2 licensed
Hah. Yeah everyone has their own taste and it's a good thing so everyone doesn't do / have all the same things.
I myself don't really like angel eyes and stuff like that and in the right car really like the look of yellow indicators. Tho most of the cars they fit really good are the older ones.
S2 licensed
Nah he actually buys his computers and stuff from the flea market so I don't think he's going to invest that much. At least not if he's not gonna find a working mac from the flea market.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :That's just the default setup of firefox.. no?

I have a friend who's Firefox looks like that. And IE also. Once I uninstalled all those toolbars and apps for him but when I visited him month later it looked like that again.
S2 licensed

Watch from 0:50 onwards. BTW I would love some subtitles on that...
S2 licensed
lol that reminded me of the RUFs. When you open the data for them it says they have a flathead engine.
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Quote from mrodgers :Really? Now I'm so jealous. Because of LFS having this feature, I'm ruined from the majority of racing games out there because most are a 100% locked camera. I'd love for the head to turn when turning on the XBox. Not sure if it does with a wheel, but it definitely doesn't with a controller.

Camera movement kills connection to the car. It feels like you are moving unattached from the car or something other weird. It just doesn't feel right and it makes it really hard to concentrate and know where the car is actually going.
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :
It's the same things with the Physics. I had a play with the settings, and after I done that, I found them much better. I can drift (And yes, they are hard to catch, but it is possible.), I can light up the rear tyres of my Mustang with ease and pour smoke everywhere. I get lift off oversteer in my Alfa Romeo Mito. My Lotus Espirit is twitchy as hell in corners, constantly transitioning between understeer and oversteer (All common characteristics of an old mid engine sports car, some would say?). Gravity is much better, as the cars are much less prone to launch into the air with the slightest of humps. These are all things that TDU1 did not have. Sure, the Physics are not the best, but what do you expect from a game that is made for people of all ages to play?

These all things were in TDU1 hardcore mode as well. Only there was actually some kind of a grip level what you could feel and the FFB told you when car started to slide. In TDU2 it is actually impossible to drive on the limit because there is no clear limit at all. I feel like drifting is pre-animated for all cars, not a result of physics calculation of any kind. If you launch your cars burning rubber all cars tend to always recreate the same pre-animated events determined for the current car. Only aspect what is better physics wise is that cars don't "float" anymore.

The annoying camera movement is what happens when you turn the wheel. Head automatically turns to the direction you are turning. Best would be a 100% locked camera. I also noticed that when speed increases the cars start to shake. This is very noticeable at bumper cam, but not in hood cam. When using hood cam the camera doesn't shake with the car, but you can see the bonnet of the car doing a little shaking.


Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Anyone doubting the sounds on this game should take a look at this...

The actual samples of the engine aren't bad, but again this features the unrealistic and annoying gearbox sounds.

Oh also forgot to mention one more thing I noticed, when I got to drive the Lotus Esprit it also has wrong sounds. It has a 4-cylinder engine but the sounds are from a straight-6.
Last edited by BigPeBe, .
S2 licensed
Oh god you got me there.
S2 licensed
Nah engine sucks, carbs just allow air to go through and use the airflow and negative pressure to deliver fuel.

Sorry if this is getting OT.
S2 licensed
Yeah your comment made me assume you meant that they suck at everything besides top rpm power. Injection is simply easier and there are reasons why carbs can't be as economical (overrun fuel cutoff etc.) so I agree on that part. But as a guy who gives a rats ass about fuel economy I just love the old skool engineering.
S2 licensed
Sorry but the biggest reason why people thinks that carb's are sucky and annoying to drive is that there is too much cars around what have old worn out carbs and wrong jetting etc. Carbs what are in good nick / right spec for the actual motor they are attached to and have been tuned properly work beautifully through RPM range and at different loads.
S2 licensed
Before clutch heat was introduced in LFS I used to launch XRT in a similar manner. By hand I held the handbrake on and carefully started to use throttle and release clutch so before lights went green I had full boost and good rpm for launch and just released clutch and handbrake at same time. Of course this is not anymore possible because it would make the clutch unusable.

And the ability to make boost before accelerating out of corners of course is car related, some cars pick spool up faster than others so it's not exactly unrealistic if it's hard. Tho I have to say when I race TBO (usually XRT) I don't have problems picking up boost. Good gearing + right driving style works. I always aim for the earliest possible accelerate out of corner so I apply full throttle quite early.
S2 licensed
Quote from Nadeo4441 :Well, I cant feel any FF, it just doesn't work. TDU1 actually had nice force feedback, it was driveable. Aside from that, the game is crap.

From windows game controllers I added some spring and damper effect for G25 (usually they are at zero for me) and checked the allow game to adjust settings. With these settings there were some FFB but still it was pointless.

Quote from Rappa Z :IMO the only huge problem with TDU1 was the awful roads. While they managhed to fix that, they screwed up everything else.

Gotta agree with you.
S2 licensed
Oh god this game is such a pain in the ass. Just tested it today. First of all the graphics aren't that good, they are ok, tho AA and AF don't seem to work, everything is blurry. Good thing I can force them from drivers. Also even if my FPS performance doesn't seem that poor everything feels very jerky.
Overall it probably took me 2 hours to get the controllers configured. There doesn't seem to be any option that would make the steering 100% linear without any deadzone. Brake and clutch are pretty much on/off no matter what you do. Using clutch in the Lancia Delta is quite funny actually since it always stalls when I take off, but it doesn't matter the car keeps going anyway lol. Also, whatthehell, this Lancia with it's turbo 4-pot engine has the sound of a V8, they just have tried to mix it somehow to make it sound like a 4-cylinder, doesn't work, it simply isn't possible to take a sample of a cross-plane crankshaft V8 and make it sound like 4-cylinder. Also most of the cars seem to feature this gear whine from a racing gearbox with straight cut gears, it just sounds stupid and even worse is the annoying "clonk" what I hear when changing gears.

Back to the controllers, I can get the FFB work, kinda. It is there but it doesn't seem to be logical in any way, it doesn't tell anything about what the car is doing, under or oversteer. Seems like it's only a pointless effect.
Car handling is weird, car is basically just a box what is animated to go where driver tells it to go.

Incar view is annoying, camera keeps turning and moving annoyingly, bonnet or bumper cams are better but even those keep shaking a bit constantly which is annoying also. And there is also this annoying speed blur...

I actually started a fresh save, but all this unskibbable cutscene crap with all this lifestyle fashion etc. faggotry pushed me to the edge of rage. Finally when I got to test drive this old Lotus Esprit at the used car dealership I didn't get much time. A very DELIGHTFUL blue screen of death appeared.
Now I decided to search for a save and one was found, so I downloaded a "cheat" save with lots of money, both islands etc. Now I can finally configure the game and test drive it in peace. Oh well it didn't change my opinion much since driving yet didn't feel in any way enjoyable. I drove an old Ferrari 308 and then went to the RUF dealership and got me a "Porsche". Assigned myself a GPS target to the other edge of the map so I could just try to get in to the driving stuff. Well I drove maybe for 1 minute and then while browsing menus it BSOD'd again.
I'm failing to get the point of this game, it doesn't give the player driving pleasure of any kind. This is a driving game so I think driving pleasure is the most important aspect of gameplay.

DON'T PAY FOR THIS CRAP. At least not yet because the game isn't ready yet.

I'm gonna let it sit in my HD for a while and if they release some patches I might give this product a second change.

-EDIT- Forgot to mention, it seems that there is one thing that has improved from TDU1. Traffic cars don't anymore spawn in front of you, so now you can actually check the road before overtaking if there is room or not.
Last edited by BigPeBe, .
S2 licensed
I found this tutorial about TDU2 controller settings, maybe someone will find it useful?
S2 licensed
The fact is that depending on engine and the oil it had inside you could run the engine without oil even for few hours before it destroys itself. Oil tends to leave a greasy thin coating on everywhere it touches and it takes some time before this "oil skin" (how should I call it in English really?) wears out. After this little oil is gone the parts start to wear and heat and after some driving, something(s) breaks. Most probably you won't be able to break the engine in few minutes.

But yes the 3-months thingy sounds really exaggerated. Maybe he only drove it twice during that time, dunno.

And about the original topic. I think that if you want to buy old car for cheap, it's not the most important thing to get the car what you think is the most reliable one, if it's old it's most important to properly check the car before buying. Old cars can brake pretty much from everywhere, but if the car has a history of good maintaining etc. it can be really reliable.
Last edited by BigPeBe, .
S2 licensed
Quote from RevengeR :I don't think they will release anything that would make it better. They never did in TDU1 at least.

They released some patches, but I can't remember what they fixed actually.
S2 licensed
Oh god reading the latest posts here are making me really hope they're gonna release some patches soon to fix this game, otherwise it seems only to be a useless fill of HD space.
S2 licensed
Thanks for the upload, much easier for everyone now.