Ok they don't work for me either after clearing browsing history. Seems the only reason I could get the IMG tags to work was because my browser already had downloaded the images.
This of course is case sensitive, but I think mostly it isn't like this. Even old engines run much longer than modern ones. All these "green" regulations that keep tightening force manufacturers to make ridiculously sensitive engines with really tight tolerances and to use more different sensors to measure different things, modern engines tend to be much more sensitive for any kind of wear.
Even if you go thru some kind of a car mechanic education they will most likely tell you that modern engines start loosing power much more early and will stop working more easily too and the reason is that regulations keep tightening and tightening.
The most durable engines maybe were made somewhere around 80's or before middle 90's.
But on some level I agree, when you go way back, like 50's or 60's engine failures were very common for many reasons and car manufacturers often even offered engine changes as a part of their mileage / Km based service program. Most materials especially seals weren't as good and one thing what makes a big difference I think is that oils weren't anything as good as they are now or even were on 80's.
Ugh, maybe I could actually answer for the original poll too...
Stopped by police. Few times yes, tho they usually are routine stops, never have gotten me a ticket or a warning. I think it actually has been couple of years since the last I time I got stopped.
Use mobile when driving. I have used on some rare occasions, but it's rare. Usually if I really need to use the phone I just stop, I really don't like talking to the phone while driving.
Driven the wrong way down a one-way-street. Once, I'm a bit ashamed to admit this but oh well... I once did this by accident, it was a very short straight to parking area and the one way street sign was quite hidden if I remember correctly... Only realized this afterwards.
Take risks (overtaking, fast acceleration). Well, yes. When I'm driving a nice windy road I like to enjoy my drive and my driving style can be very spirited. If someone is driving slower than me in front of me, I'm going to overtake as soon as there is proper opening. And usually when I accelerate, overtaking or just to a speed I like to floor it. Tho the risky part is a bit of a gray area, I don't overtake if there is no room or I can't see if there is any so what you consider risky is up to you. I simply enjoy the spirited drive and "common hooliganism".
Suffer road rage. Well I used to a bit when I was younger but I have calmed down. I somewhat even might enjoy the slower drivers because that just gives me a reason floor it some again. But it doesn't stop me from giving the occasional honk if the driver seems very slow or incompetent in some other way.
Speeding. Yes, during the so called boring drive I usually keep constant 5-10 km/h+. But I also might drive slower than the limit asks if the conditions seem so. And when I'm doing the so called spirited drive my speed isn't determined by limits, I drive the speed what conditions allow and what I feel like.
Scare others while driving. Sometimes, but usually if I have a passenger with me and we're just going from a to b, then not. But if I pick up a friend as a passenger and we have agreed to go to our local little rally special stage, then yes. Also depends on the passenger. One of my friends tend to comment the usual "I'm shitting my pants here" but still he enjoys it, when I'm as passenger and his driving I actually might get a bit scared also. But still I keep smiling... Then there is this one "special case" who doesn't even own a car, sometimes we just can't fight the urge of making him shit scared since the expressions on him are always very hilarious.
Attempts to pass driving test 1.
Number of prangs (i.e. Collisions/crashes) in the past 12 months. None. How you can actually vote for this??
Sim/non-sim racer before getting a driving license. I was a sim racer before getting my license, but after getting a license also the amount of sim racing has grown. Also, how you should vote for this it's a bit confusing, if you vote are you voting for being a sim racer or not lol??
Years driven 4.
Yeah that's the way they used to teach in Finland too years back. Nowadays they teach that 9 to 15 is best, but at least when I was at driving school or doing my test it was enough that both hands actually were touching the wheel.
I have turned to using the 9 to 15 only because it simply feels best and gives the most precise and fastest steering wheel control when "dicking around" be it IRL or sim racing.
TBH I don't know anyone who drives constantly hands at 9 to 15 position. You just can't keep your hands like that when doing a boring drive from a to b, especially if it's a long trip. Don't even think it's such important for safety. You only need it if you encounter something dangerous and surprising, but I think reaction time plays the main role here. From people I know I think I use the 9 to 15 position most tho, but it changes a lot during a boring drive. I only really use 9 to 15 really when doing a spirited drive...
Is there actually any good snow tires available in the US? Because I find it weird that many Americans seem to think that you need 4wd during winter. I drive old RWD car with open diff and even the old stud tires are maybe just mediocre but I never have any problems. I remember one time this winter I got stuck but that was just my own stupidness backing in to high snow bank what I couldn't see...
Well maybe my sense of humor is very childish but I laughed at that video.
It's like a very exaggerated version of my own and my friends experiences of too much alcohol too quickly.
Ah how many times I have seen the discussion about car insurances over here but still I'm always as stunned reading those high prices people have to pay. Also, contributing again.
In Finland it doesn't matter who owns the car, only the car itself. I pay about 500 euros per year for my car insurance and I think it's even a bit on the expensive side. And my car is old RWD car with 2.0 engine...
TBH I can't see how someone could think that the engine sounds in old S1 were better. As a guy who is quite passionate about engine sounds I find this even a bit frightening. Engine sounds in S1 sound very synthesized. S2 has a lot more natural sound, few cars like XFG and XRG may sound very muffled, but it can easily be fixed with some proper .eng tweaking. In S2 only cars what really seem to suffer from synth like sounds are the boxer engined ones.
Tho even after writing this I just have to admit it's a matter of a taste what you like. Still I think I can say that the new sounds are much more closer to reality.
Not for me. I'm into "old skool". Or if not historic racing then more "down to earth" engineering. Cars in iRacing present modern racing, I find cars like these without a soul, they're maybe fast and adrenalin pumping but at the same time very sterile and uninspiring.
Gotta admit iRacing looks and sounds really good (also physics wise) in videos. But one reason I haven't even tried it out is that at least currently it's very "Americanish". There's no interesting cars for me especially because I can drive old historic racers in rFactor.
If they ever end up making cars what interest me I bet I could even get addicted in to it.
Goddamn snow on airfilter. I also have to constantly keep brushing snow off from airfilter because the Cossie style bonnet has an airvent just above it.
Oh BTW I still want to see the stuff under the bonnet.
Hah went to see a friend yesterday and we played a bit this. Was quite funny to hear him make a very loud man-scream. Actually quite a few of them. His neighbors must think he runs some kind of a torturing chamber there.
Ah this is so nice, I was maybe 16 or so when this was released, I was only a demo user then but really enjoyed online racing still.
No wonder this got me into drifting since the physics seem to be just for it + the 45 degrees of lock. With proper FFB the car practically recovers itself it's almost impossible to spin!
Oh and if anyone is wondering why there is no proper HD resolution in the game options, it's no problem. Just open cfg.txt with notepad and find the line "Screen Info 1 0 XXXX YYY" and write your desired resolution there. I myself at least got widescreen resolution 1360x768 to work with "Screen Info 1 0 1360 768".
TBH there is no such problem in rF. It was a popular complaint about rF when it was new and people maybe weren't yet able to produce good physics and there were no good FFB available.
Nowadays if you configure rF properly and get a really good mod it is as good to drive as LFS is.
I myself am waiting for rF2 and hoping it will get some real good mods some day too. But I'm not really that hyped because currently HGTTC V2 and Targa Florio are coming in to rF1.
Like I said in the post, it works as a handbrake. Nowadays it has become it's only job. When I was younger I used to play all kinds of flying sims too, but I never got in to them in the way I have done with sim racing.