The reason why the more powerful cars didn't have a proper diff is because the Ferrari alikes and others had much more grip too (power versus grip like I was talking about).
Torque or power it doesn't really matter which term you want to use, you are still basically talking about how much force there is to brake traction.
There's no line in the physics file what would have anything to do with the diff, but it was simply the amount of power / grip what defined how the diff worked. Less traction = "tighter" lock. Maybe the duke then was powerful enough, shame I don't have GTA installed now so can't go and test it.
Actually IIRC none of the original cars had properly locking diffs, but if you modified the physics and gave enough power the car would get two wheels spinning too.
I dunno what kind of car he has, but FWD cars usually have the gearbox under the bonnet, on either side of the engine. On my friends 205 GTi the gear linkage is very visible and I bet many other FWD cars have the linkages on the open like it has too. Of course you can't usually see if the gear physically engages inside tho. But it's not bad idea to see if the linkage moves normally or not.
Nice. I admit I like how you can get these things to go with relatively little modifications. 6 pots and decent amount of boost + good tune will get you quite far.
Still going to stick with my puny 4-pot tho.
This one looks like it's the USA model, Merkur XR4Ti. Very similar to the European Sierra XR4i, but different engine (turbo US Pinto). The legendary whaletale Cossie you guys are talking about, was made from the mk1 Sierra. Mk2 had a Cossie too, but this is the more conservative looking 4-door Sapphire, a "Taxi-Cossie" as we Finns call it.
Oh and about Eclipsed mentioning the word "coupe", Sierra's never were coupe, just hatchbacks. The styling of the 3dr just seem to make people describe it as a coupe.
I won't be swapping the head, just don't see much point in it. However I'm planning on building a 2.0 Pinto with a little more poke. But this is only happening if I have any money and energy left after my main project car is ready for the hoonings of summer 2013.