Just played this thru. Man this is awesome! Every settings on max, 1400x1050 4xAA & 16xAF and it runs nicely, average FPS is perfect, some random FPS drops in scenes with lot activity, but nothing bad.
Combat seems to be a lot more enjoyable than in the original Fear, somehow I found fighting in it a bit of a pain in the ass but this is nothing like it.
Graphics are nice, more colorful world is big improvement.
And the most important part with this game, yes it was friggin scary. The school scene made me really jumpy and made me think about hitting the Esc and exiting game.
Tho I'm not sure if I like the "widescreen effect" what adds black lines to my screen to make it widescreen.
Also I think that noise effect shouldn't be that strong.
I gotta show this to my friend, who is known for being easily scared. I remember in Doom 3 when the first zombies came he actually closed his eyes because he was too scared.
BTW you can get rid of that shaking head thingie, it's called "CockpitVibrationMag" and it's value is in cocpitinfo.ini file for each car. If you wan't to disable it for ie. Niels Corvette, the file is called C6_Cockpitinfo.ini and C6_Z06_Cockpitinfo.ini and they are located in ...rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\Chevrolet\CORVETTEC6. Just set the value to zero.
Also you can disable all head movement by modifying your .plr file, ie. my username in rF is "PePe" and the file is ...UserData\PePe\PePe.PLR and if I remember correctly the values are under section called [ Graphic Options ] and they are the following:
Cockpit Vibration Mult1
Cockpit Vibration Freq1
Cockpit Vibration Mult2
Cockpit Vibration Freq2
Just set the values to zero and your done. But remember this stops all movement, so there's no "g-forces" anymore but I think it's best when the camera is stationary.
Tho I'm sorry I can't help you in your actual problem.
Not if you cheat and download 100% savegame with loads of money.
The hardcore mode is only reason I have TDU, the campaign is rubbish so I did it like that.
Hmmm, that's not actually intro from the game I was talking about. I thought that was it's name and I know that it was labeled by Ubisoft. It was very similar at least the incar cam was but it was a bit more modern I think. IIRC it's intro only featured a formula driver walking or something. It also didn't have license for real F1 teams so the cars colours weren't like IRL and it also featured a game mod with some like 1950's Formulas.
Maybe there were something like Formula 1 Racing Simulator 2 or similar then?
Not sure if it was that but very similar at least.
Then to the list, it's very hard remember all and they may even not be in correct order but I'll try.
On PC:
Accolade's Grand Prix Circuit (Best menu music ever)
Accolade's The Cycles (Best intro music ever) Stuns (I actually have this on my PC currently, for the nostalgia)
Then was some Formula game, probably Indy 500 or Formula One Grand Prix, can't remember it properly because my dad uninstalled it immediately after first test because it made a horrible big sound from our pc speaker.
These three were the racing games when I was really a little boy and we used to play these with my cousins.
Then the next would maybe be
Need For Speed 3 Hot Pursuit.
Tommi Mäkinen Rally, very much like Network Q RAC Rally, tho the Network Q RAC Rally was better but my cousin owned it so I only played it during visiting there.
If I remember correctly this was when I got my first wheel, some piece of crap AXXO-wheel with PC-Port connector. Racing Simulation: Monaco Grand Prix 2
Colin Mcrae Rally 1
It is quite shady when I got my first console, but I used to play CMR2 NFS5 and after that I got PS2 and played CMR3 and GT4 and Ford Racing 2 maybe.
Consoles weren't my thing so back to the PC games:
Need For Speed 4 High Stakes
Need For Speed 5 Porsche 2000 / Unleashed
Rally Trophy
Papyrys Nascar 2003
Richard Burns Rally
Then it was time for trying out different ISI game's demos and I first ended up with GTL and then with rF.
Live For Speed was maybe somewhere between RBR and ISI games.
No. IRL there are many types of limiters and the most common isn't like this, usually limiters cut the ignition but keep giving fuel to the engine, thus the banging "effect". Some limiters limit petrol flow, some cut ignition and some do both.
Basically purely overtaking from outside is impossible if the guy in front of you is a good driver. You have to find other tactics if the guy is defensive and will always get to the inside line. Usually when you follow someone for a long time he will get nervous and try to brake late etc. Usually when someone brakes really late and hits the inside he isn't able to get out of the corner as fast as he "should". Get him late brake, but instead of braking late yourself brake in the "perfect" place and take very aggressive line and get out of the corner fast, meaning that you will have the accelerator fully pressed way before than he has. Your "begin" in the corner is alot slower but you will be able to get on side of him in the straight after the corner and then try to take the inside line and get past him nicely.
Don't try to get the inside in every corner, you can use one corner to "prepare" the maneuver for the next corner.
Dunno if anyone can actually tell what I was writing here.
Yeah I was talking about GT5. In rF the damage is quite good actually, doesn't look that spectacular but ie. in HistoriX mod if I crash into barrier with my front tire or something with my BDA Escort I'm done, cars front suspension is usually totaled after that. Of course this again depends from the mod.
I have to agree that video looked a lot better than what I've seen about GT5 before. Few times it made me felt that the car didn't go like it should but it looked really enjoyable with G25. Tho it's a shame that they didn't include properly turning steering wheel in the in car view and they should really fix that horrible skidding sound. Hopefully they will include damage too in the final version. Oh well it's not like I will own a PS3 ever anyway.
Arabic drifting is for suicidal morons, like arabs. It's concept is basically to drive idiotically and out of control in straight road where other idiots are standing by the road and waiting to get hit by the car what is controlled or not that much controlled by an idiot. Oh and usually the car is filled with idiotic passengers too.
You get points by how many idiots you bowl down during crashing the car.
Interesting how people bother to argue so much about things like this.
May I add a one spoon more to the soup and tell my views now?
I don't really have telemetry or anything real physical facts, but this is how I judge these games.
I sometimes take my own car for a spin and go nuts in gravel/snow/asphalt IRL and basically a game what feels most like same than this is the best for me. I'm using G25.
LFS is very good, I can feel the weight of the car, it tells me the same things thru steering wheel than my car does IRL. RWD cars do all logically how they should and I'm really connected to the car.
Basic RWD cars are easy to control like IRL. Tho not too easy.
rFactor is very good also. It took me many years to finally realise that, I hated rF before because I just couldn't configure controls, FFB and the car itself properly and actually it was Niel's Corvette what was the first mod with proper physics I think.
IE. the RWD Fords in HistoriX mod really feel good, FFB is just like in LFS and I feel connected to the cars and they do things like they should IRL. I don't even seem to get that "spin of death" or whatsoever. LFS feels a just bit more connected, somehow in rF cars feel a bit lighter but it's still very good.
Basic RWD cars are easy to control like IRL. Tho not too easy.
GT5, well I haven't played it. If I would own a PS3 I would probably get it, for some light fun, but not for a serious sim. I hope I can test this game someday.
Looking a video isn't the best way to judge, but for what I have seen the cars just seem to handle very unnaturally and I can't believe this games physics are gonna be that awesome really.