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S2 licensed
Would you like me to use my telepathic powers to solve this or are you going to give me some useful information, like the database and config files?
S2 licensed
Charlie's reaction sums it up
S2 licensed
Quote from Jonathon.provost :Live Stream link is Here

So the stream is with multibc - but I don't see it on the calendar?
Quote from Jonathon.provost :I will not be able to pay for all of the streams for the series.
I would really appreciate it if you could send donation on Paypal to: [email protected]
Each event is 12.50 Euro's.

Quote from Jonathon.provost :Really sorry guys. The stream server blew up or something and there will not be a stream for round 1. Will have one for round 2

That doesn't sound like multibc, they are usually a reliable streaming platform and when something does go wrong they should be able to let you use a different stream. Especially as you are paying for it and nothing else on at the same time as WTBOCS.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :If its possible could deko re review this incident? [sry if this is ot]

If you wish to appeal a decision, refer to the NDR SC section IV. 4. on how to do it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 :The nFinity Skin will be uploaded later, Sorry for being a slowpoke.

S2 licensed
Quote from Senninha25 :You guys might not care too much about this, but I came across one of Phil's captures featured on the Portuguese Autosport. ... s-em-road-america=f107533

Yeah I posted it on twitter with the #alms hashtag, checked it every so often to see South American and other people on twitter posting it, even Hindy had tweeted it
S2 licensed
Had to make a small change to the team status section of stats.php and teamstats.php.
S2 licensed
Scottish Minis race 2 at Knockhill BTCC - link to the start of an epic race. Start of the video has Louise Goodman racing on the Saturday.
S2 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :Is that a typo?

It is a typo :dunce: updated the docs and the zip.
S2 licensed
Quote from Stig209 :New skin for #39

The numberboard on the right side of the car actually needs to be visible
S2 licensed
Thought I'd stick to my word and get this out in August, a lot of changes built up over the past few months. Haven't had time to get the docs updated, so just ask questions here about the new stuff if you need help. The old version of the tracker is available on dropbox so you can use WinMerge and compare the two if you wish.

Changelog to 24-08-2012

Web tracker
  • Updated country flags to respect correct aspect ratio, added all European and other highly populated countries (now 83 countries in total)
  • Various code optimisations
  • All images now have $trackerRoot in their src attribute
  • $raceClassName[‘Example Class’] = colour - ability to define css class names for each row of a car class (default grey, others red/green/blue/darkred/purple/orange) for table striping and row hover
  • Where $numClasses = 1 but multiple classes are defined, class colours etc. are used but standings are combined as one class.
  • Updated numbers before $colspanExtra
  • mobile.php for race and qualifying is included although not enabled by default - produces this
  • added: $showCars, $showPrev, $raceControl, $raceFocus, $driverName
  • removed: $showSectorStatus
  • Teams which are disqualified are sorted behind all other teams but ahead of those who are DNS regardless of $sortStatus
  • Pre-session standings in qualifying/practice are now sorted by car number
  • $qualElimination sorts standings by each team’s max race_id
  • Empty time strings and the “h” indicating hours, are hidden by default
  • miles remaining added to lap based races
  • $standingStart expanded to accept: “formation” for races with a formation lap + standing start or an integer for multiple formation laps + rolling start - false still counts as a 1 lap rolling start
  • final lap text will be shown in the race status in lap based races
  • “— Race” text added to h2 event name
  • $raceFocus = driver/team - added to display either team or driver name first
  • $showCars - can remove car display column
  • $showPrev - displays previous lap time
  • Previous/best lap now highlights a drivers best lap (default colour blue) if not a team or class/race best
  • Difference column now highlights those teams who are less than 1 second behind
  • Driver percent, race laps and total driving time now only show when there is more than 1 driver
  • Non-standing starts now affect the total laps, percentage and driving time per driver
  • Fixed a bug where DT and SG penalties from earlier sessions would show up
  • Once a team’s data is filtered to ensure only one driver is actually driving, the array is unset
  • $raceControl needs to be true for racecontrol.html to be produced
  • Various fixes as per stats.php
  • Added car number and colouring to teamstatscomparison
Filter_laps and raw_laps will display if both are present
trim() function used on names, usernames and countries

  • text colour changed to #222
  • id based table striping replaced by nth-of-type(4n+1)
  • various other improvements
Various fixes as per stats.php
  • $qualElimination finds a team’s latest race_id and uses that to sort the standings
  • Fixed a bug where an two or more equal laps by a team meant fastest_lap_on was wrong
  • $raceControl needs to be true for racecontrol.html to be produced
  • Various fixes as per qstats.php and teamstats.php
  • Added a driver column to list of laps, only for first lap, best lap and when there is a driver change
  • Race/class and team best laps are only indicated when they match fastest_lap_on
Last edited by boothy, .
S2 licensed
Quote from N I K I :dat is sexy

If you like misspelt words.
S2 licensed
Damn I missed the F1 this weekend!
S2 licensed
Big crash coming out of 130R vid1,vid2
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :On DualShock 2/3 controllers the shoulder buttons provide analogue input. Can't they be configured as axes in LFS?

Ah, mine is the older Sixaxis controller on Vista, so not using motionjoy and I don't think it even has analogue shoulder buttons.
S2 licensed
The shoulder buttons are not axes, you really should use the thumb sticks for steering and brake/throttle.
S2 licensed
I'd love to see a FCV fixed setup race in a road car
S2 licensed
heres a crack i found, it works well
S2 licensed
Like so
S2 licensed
Why not just overlay the default skin and use the multiply blend mode, gives some extra shadows as well.
S2 licensed
Well you have two rookie series in both oval and road running on free content, with the Cadillac also available if you used their promotion. Plus the Street Stock class C series which runs on 6 free tracks, and the GTC and SRF series that run on 2 and 5 free tracks respectively. If you know where you want to go then you can buy the minimum amount (hell you can go to class A in oval without buying anything!).