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One hour earlier?
S2 licensed
A couple of guys have asked me about the race start time on Saturday. They (me too) would like to race one hour earlier.
So just vote in the poll yes or no. The poll is public.
LFS LeMans league
S2 licensed
Just a little reminder that this league is alive and is running Saturday April 21st. Track is the challenging Fern Bay Gold 60 laps.

Welcome to sign up. If a wanted class is full we put you up as reserve and fill the server up when it's clear who of the old gang is not running.
S2 licensed
Oh dang, I just did the same ... . Should be a lesson to check here first.
How to proceed
S2 licensed
Short info, in fact very short info since nothing have happened.

As I understand it we in Team XFR had green light to continue this league. The thing is that we haven't got any info yet, we haven't got admins right over this part of the forum or anything.

We want to continue as the league is right now till the end of this part. That means the race April 24th is what counts.

If you guys out there thinks the same or don't think it's a good idea please post here in this thread.
S2 licensed
Quote from jayhawk : ... // ...
Cawwa, if XFR would like to be and continue being the sanctioning body of The Live For Speed LeMans league, I will contact Victor and make the necessary arrangements. ... // ...

How is things? Did you get any contact with Victor?

Sry if I rush things for you but the times goes on ...
S2 licensed
Yes we are ready ...

Btw, is there a way to reach you over pm or mail or something?
S2 licensed
Ah yes he had that idea for the next season, sounds interesting. For this season though I don't think it's any idea to change the concept.

If Jay after all don't wish to continue, we are ready to bring this baby to the finish line.
S2 licensed
We have talked it through in our team and we are ready to take over the admin part. We have a server for 23 slots as well.

I don't know what your message means Burnsy, if you had in mind to take over?
S2 licensed
Terrible sorry for not taking part of this last race. I come home late yesterday and is totaly unprepared.

A big thx to the admins for a great job again ...
S2 licensed
I really hate to see this league ends like this even though I have full understanding for Jay. In my opinion you have done a great job and it's a sad thing you feels like this. Is it really your final call?
S2 licensed
Even one more. I can't race this coming thursday ... Naples is waiting for me ....
S2 licensed
Sign me up pls. FZR again ... that Burnsy have to get DOWN!! ..
S2 licensed
Since I took to little fuel in my pit stop it doesn't change anything. I just couldn't win anyway. Since Burnsy did apologized after the race I don't want to file any protest or something.

We had a great fight at the end though. I polled away for a couple of laps but not good enough. Small mistakes made Burnsy come closer so I never could shake me loose. Ah well ... shit happens ... very good driving from you though and grats to that win!!

Grats to teamie Davo as well, nice driving!!
S2 licensed
Really sorry in race two. Last turn I totaly missed my braking point and couldn't hold the frickin car in inside line. I flipped a finn over, waited and there he came. I got after him, but then a finn entered to spectator. So I waited for the wrong finn.
My appoligies to the "flipped over-finn", totaly my fault.

In race one I thought I passed Paul but a slide and out in the gravel. I don't think you touched me Paul, no need to wait for me (thx for that though). So I waited for you and we could start over again for a while.

This was a totaly crappy race from me, but grats to the top finishers!!
S2 licensed
My first thought this idea was pretty crappy ....

When given it a second thought it might be a good idea since it would be pretty easy to find drivers to that class. The FOX cars is very popular.

Why not brake barriers here ... let's do it! We gonna be frontiers! ...
S2 licensed
I don't want to interfere in any discussion here. I wasn't on the track when all this happened. Yes I have seen the incidents in the replay and yes I have opinions about it. But honestly, is this the right way to discuss them, in a public thread like this? I fully understand why Team Fusion deleted it since it leads to no where. Maybe it had been better to have a place to address complaints direct to the admins. If so we don't need to read all the garbage that have been said in affect. If ppl just calm down and think about it they would see that NO ONE do anything to take each other out. We all do mistakes though. A good way to apologize right on the track is to let the other car pass you again, at least when you know you did a mistake. No words or chat is needed and no protest is needed either.
In other situations where no one is aware they did any mistakes the admins have to judge the situation.

Bottom line; don't argue in here. Send PM's to each other and file a protest.
S2 licensed
Sry if I coursed any accident.
Due to my flo woke up just in time to the qualy. I wanted to start from the back and take it easy in the start. It worked pretty good. After a couple of laps the mistakes come and after flipping over two times in the same lap I just pulled into pits and went to bed.

Grats to Xenoa and Chris!
S2 licensed
We also want to congratulate Cyber Racing Team to this amazing win. Very well deserved. Smooth driving guys!

Big thanks to all admins in the MoE organization making this possible.

Of course a big thx to all participating teams for the eXtreme Fun Racing we had ...

Also a big thanks and admirations to my team mates. This season wasn't at all what we expected, we were ready to take a step up to a top 5 team. Unfortunately the team almost fell apart. We could repair it though with big help from friends like nRcToretto and BurnOut (who later become a team member). Thx to the new drivers, BurnOut, Davo, PowerSlave and Ludia3 I hope we now are ready to take that further step next season ...
S2 licensed
Good to see I'm not the only freak here. I thought ppl maybe refused to drive this long.
Looking forward to this race IF I'm able to take a spot from my team mates ...
S2 licensed
I guess you guys wanted one really long race when you planned this. If so, 25 laps isn't that much. Yes 50 laps will take a little more then 2 h, around 2.06 h when the fastest reach the finish line. If we do 30 laps I think we force a pitstop meaning something, changing tires and fill up some fuel. The winning time would be around 1.16 h
S2 licensed
Some great racing here in this league. To bad I can't hold on to my good place from race 1 after qualy. I just had to go on the grass and spin at the strait after the hairpin. Was allmost last when I got going again. Ended up in 11th.
Race 2 was caos in the first laps. I don't know what lap it was when Mike stormed in the inside last turn, way to fast to keep his line and pushed me. I managed to stay on the track but he ran out in the gravel. A little later I had a hard fight with Demphsy and took the bad line and again went out in the grass ... dohh ... I hope I never touched Dempshy and the guy right after. Again I had Mike behind me in the last turn. This time he stayed behind and rearended me, forcing me out in the gravel ... not good driving from you Miki! Did I get an exuse me from you??
S2 licensed
#012 Team XFR - XFR-car (GT2)

David Opasik - Davo - Australia
Anton Stratiev - ZanZi - Bulgaria
S2 licensed

Team XFR migrating
S2 licensed
We are migrating to a new web server during March and April. The first step is done. The forum is migrated already. The place is here; new forum
Don't forget to bookmark this place since the old one is inactive.

In April we are fully migrated with the domain again.
Last edited by Cawwa, .
S2 licensed
Oki .. something is wrong then. I might add that I don't use Logitech Profile. All mappings go via LFS