Yes the start of Div 2 Race 2 was a disaster. Sudenly in T2-3 the car infront of me still. My brain reflected this and the feet had no chance to reach the brake pedal before the hit, two meters isn't that long in around 145 km/h. I rolled and was laying on my roof when I pressed space to go on all four wheels. Right now I don't remember what the rules says about this. After that I just tryed to gains one or two places wich I did and ended up to 10th place. Consurning that crasch, limping to the pits and the pitstop itself, it's not that bad.
While racing I thought this was really good racing among all who was very clean. A whole lot of fun!!
Very good sugestions imo and pretty easy to implement I guess.
The tricky part is probably the part of contact. This goes for racing events too so I guess the devs are working on it.
@LFSNOOB ... I wish you luck too ... I guess we both needed that ...
@cmckowen ... Thx for your support ... ... I have only seen the same of you in T7R.
@Jonas ... Thx a lot. I remember well the fight we had in the team challenge. Was a great time! Give us some time and we'll do it again, hopefully with the same results ...
Some of them race with us in MoE, some of them dissapered, some of them practise with us for real, some of them went to teams and some went to Team Toxic Star ...
But honestly that Online Racing School was a good bit of fun for us and hopefully for all participants. There was never any deal of membership in Team XFR to be a part of the racing school.
Of course you have to check out where you are in the standings ... and do faster hotlapping. For those who thinks that's ok it's a good system.
For me it's not ok since I honestly hate it. Well I don't mind go into the reserve list though. If you guys want to do it this way it's ok to me. The race itself is what means something, so starting in a lower devistion doesn't bother me either, probably it's where I belong anyway ...
Team XFR have been in a very unstable period for a while, which is ver unusual in our team. Actually the team have lasted allmost 5 years now in simracing.
This undstable period have resulted in a smaller nuclear "China Syndrome" wich have drained the team pretty heavely.
Current members in Team XFR:
Cawwa, founder and manager
Eblio, team leader
Xenoa, member
Besides that we get a hand in the MoE league from former member Toretto. We hope to recruite BurnOut69 in time and he's helping us out too.
As you might understand we do recruite at the time.
Maybe we have a little different touch to new members. In short; we value commitment, behavior and relaibility before speed. We think we can help new members to find the speed in time. You can find more info at our forum in the Team XFR info.
If you are interested to join Team XFR read through our guidelines and send us an aplication
BurnOut69, Carlos Lluna, Spain (new driver, mail send)
Cawwa, Bertil Holmberg, Sweden
Eblio, Denislav Balevski, Bulgaria
nrCToretto, Marc Schreiber, Germany
Xenoa, Ari Härö, Finland (reserve)
I just can't understand how people can go on and on and on, plain stupidity and selfishness.
Imo you handle this very good Birder, you were eager to get everyone a chance. I think you were the one who suffer the most, oki it was a little disturbing but nothing compared to the pile ups in the races. So ... just chill down about it no big deal at all for us racers. As I see it you hardly could do anything about it. Most of these who joined left when you told them to, only one or two "not so wise" guys wanted more arguments, which you handled very good.
It was a bit disturbing when racing. My problem is that my computer makes a little hickup each time anyone enter to pit. Didn't course me any bigger proglem though, so no big deal.
In race 2 it was a surprise to restart 3 times. My positions were 6, 2 and 10th the last time. I would have loved to start from that 2nd position ...
Anyway it was a fun event and absolutly the best way to sort out divisions!
Yes that would be a great chaos ... ... and of course I understood you didn't have that in your mind.
Did I get it right; ... you send out invitations 20 at the time to make 2 qualifying races, meaning one of these evenings. All are able to do these two races and get the points for it to qualify into the divisions?
Yes I have read through the information at that member area.
Maybe I have missed something there.
As I see it a driver can enter each day this week and gather a lot of points in five race evenings. If there is going to be 100 drivers there will be a que to each race since only 20 or 23 can enter. That means that probably there will be some drivers who actually can join and race while others can't since the server is full. I just don't understand how this is going to be handled to full justice.
So ... obvisly I have missed some info how this is handled, can you inform me of this please, or tell me where to read about it.