GF has a point with the speed of the faster FO8's as us Fox drivers had under a 2 sec warning of the BLUE FLAG pop up at some parts of the track especially if the Fox was caught entering a slow corner due to the FO8 having better brakes and a faster corner speed.
That race I started from 3rd on the grid in the fox was a check your pants time going into turn 1 got round though and kept my 3rd position thanks guys just shows that your a good bunch and enjoyed the races thanks
cannot get acces ports blocked or traffic shaping by ISP - Tiscali.
Been on the [TE] Public Server
League server does not show in list on master server
Tried joining using J2lfs but get error track info not received
I can't thank Becky enough your a diamond all the best in your new project and I will look forward to bumping bumpers again sometime
All the best to Sam and the UKCT team if you need help just ask as if anything good has come of this it's been a wake up call to the community and has brought people closer together.
Edit : Came up with a name....... IRSLA.........International Race Sim Licence Authority
Team : Privateer - Celtic Racing
nationality: Welsh with a little Irish spice - my grandad was Irish
The simple fact is that this sort of driver due to the simple fact that they SPAM the server with these messages has no respect whatsoever to any other racer ontrack at the time.
Ask yourself THIS.... is it a true online PB if they demand a totally clear track ahead of them ? as in this scenario they are not racing ..... THEY ARE INFACT HOTLAPPING which they can do offline.
Personally I think that they act as bad as the noob driver that spoils everyones fun by crashing and trying to drive a car that they cannot handle........It's the other extreme case.
You HOTLAPPERS DO NOT OWN THE SERVERS YOU ARE THERE TO TAKE PART so keep your anger under control and pick your way through the traffic especially on servers that allow for 2 or 3 different types of car to race.
And remember an automatic BLUE FLAG appears so there is no use to your spam messages, the spam infact can have the opposite effect to what your after.
The reviewer has concentrated on the single player mode as stated above, all the patches that are stated within the review concentrate on the online side of the game and this is the authors fundamental error.
The reviewer seems to have only played the single player mode with the Al, Hence the fact he only lists the changes implemented within patches but does not review the changes that have been implemented.
It seems to me that the reviewer is not S2 licenced and therefore has become hungup on the issues with Al and skins in the single player part of the game as we all know is poor due to the dev's rightly so concentrating on the main portion of the game which is the online experience.
Conclusion :
just an analogy - If he had read a book he has only reviewed the contents page and the first chapter IE Patches and Single player so has totally missed the rest of the content in such the online part of the sim and how the patches have effected this experience since the last review and some how he has come to a conclusion ?
Not at all, the best part about LFS in my short stay here is the community spirit From the Dev's all the way down to the Newbie racer.
I,m just highlighting a problem that as a subscribed up member to LFS has encountered, and trying to pull parts of the community together to find a solution to the problem and in this case a compiled list of ports that the hosts can refer to in future that are known to be ok to use will eradicate the problems that Moose encountered in the above post and lets be honest it's not just me and Moose encountering these problems, so we as a community have to try and keep one step ahead of the current situation so to enable problem free racing in the future
This problem with the ISP's in my opinion will only get worse across the network in the UK until BT roll out there new super lines that are due to come online in the next 5 years and even then the ISP's may not backdown with Packet shaping and Port Blocking due to the fact that they seem to be getting away with it so easily at present.
As I have Said Before I have access to Conedodgers, Redline, City and Cruise, Clownpaint.....etc etc infact getting 350 to 450 connections but about 80 hosts I have problems with mainly through port throttling.
So it would be usefull if we could compile a list of ports that have no issues such as conedodgers etc.
It seems that the ISP's are getting a little sly as from Tiscali's Forums many subscribers are encountering difficulties with the main stream multiplayer games as well as MSN and even Voip being effected by over zealous packet shaping and port throttling.
My biggest problem is I cannot get access to any STCC server until after 11:30pm and now as I have recently found out Gentlefoots new racing server.
As Tiscali and Pipex are pretty much mainstream providers in the UK this must be affecting quite a few in number within the community
Looks like some tough competition in the FO8 class and some of the Fox runners I recognise from the STCC servers, I think were all thinking alike as this is an ideal grounding for the New STCC Licence servers can't wait to get started
I was racing with Papafant the other eve on the Z30 server in the MRT around SO City Classic he was running some very low 50's and dipped into the 49's once in a while very impressive, also got my PB down to 50.75 that eve after less than 180 laps for that combo.
I know Aston from conedodgers and redline but the KY curcuits I have very little experience bordering on none so it's back to practice and hope to see you all on track tonight