Yes.. but on some race machines fuel warnings are customizable, as far as I think I know :|
Also, some GTR/Prototype class cars often have large LEDs on the sides of the cars to visually alert the pit crew of fuel status, so that they dont have to 'ask' the driver. Some forms of racing allow the pits to even monitor fuel levels from the garage!
But, overall, I think a custimizable fual warning light based on driver preference would be prefereable, or nice!
I would set it to 2% on most cars, but to 10%on BF1.. It could be an option to include into car setups, as 'when' you pits for fuels is setup specifice, and track specific - but also stradegy specific... .
You could lock it to 10% son stock road machines, or wherever... customizable n Race/GTR machines, Customizable in FO8, and NOT included in BF1 (as you have a detailed in-cocpit fuel display already inBF1)
YES!!!! They should drive back to the pitlane.. And pit
I have more:
+ Leader aI should flash their headlights if the car ahead are a lap down, to grab their attention. (Not important, but would add to the realism)
+ Lapped AI should allow Lead AI to pass (to avoid slowcar-fastcar accidents)
+ Rolled AI Cars should Reset-to Pitlane, or drop out of race (or optional between the two)
+ AI stuck in sand/dirt/mud/goo should either drop out or reset to pit!
+ AI should track objects on custom layouts, to avoid crashing into them, while enrout to checkpoints, also, aI thet miss a chackpoint (wrong route) should drop out or reset to pit (or correct their error) -- not importannt but would be nice!
+ AI should choose their own Fuel levels during qualify, or should work out their own race stradegy (not important, but as a grid filler online, would add realism)
+ AI should choose their own tyre brands? (not important, but would look better offline and as a grid filler online)
+ AI trackable via INSIM (in not already) Although unimportant, but could be usefull when AI are being used as a grid filler!
+ Serverside AI Pacecar could be designated, and AI should follow if Pacelaps are coded in on yellow flags/rolling starts (if applicable, or when this is applicable) - But whould also respect Human vehicle positions online ... if you get what I mean! This would also free up an additional racer slot , and having to manually drive pacecars wouldn't be forced. But as an optional item!
+ When passing a BlueFlagged AI, it would be nice if, the AI pulled oneside, and used it's indicaters to alert you to wich side to pass it. EG, Pulls right, uses left flickers to alert you to pass left. For safety reasons. Especially when they are being used as grid fillers online! - Not sure how important. But would be helpfull.
Ok, I thought it would be nice if we could all put our own input in on the AI! But realistic suggestions!
Simply an AI discussion thread for those who practice offline or wish to fill empty grid positions online!
My own:
> AI should be more aware of their sarroundings (cars on left-right-front-back) and should rect to yellow flags! ADDED: > ^^^ AI Should also have realistic blindspots for realism though... along with previous suggestion!
> AI using pit lane (suggested millions of times)
> AI should be more adaptable to different setups after learning a track! (Learning setups-per-track)
> AI running on cold tyres should wait for their tyres to warm before going all out, dependent on tyre tempurature ranges on different compounds!
> If pitlane implemented: AI that cannot drive to pitlane on their own should be sent to pit!
> Damaged/Slow AI should have their Emrrgency flickers on!
> Advanced: AI could attempt to develop their own setups per track while learning , without revealing to player! It would make 6 month (or 500lap) AI more unique in their learning and would create very interesting AI characteristic on track, as they would each have their own secret setup for that track!
> ^ Previous suggestion only after that AI actually learned the track or after maybe 300 laps exp!
> Changing AI names shouldn't create a new AI, because retraining renamed AI is annoying... instead, existing AI should simply adapt the new name! This saves hundred of laps on each track worth of training!
> LFS to come with some pre-trained AI? At least 50 laps on each track exp on Race_S!
> High Steering Lock should force the AI to apply smoother-finer steering (to prevent Oval-BF1/FO8 wobble and wobble on loooong straights with most cars)!
> AI should slow down and track cars incrementally after recieveing a yellow flag, and should track/avoid car(s) that triggered yellow flag!
> LFS should include a server-side option to auto-fill empty grid positions with AI cars if human's arent available (and AUTO launch AI cars in qually if humans arent available)! <-- as an optional piece, justa race filler!
Just some of what I to start it off?
Last edited by CodieMorgan, .
Reason : I think I just posed in the wroooong spot!
ISI's AI are programmed to make 'prescripted mistakes' and arent really that adaptable!
I think the reason I want to see Finished Learning AI 'that actually work right' is for thee pure reason of offline practice.
The big problem I rate with the LFS AI at the moment is....
> They dont give a *&*% about you
> They arent aware of their sarroundings at all!
> They dont know what yellow flag means
> They dont even know what a blue flag is
> They make less than a half hearted attempt to actually avoid contact with the car infront!
> They never heard of pitlanes!
> They press the 'magic-car-fix-button' in the middle of heavy traffic, or stop to reset even if they cannot reset (supposed accident avoidence that creates more accidents unintentionally)!
> At high steering lock setting LFS AI in 'wobble' down long straights (especially BF1/FO8) and spin often as a result (AI in faster cars nead a more refined or finer/smoother steering)
All sims regardless of Online or offline, should have AI that work!
AI is also good for a server with only 2 (or minimal) people on, because they could just add ai cars to fill up the grid, while still racing online against humans! Just not with the ones we have now
Projector shadow could cast shadows on everything....... spokes/ dash/ etc/ somewhat scanline! (EG: F.E.A.R and Nexus:the jupiter incident are two excellent examples. Or the excessive Homeworld2 Geometrty detail combined with DX9 Projectors.... ouch)
At the same time it isn't (very) GPU hungry, and it would make dynamic lighting FAR cooler!
I believe the model viewer is just using vectors for those shadows.... i thiiiink!
"I want to do that 'instant-heal-in-the-middle-of-heavy-speeding-traffic-thing that those AI do"!
You get erritating teenage noobs that will ignore penalties and will ignore pitlights and just 'drive'! Particularly if it was a a NO-VOTE server (no bans.... ugh)!
But otherwise, the few that 'actually' pay attention to track rules will follow the light! But nothing is garunteed!
I personally think the [FM] method of enforcing rules is nice.... ScrewUp=SpectateWithoutChoice ... because it helps keep the track clean... (Shift-p when crash rule, failure to do it yourself is either a kick, ban or autospectate there)...
But then, I hate noob friendly servers.... so I dont know what else to say etc.. blah blah blah!
It all depends on the maturity of the person behind the wheel.
+50 in the name of private servers + Event servers + hopefull chaos avoid(ment)!
NFS has overkill effects and barely uses a true physics model!
Dont compare LFS to NFS please.. its annoying to hear the vast amounts of people who do!
LFS is an online racing simulator.
NFS is some arcadish racing game targeted at those who can't handle realism too well!
And ... because of the community and how lfs is evolving according to the community in wich LFS exists, there is no racing sim out there that can kill LFS...