Macs are intended for a different market than Windows, (Video editors, musicians, artists, etc.... ) and apple even hase the one of the worlds most powerfull vidieo editing suites, and the OS is UNIX based!
The MAC is a Media OS designed for the people that need it!
Not designed to be the avarage personal PC. Macs render video and sound far better than windows does in most respects!
They simply never concentrated on 'coding for gamers' much because people who buy a mac are likely to not think about games!
I think a scripting languagewould be better suited and better to learn,
Bringing a higher leval (or lower leval, i mean) form of LFSScript that functions like an object oriented language would make much more sense. Something that is easy to update on the fly, and it could run much like a clientsite script, being parsed as LFS runs.
Purely for styling reasons, without performanche changes, that way rims are chosen for tast, or to match a skin, instead of performance (to prevent a rim from dominating)