7 posts mean you haven't read much of this forum either. Look up scawen's profile and check the dates of his latest forum responses...
JustASimFan -- TRY to create a sim - and stick a Lancer Evolution in it - with the LANCER label, Mitsubishi, the Car body, the markings on the wheels.....
You will be bankrupt ...... Mitsubishi will empty your pockets.......
LFS cant just "Add" licensed cars to the sim without acquiring the rights to do so. Scawen is too busy coding to deal with 'rights' and random content permissions.....
... actually the demo cars have more polygons than the most S1/S2 cars....
^ -- I never said anything about poly count on any car - and I don't care either, and never have cared.
The only place were I care about polys are over at the RCX forum - were I model polys to cover our current lack of texturing - due to the slinger working on non graphic related things.
All I care about besides that is beer, one girl , and cigarettes when I sit behind my PC after work....
Last edited by CodieMorgan, .
Reason : -- a smurf almost lived...
Real life - is actually Virtual Reality .
LFS - is probably Real Life - but my mind is off a bit - I forgot to download the Brain version 9.6 Rev 6800 patch the other year....
Theres a bug were reality and VR is blurred... even worse - it cant be debugged....
Look we are waiting for ...the last 5 years for new content and probably almost 2.5 years for....one more car...the scirocco....Just the work needed on the existing cars to get them updated almost stops any chance to see more cars...Maybe we will see 2-3 more cars but that in the best case scenario.
I made many times the proposal of giving a chance to some very talented users here to help the devs by making some high quality car models for the existing cars and maybe a few cars the devs tell them to model.With that way and having a contest so only the best models get picked there would be no problem as far as quality and as far as physics they would not be touched.
The devs keep refusing this proposal.
The 3d marketplace has some incredible astonishing car models complete with some stunning interiors.Honestly i did not even know such quality car models for sale existed until today.Some of those models give the so called "premium " cars of Gt5 (they supposedly need 1 month to model each) a run for their money...
For less than $2000 all the current cars can be updated with some incredible models(with the badges removed ofcourse ) .And have an additional dozen of new cars that would never been possible to have.
Physics for the current cars will stay the same and for the new cars only the devs will work on them.
Come on now Scawen,Victor and Eric this is a great chance to bring lfs to the next level !
This will improve lfs by light years and will live you time to work on physics/tracks and maybe weather effects...
I am going to hunt you down and smack the shit out of you......
Every thread you create - you are constantly flaming the developers. If you think you are going to make a difference - you WONT. How about you stop now. Buy a license, Race in S2 for 6 months , and come back when you have some real suggestions from some more actual in game experience.
If you continue opening threads this were you are constantly flaming and begging for more content - you will be reported in an attempt to simply shut you up.
Me, Slinger and Mat have taken about 3 years in development of OUR game - and we are only at 0.05. We are not even at alpha yet.
This year we have been working on on physics ( Were Slinger is the programmer ), and he has been trying to fix issues with our suspension and tyre math. We can see now exactly why Scawen is taking such a long time on the tyre physics ( amongst other things )..... its a ****ing load of hectic brainfart work - the math and formulas can make you do acrobatic brainfarts like no other....
... and we still don't have textures yet. A few builds back slinger started over on the 3D rendering and model loader, rebuilt the entire bit.
Try developing and working on a game development team that has only 3 active members doing all the hard work - in the end - it will take ages. When one of them is the programmer - all the really hard work is on him.
Quote by Slinger - RollcageX / RCX - tyre model : slip formulas
...snip... (slinger was talking about tyre rotation an slip)
...As for the equation itself:
F = Fz*k0 *sin(k1* arctan( tan(90/k1) * (slip/ (k2*Fz^k3) ) ^ (Fz^k4))
Try to understand this formula - he spent a month trying to work out a realistic and acceptable one for our cars.
Scawen is far from lazy, YOU wake the **** up and go try something new.
Last edited by CodieMorgan, .
Reason : Fixed a ****ing stupid typo - god!
Second how much time will it take to build every pebble from atoms or every tree with leaves and branches and stuff.
The cost of the games will rocket because a lot of people would need to be hired to build this.
No game will ever do that. Only Hollywood.
That detailing in my previous post is created using textures.
Bump mapping will make holes on the road and bumps also will model bricks on the wall and space between them and small cracks on the survace without raising number of polygons.
You are still confused:
Bump mapping by itself does not make holes. That requires mutiple channels of textures ( bump, specular, diffuse as minimum - as well as can be done nicely with light mapping and ilumination)
In the case of LFS - I would say nothing more than a Specular Map is needed for track surfaces anyhow - and possible using the generic bump mapping in conjunction "only if it is optional".
^-- LFS can implement this easily without switching to a newer version of directX.
Parallax Mapping (Offset Mapping)
^--- overkill in a racing sim
Steep or deap Parallax Mapping (Offset Mapping)
In this form - the normals texture can cast raytraced shadows upon itself...
^--- If you want "holes" you want this: But this is overkill for a racing sim - but this is good for emulating Grass effects using shaders only ( grass on a flat surface without sprites ) If you have played X-Blades - that game demonstrates this effect quite nicely.
Image 3 is a flat surface if your are too lazy to click on links. In because of the note on SL2.0 - means that this 'should' be possible using directX 8
And yet - the demo users keep pushing the directX thing.
GTFO - dont try to make Scawen waste his valuable time trying to rebuild the Direct3D Buffers.
Switch to DX10 exclusively and you kill all the Windows XP users (and 90% of those running LFS on Wine in Unix or VM, and even the handful that managed to get it running under a Mac as well)
Switch to some DX10.1 Api features and above and you kill yourself ( and Scawen )
What are you going to suggest next, force DirectX 11? - so that only Win7 users can use it?
DirectX DOES NOT need a change, because with the the way things are now - anyone can use LFS.
LFS is a pure "game/sim" - it is developed to be fun, and realistic - not look like hot cake. Do you really need bump mapping to win a race? Do you play games only based on their graphics?
And to say LFS needs to be completely re-made is childish - it isn't even finished yet....
Scawen intends to keep LFS permanently accessable to anyone and everyone, including those with low spec machines. Why would you want to now change that? Do you hate poor people? Are you like that bitch that was in the 'Titanic'?
A DirectX version change request - is selfish....
The graphics rendering in LFS IS getting work over the years - but the DirectX version is not likely to change - i doubt it ever will.
The highest that should ever be allowed should be DirectX9 - but for what gain?
It is possible to emulate certain shader effects without it - directX is only middleware.
That's cause DirectX 8 modes are usually made for slow PCs. You can make DX11 look horrible too.
Wrong, DirectX8 modes exist for backwards compatibility - not for slow PCs.
Also a lot of new games Stalker for example in adverts mention new directX features God Rays, soft water, volumetric fire, dynamic volumetric smoke etc. Or Dirt 2
Those are all HLSL Shader Effects - they are not dependent entirely on directX - they are dependent on weather your card has the ability to render them - HLSL shader [code] are run on the hardware - not in directX.
You cannot get great looking water in DirectX 11 if a graphics card does not have the shader ability to do so when using HLSL shaders.
OpenGL renders shaders in Quake4 - because OpenGL recognizes when a graphics card has the ability to process the shader language - and sends it to the card - were the shader code is executed - a wham - Normals Mapping.
DirectX, like OpenGL - is middleware and does not process shader effects by itself - the High Level Shader Language is usually run and interpreted directly on the graphics card.
If you play Doom3, you do not need DirectX 9,10,11 for any of those effects - because ID-Tech it is OpenGL based, and it depends entirely on your card & drivers - nothing more. DirectX doesnt determine weather your game will support certain shader effects at all - simply write your own middleware for the hardware API ( which isn't simple at all ) and there you go.
And we don't need DirectX 9++ for bump mapping - normals, raycast shadows etc.... they can all be done in DirectX 8, including the shader based water effects or raytraced/'render to texture' car reflections, or for other camera mapping based effects anyhow.
DirectX 8, and DirectX 9 are only 2 versions of an API with more, or less predefines features that is designed only to provide easier ( dedicated ) access to hardware for games and rendering environments.
I'm stating this bluntly - you don't need DX9+ to gain volumetrics and other shader effects in DX8, or even in LFS. I'm pretty sure Scawen is smart enough to pull off some really nice effects that will look great and run well - without ever changing the version of the API the 3D engine runs on
-- and it can be done procedurally as well and still be fast. Everything depends on YOUR god damned graphics card and the developer behind the game.
This is not important to LFS in it's current development stage anyhow.
In Stalker for example in Dx8 brick wall is just a flat wall with bricks painted on it while in Dx9 thanks to bump mapping you can tell its no more flat anymore.
So if nothing "depends on DirectX version" then why if I turn dx9 to dx8 in any game which uses both modes suddenly graphic looks worse?
No bump mapping, shadows are very simple, volumetric light is a long gone memory.
Also a lot of new games Stalker for example in adverts mention new directX features God Rays, soft water, volumetric fire, dynamic volumetric smoke etc. Or Dirt 2
None of those are new features...
And Dirt2 is 'may not' be compared with LFS tyvm...
You don't know the difference between Bump Mapping, Normals Mapping, Parallax Bump Mapping and Deep Parallax Mapping - obviously.
-> Shadows are a Rendered Texture Buffer in LFS, DirectX 8 supports raycasted shadows, Stencil Shadows, and various other approaches. That is dependent on the game engine itself, not directX. The shadows cast by cars in LFS are rendered onto their own surfaces - not the track itself. Scawen could code this anyway he likes - if he ever decides to change it.
^ -- not a directX feature ...
Track Shadows - its something Scawen has mentioned before - as a programmer's error that needs to be fixed, or re implemented. No telling what will happen there - maybe he will implement BSP rendering, or maybe he will implement raycasting for realtime track shadows.
^ -- not a directX feature either ...
Those adverts usually are made by people who knows how game is made.
Adverts are made by people who are paid to "know" what a game is made of, and dictate it's features on TV/Internet. And then sit there and "Goddify" DirectX 10.1/11 - the middleware...
So if they say that graphics in game is depend on version of DirectX i think its true.
But it is not... All ID-Tech engine games run on OpenGL - and therefore can run even if you have directX 7 -
Its is dependable on:
-> Hardware -> primarily does all the work
-> Drivers -> drivers tell directX what your card can and cannot do
-> The Game Engine Renderer's capabilities --> uses these features
-> Weather the middleware API is up to date and wraps certain features - eg OpenGL/DirectX/(dead ones here)
-> The developers capabilities -> weather he knows how to implements them
-> The graphical artists that make your models and textures
My point is, if an advertisement would be made with false statement it would be pointed out very fast but those adverts somehow functioning for a very long time and no one says its totally bullshit.
Because people already think DirectX is doing all the shader work, and the wider audience are usually ignorant - they don't care as long as it runs on their machines. The wider audience don't know how games work, what is in them, or even what directX does.
Its your card's capabilities... once again.... not the middleware api.
^ His response - is correct - except for the directX8 modes part...
So if all this have nothing to do with directX version then why it is advertised like that?
Because it is how they tell it to the dumb end users....
^-- 'dumb end users' are not a DirectX feature either...
I mean dammit guys, it's not even squeezing DX8 to it's limits yet
^-- Is exactly as he says....
Indeed, 3D Studio Max renders shockingly good looking scenes without using DirectX or OpenGL at all.
... now how do you think the community would come up with good physics configurations that would be realistic for a specific car??
If it isn't implemented there would be no way to test that community car either. A competition on design would be pointless if you still have to wait several months for it to be tested , realistically.
EDIT: 'Demo Tag' would mean you wouldn't be able to drive that car anyhow.
Instead - come help me code my CMS ... or join me, slinger and Mat at RollcageX instead THERE we WANT more cars! Maybe help Slinger work out hi Pacjeka formulas in our physics.....
... you will see this is no easy task. And think twice the next time you post in this thread.