No idea - but I have been geeting alot of JOOS messages the past 2 weeks trying to connect to some servers older than Z30 ( im running Z32 ) -- but I doubt it is related.
+1 enable viewing but +1 without taking a connection slot away from those who plan to drive and have S2 licenses - in other word - a readonly connection that doesnt take server slots away from S2 drivers that wish to connect.
DX9C would only benefit for LFS wfor the following:
1: Specular and Bump Mapping for Aslphalt,gravel/etc and would make Parralax ( fast ) deep normals mapping possible via shader scripts.
2: wet weather effects (ONLY AFTER WET WEATHER PHYSICSS HAVE BEEN IMPLEMENTED) - EG: specular mapping + rendertotexture reflection layers ( would only require 1 extra camera for inverse angle )
3: camera + cube map generating car reflections ( 1 camera + cube map per car , but must have the option to switch back to the current spherical simple ref maps ) Cub map rendered from a 360 camera allowing realistic reflections of sarrounding environment and objects
4: speed optimizations that became available in DX9c
5: DX9 allows use of SM2.0/SM3.0 - so all bump , specular, parralax, and other shader effects can be rendered at great speed while taking some work off the GPU it self - shaders have their own home on graphics cards. But in LFS ase it should be used wisely in a way that does not tick off die hard LFS otaku, such as myself.
Im happy with the rendering engine as it is - and any graphical upgrade in terms of rendering , and technology must have reason to do so - EG: in the event that wet/snow weather effects are needed or others.
The only real benefit for DX11 for LFS without adding useless effects is the ability to make cross thread rendering calls and such .... ( multithreaded rendering ) as well as some other API improvements.
That would be relatively easy to implement with a raycasting or r2t approach - but It seems LFS uses another mechanisim for calculating shadows that uses a region map of sorts ( the map is not available on X open layouts - were the cars aern't affected by shadows under bridges and stuff =( )
However it can also be a CPU/GPU drain if u have to cast dynamic shadows : even shadow mapping can do this - especially with alot of cars on track.
I think the cars are casting shadows using a raycasting approache ( the LFS car viewer led me to think this ) - but under assumption that Scawen chose not to have the cars cast these shadows on themselves - instead to ONLY cast shadows on track surfaces - probably for performance reasons.
6: is not available on DX8
( Boscho - this means it CANNOT be done in LFS anyway unless LFS upgrades to DX9C/DX10/DX11 )
Ambient Occlusion is rendered in real time - every frame - every time the camera or object is move - and WILL TAKE too much performance away from LFS to be practical.
Also - it is a form of real time RADIOSITY - it is not a form os casting shadows - they are seperate.
LFS track shadows on the other hand may need improvement - but they are not gonna suck your GPU away.
I would have prefered a cached/caching radiosity render feature ( meaning calculate once use forever ( until daylight changes or sun position is relocated ) ...... using a 'render to texture' aproach to create cached shadow mapping and application....
-- and a cached prerendered radiosiy shadow map DOES NOT require any shaders - and would remain DX8 friendly.
Boscho - IT IS NOT , and will NEVER BE exclusive only to NVidia - all graphics chipsets capable of SS3.X etx can support it.
Shaders are scripted - and ambient occlusion can be scripted into a game - to be compiled by the GPU and applied to the envitonment :
1: meaning the GAME must have a shaderFX script for it usually.
2: if NVidia maintains a precompiled shader then it would be in Nvidia's API - but then again - games running on ATI would need a shader script for it - and it would vary depending from game to game and on whoever wrote it - howver - it's easier to just supply your own shaders with your own game - or use a game engine that already has them put together and tested.
But who gives a **** anyhow - It will never happen because your request is simply not possible on DX8. DX8 has very limited shader support ( bump mapping .. specular mapping --- the basic stuff ) compared to newer versions.
Additionally: Ambient Occlusion ( if forced on us ) would prevent people with slower computers and weaker cards from seeing track shadows in LFS -
Ambient Occlusion does not work great on huge environments and is kinda pointless on outdoor environments..... in the end Baked Radiosity/Lighting is better for tracks that dont have dynamic sunlight.
Radiosity Baking and caching a light map would only need one rund - then Raycast generic ( rendertotexture) shadows for direct dynamic lighting...
No wait a minute --- why the hell am I talking about this shit all over again ....
Reminds me of trying to set 'JustASimFan' straight (impossible to fix a retard there anyhow)
..... fuxxit - this is a waste of time anyhow because you probably wont be listening anyhow.