NFS has overkill effects and barely uses a true physics model!
Dont compare LFS to NFS please.. its annoying to hear the vast amounts of people who do!
LFS is an online racing simulator.
NFS is some arcadish racing game targeted at those who can't handle realism too well!
And ... because of the community and how lfs is evolving according to the community in wich LFS exists, there is no racing sim out there that can kill LFS...
I have nothing to do that country, but I clicked the banner just to see what the .no version looked like...
and ...
Here is what I saw:
Warning: Unknown(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/ovekuven/public_html/index.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/lfsworld:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in Unknown0
Warning: Unknown(/home/ovekuven/public_html/index.php): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in Unknown on line 0
Warning: (null)() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/ovekuven/public_html/index.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0 on line
It's called jashaka, and it isn't for the light hearted!
I would suggest reading every readme/tutorial/pdf file you can get, because while it is damned powerfull, it has the same load apple's Final Sut Studio has.. Or Pinnacles old 'Liquid Studio' on the other hand!
If you dont pay attention you will get nowhere with it. If you actually read the manuals you will find it magnificant!
Brazilian Stock Cars.. I gotta check out those chassis.. must be cool! (note to only the ignorant europeans: stock cars come in many forms, to the rest of ya euros, rockon to these things)
Its easy, all you have to do is start your own league and manage it with your own point system ... Server scripts exist for many wonderfull reasons! (no offense)
Hey Keiichi, You rock! +50,000 kudos for you! As usual, someone with a japanese kicks butt
Tee heee
3rd person to say "americans only watch Nascar"!
What about the Cart (Indy) series? Damned popular you know. And america is equally big in drag racing as anyone else! (NHRA Being the biggest)
And YES, america does watch F1, if they aren't watching Indy!
I prefer F1 over Indy though.
Oval is 100X more complicated than you think! It is just as hard as any track, but there is no point explaining it to you. Ignorance is what gets your cat killed, curiosity will give your cat a world record!!