Yours a 328i yeah, as mine had no problems climbing to about 225kph, although that was where i started to lose my bottle and slowed down, im told these top out at about 240, but never had the balls to find out for myself.
Jinxed it, AGAIN! seems like if i post here about a GF it all goes pete tong, just got dumped anyway, never knew it was possible to get friendzoned WHILST in a relationship, but hey, the MC DeeCee likes to set new standards eh lol.
Loving the vw golf teardrop wheels, plus a more pleasing offset id imagine too being veedub wheels, the OE 14" BBS rims i had on my mx5 always seemed a little too tucked into the car for my liking.
New Years Eve, unofficial HTID pre-party in our mates hotel, this would have been at about 6pm roughly, one of those sudden quick quick all get in close its time for a group photo moments, no warning, i was mid lyric as well, plus although i recognised his face, i wasnt really sure who the camera guy was or why he was there, turns out that HTID had got wind of our little shindig and sent him, one of the official Hardcore Till I Die photographers lol.
I came off after my set, showered changed and ready to go to the main event, about 10pm on NYE, then this crazy lady with candy and medusa style multi coloured hair swept in and ended up in my picture, but its ok, its my girlfriend
Gatecrasher birmingham, new years day, after quite a large amount of beer on NYE and quite a small amount of sleep after it finished at 6am, i however missed the 6am til 10am afterparty and took a power nap instead, shower, change, then out to this for 12 midday and straight back on it, lets get to the rave get to the bar, was about 9pm new years day evening when this was taken, i was, for the want of a better word, FU**ED! :drunk::tired:
I look as if im fully energised, but it really is an illusion of motivation, at this point i didnt want to be there anymore, all i wanted was to eat fried chicken and to sleep for about 15 hours, which is near enough what i did soon after lol
Id have thought that a lighter rear, however small the change, would mean that it would be easier to induce oversteer, although i am merely reversing the practice of putting paving slabs/bags of sand in the boot of old fords (particularly capri's) to make them a bit less tail end happy.
In essence thats kinda what happens, or should i say what has happened in the past, i just seem to end up with rubbish girlfriends usually, aim of the game is to find a decent one, then stick with them.
Yeah, me and kelly actually met for the first time around the same sort of time that i got with the last one (becca=bitch), they seemed to get on ok ish at that time, altho as soon as we split kel was one of the first (and incidently, one of many) who said she is a proper tramp and good riddance, little did i know that a month or so later we'd end up together, funny old world eh.
Its barely been 3 weeks yet, but all is going good, christmas, then her birthday, then new year, we are going away for a week from the 30th december, good times, happy clarkey
Bit of a random thread i know but its something to talk about i guess
I must admit, my other half introduced me to this one, and id never have put the 2 things together myself, but its really really good.
get 2 cream crackers, cover one in philadelphia (full fat original one) nice and thick covering, im talking at least 8mm thick, then coat the other in brussels pate, in the same sort of thickness, then press them together to make a cream cracker sort of sandwich.
Anyone else got any other odd combos that are nice?
With my new lady now, early days, but pretty happy, plus altho i met her through the raves, she also has links with online gaming, and knows 2 or 3 people from this very forum, what a small world.
Thats amanda, then next to her is kelly (we call her skittles, its to do with all the colours in her dreads, she's cool, we are kinda seeing eachother ) then the other girl i dont know, then me, and yes, i hate the mostache, but its fro movember, luckily it will soon be time to get rid of it!
And i know about the shirt thing, i dont look good shirtless, but its bloody hot with about 15 people in one hotel room, with the sound setup giving off heat etc, plus i was MC'ing for ages as well, it gets very warm.
A couple from the ravers reunited pre-party our room in the travelodge on saturday night, whole setup, CDJ's amp, mixer, mic, couple of DJ's couple of MC's, we also had a bottle of tequila, 2 bottles of jaegermeister, 1 bottle of apple vodka, 1 bottle of jack daniels honey bourban, 50 vodka jellies, oh, and 4 crates of beer, we were all smashed before we even got to the rave haha
Theres is NO way that Carl would out Sy, someone who he has worked with for over 15 years, and who he regarded as a father figure, unless there was a bloody good reason, say what you want about Carl, but i know the man personally, he wouldnt do this unless he was sure, no way.
The fact that MC Keyes also has made an announcement about it both on his fanpage, and mentioned live at a rave while on stage on saturday night, also adds more credibility to whats being said, as sad as it is or as hard as it is to believe.
Keyes' take on it...
Update from Carl...
So, theres both sides, as much as i hate to, i dont WANT to believe it, not from one of my idols in the scene, but i have to side with Carl Keyes and Squad-e on this.
Feel The Rush - On Tour - Mix #1 - Midnight Edition
A response to the minority who didnt believe that when these boys do a demo, it is live 100%, and not a pre recorded set with lyrics added afterwards, all done in real time, off the cuff, heres the proof
In short, i wanted to be with her, she wanted to be with me, but wasnt sure if the time was right, altho no problem as i was prepared to wait, she then says the next day actually who cares about waiting, lets go for it, i said are you sure its deffo what you want, coz theres no rush, she said yes she was sure, only to backtrack 3 days into it.