1st and last comments were me, but i have since added another comment which says...
'in response to mrs ****s earlier comment, where do i sign?'
She, (the daughter obv) is honestly one of the hottest girls i have EVER seen in my entire life, and i am including people off the telly and/or supermodels in that remark, she really is that stupidly stunning!
Ahh fook it, she'll never visit here so im safe, judge for yourselves!
It is because you are cheating, a keygen is infinately worse than a mod, you have cracked the game, and i still cant believe you quite happily posted that you used a keygen! illepall Nice knowing you!
Everytime i turn the PC on it makes me jump a little as i keep forgetting i have changed it, but its worth it, because hayley = :lovies3d: :lovies3d: :lovies3d: :lovies3d:
Ill ask stu when im next in, no doubt ill get a call at some point if someone dont turn up for an evening shift or summat this week, im handy you see, only live not even a quarter mile away from the pub.
Did that all week in the run up to the kart meet as the boss and his gf were on holiday, was doing 07:30 - 17:00 at regular job, then doing 18:00 - Close (somewhere between midnight and 1 am usually) down there all week, that took it out of me i can tell you! :tired::tired::tired:
Nah, i was just interested to see if his so called 'phrases' were thought of by him or just quoted from somewhere else, but upon googling this thread was the top result, looks like he did make most of it up himself!
Not totally sure, boss got it down cash and carry, this was in the pub lol, i work there occasionally.
As i say i have had it before with a mixer, but doing shots of it neat, as i have realised, aint adviseable, the bottle says not to drink it neat for a reason!
A nice unit, my old kenwood finally died, so i got this coming early next week, hopefully tomorrow so i can fit it ASAP, i dont like having no music in the 5.
Technically, my last purchase was 3 or 4 shots of this stuff, i cant remember much after that, apart from falling over and being physically unable to get back up again, bad times
Sorry for the bumpage, but i was bored and decided to google 'girthless little man whore' and this thread is the top result, so i just HAD to re-read it, still makes me :huepfenic even after all this time!