The last sighting of it was at about 7pm and it was being driven through somewhere called olney, on the road, although it will stick out like a sore thumb as its a fully prepped BDC track car, so it wont exactly be conspicuous, plus it was nearly out of fuel (and was due for a fill up before it went on track) before it was taken, so hopefully hasnt got too far before it ran out, still amazed that the SP staff let it thru the main gate, a race car that doesnt even have numberplates or anything, what were they on, i just hope its found unscathed.
when my clutch went, the mechanic proclaimed that it was "almost certianly the most bastardised clutch assembly that i have ever seen"
He showed me what was left of it, a drive plate with all the springs blown out of it, all the rivets exposed, and most of the friction material also blown away, a pressure plate with all the fingers blown off it and also broken into several bits, and a decimated thrust bearing, looks like the whole lot literally exploded.
And all i knew of it was firstly very tight gears, a sudden loss of clutch pedal about 30 seconds later, 2 or 3 gear changes done by rev matching and then a sort of metallic "CHING" sound and no drive in any gear, and metallic jingling, and a rock solid clutch pedal that wouldnt go down, then it stopped going into gear altogether, and then finally i was able to jam it in gear with the engine off and roll along on the starter motor briefly, for about 10 yards, then i got another "CHING" noise, quieter and slower jingling and all drive was lost.
So one clutch later and its as good as new, the only thing it does now that it didnt before the clutch went is that there is slight clutch judder on take off, but thats not a major issue as far as im aware, plus the gearbox howls like an old transit diff when the power is on, and screams like an old mini metro on run down, but its always done that anyway, it did it for the 4 years my mate owned it and its done it for the near on 2 years i have and never gets worse, so god knows lol.
Oh how i (used to) love drunken nights, randomness, banter, and all out fun, but i guess it depends who's there, and 2 sets of exes, a new partner with one of the exes, someone i used to like and someone who i like now, it was never going to end fabulously was it, and as we all know eachothers past what with the exes being there and things, so although it was all ok early on, everyone met and seemingly got on well, then one goes home as they have work the next day, other one gets jealous of that one, eventho they have left, altho half the reason they left is coz they were jealous of the one who is still there (altho they have no reason to be jealous) so then the one thats still there goes on a drunken pull with some random person in some sort of attempt and revenge or whatever, an exes new partner calming down one ex, another ex calming down their own ex, and not many people talking to eachother the next day, splendid!
The same can be said about some petrol cars as well, i have to vigorously polish the rear bumper on my 5 every month or so as it starts to turn yellow and just a wash will not remove it, but i suppose the fact that its de-catted, the timing is advanced by 3-5 degrees (cant remember which i set it to) and it runs richer than standard may be why mine does this, but its quicker this way, so i dont mind.
I know neons are a bit outdated now, but i really like green with white for some reason, plus to be fair, they didnt exactly cause me any negative issues, i really didnt mind this in fact!
Nah, its not sideskirts, wait, howd u know about my sideskirt issues, are you on my FB lol
Oh well, i may as well let everyone laugh, here you go!
Imagine my surprise when they wouldnt fit whatsoever in any way shape or form, then the confirmation that they are in fact mk2 mx-5 skirts made it all a bit clearer as to why they wont go on.
I ordered a little something for my car last night, and after some serious consideration (oh ok then, i came home from the pub and went on ebay lol) but i think itll look good. i was also watching fast and furious 1 at the time, so now a full 4 piece green neon kit is on the way
Pics to follow next week when they arrive and are fitted.
Well, there comes the time where you have to make the effort, plus its all very early days, so you have to do what you can and make it count i reckon, she loved them anyway.
I can wholeheartedly agree with the above, its very rare to have a night out in town in clubs etc, without seeing a few fights and drunken confrontations, but in the rave scene, you can have sometimes 2 or 3 times the amount of people in a venue the same size and its very very rare for there to be ANY violence of any description, in fact i think in hardcore is pretty much the only place you will see that pretty much everyone is smiling and happy, i have had total strangers walking about through the crowds stop to shake my hand on more than one occasion, these are people that i have never met before and probably never will again, but its just the whole vibe that comes from the scene, and although i dont take any drugs, i cant help thinking that they play a part in it, as i wouldnt expect to see anyone trying to approach strangers to offer a handshake in a pub or nightclub without them getting a good slap.
cant say i have really dadge, some tracks are quite keymatched anyway depending on pitch and stuff as im sure you know, and they just go in together well, but then theres the odd calamity where a bassline comes in and eventho its beatmatched it sounds kinda clashy, which is why i tend to let things like the main melodies end before i start the mix and just blend the lead ins and lead outs, which may sound a little boring at times, but it would be an MC's dream!
No lol, not that squad-e, i mean Dj squad-e, hardcore DJ and co-founder of twista records, the other part of twista is DJ re-con, aka, ultrabeats frontman.