I have the Phenom II X6 1090T running at 4.0GHz from stock 3.2GHz, Benchmarks around the same as i5 2500 and 13% slower than an i7 3720.
I haven't pushed the overclock much beyond 4.2GHz but its watercooled at load temps are only 44C so could probably go a bit higher.
For basic use and gaming it works fine in conjunction with my Graphics @ 1GHz but I would rather go with intel but I couln't afford a decent i7 and I got this CPU from a friend for £75 when last year when I bought it from him it was retailing around £200+ so it was a very good bargain at the time.
It works for me so no need to upgrade yet
USB drivers, faulty USB port, the iPhone itself? Should maybe connect and leave it 30 mins or so then disconnect it, repeat. If it crashes then it may be the cause of the problem, or at least linked to it
You have 2 screens on the AMD Card and one on the OnBoard Chip?
Because if the OnBoard is freezing as well then it sounds like a CPU/PSU issue as if it was only the AMD card then the OnBoard should continue to work?
Its usual to see those kind of screens when the gpu fails, either at the driver level or hardware. E.g When I was overclocking and gone too high/not enough voltage it would do something very similar, Do you use any GPU overdrive/overclocking apps?
I was thinking not enough voltage from the PSU but if you can run furmark for over an hour without it then it may not be that, unless its an intermittent issue.
Have you overclocked the CPU and/or GPU at all?
Try Prime95. Stress testing app for CPU/RAM.
If it crashes at all running this then it may be a problem more related to the CPU, RAM or Power Supply.
Because he wants it.
Because its the most convenient way, rather than looped simulated keypresses on a timer that just uses a whole load of unnecessary cpu time..
Lock one value in memory and be done with it, no loops, no timers, no simulated keypresses, no cpu usage. Locks one address containing the indicator timer. Its not like its giving anyone a mountain load of hacks to win races, cheat or whatever...
Who the hell are you anyway, You just love to troll around the forum and stick your nose in threads that don't concern you. You're not a Mod, You're not a Dev..
Despite having the Dev's names in your avatar trying so hard to look important, You are no different from any of us..
No, the address will not be visible to anyone, and all released apps from me are obfuscated so that code is never readable by decompiling the .exe with some .net decompiler
I feel curbs and bumps pretty well and I use the same settings Vojta posted above, except FFB Strength at 107%
Then ingame I have it set to 15-30% depending on the car I'm in
It is possible to freeze the indicators on with a memory address value. I know many on the forum aren't huge fans with hacking into LFS's memory directly but its so much more convenient in most cases.
Especially in this case as to do it any other way would require a keypress simulation (9 key and 0 key) in a repeat loop of around 500ms. Not only does that then cause an endless loop but it then causes problems with typing and other keypresses and also it would need more checks on timers to see if LFS is the foremost window to send the keypress to.. disable when pressing 't' to chat, 'enter' to send etc..
To have both indicators constantly on via memory editing can be done very simply by freezing one value at a certain address which stops the indicator timer and therefore makes them stay on at all times, even if LFS is minimized or not the topmost window
I cannot release the memory address as it is a pointer&offset and and using the pointer address can be used for many hacks that work online without CPW or OOS so I will not release this to public, ever
However I can write a simple app to do just this.. but as I said not a lot of people like this method.
(To Mods/Scawen and Devs: If you'd rather this wasn't released here or even not written at all, All you have to do is say the word )
(To Anyone who is against memory editing: I know not many like it, but as said above.. especially in this case it is the easiest and best option to allow this feature as otherways have too many downsides and MadCat said sync issues, having keypresses sent out of sync to the indicators would do the opposite of what it was intended for.)
There is Bluetooth? Just awful lol e.g the iPod has it but the only thing that's possible with non apple devices is Internet tethering..
Apple and iOS is just awful if you want to do anything other than basic functions and what apple say you can do sure you can jail break them and add some stuff but their OS is still too closed and locked down for power users etc
It's probably only popular because its so stable (in most ways) and only 1 version exists, where android there's like 40 different builds from phone companies. Making most experiences with android bad because they fill it with bloatware, 3rd party apps and god awful launchers (Yes, you..HTC and Samsung lol)
At least android is mostly open source and built on top of Linux with a lot more customisable things.
Hell I can even run Ubuntu natively from flash on my android phone, its slow but works
Kinda off topic but well, I just don't like apple xD well I have an iPod 4g but only used for music to save my phone battery when out walking, I still hate the OS
Hey guys, I wanted to remove all motd messages from my raspi, but now I get motd failure, but all files are still there.. just now empty.
Even if I put some lines back into them the failure still exists, any idea?
I bought the H100 and 4 Arctic F12 fans to use in Push/Pull config with the radiator.
My CPU is the AMD Phenom 1090T 6 cores and is overclocked to 4.5GHz with 1.6v (1.7v at load) stock voltage is 1.45v with a clock of 3.2GHz
The H100 on its lowest quiet setting on the pump keeps my idle temp the same as my ambient +/- 1C
At full 100% load with Prime95 x64 I get a max of 44-46C after a good few hours.
I've not had any other cooler but the stock AMD couldn't handle over 3.6GHz without hitting the thermal wall 70C+ so the H100 has really lowered the temp and allowed me to overclock 1.£GHz more than its stock clocks and with an increase of 0.2v or so.
E: Also (I'm sure you probably know) but when overclocking especially beyond 4-5GHz be sure to run Prime95 for at least 12 hours to be sure its 100% stable. If it crashes/bsod running prime95 it is not stable, whether it never crashes when gaming etc if it does with prime then its not a stable OC
yeah sounds like a damaged card, Same happened to my psp card I could put things on it with windows but whenever it was put into the psp everything was corrupt and unreadable.
Currently spending all my time studying for Cisco Networking and M$ Hardware exams at college so I literally don't have programming time. But as soon as I'm over with exams I will probably make a start to this
Sounds like a corrupt card, or broken card. If you have a card reader on a pc/laptop the best thing would be to see if that can read any files on it. If not then the only thing I can think that would (possibly) fix it is full formatting it, not quick, a full format will hopefully find any bad sectors if it has any.
Note: You WILL lose all data on it so if there is anything that you really need to get off it then I would try to use a card reader on it to retrieve these.
It may just be corrupt entries in the FATable so it just hangs looking for a file that isn't really there, but it looks like it is to any programs. If you copy files from a reader onto a PC/laptop you'll get a file not found message, if that had to happen then just skip those files until all readable files are copied, full format to FAT32, then copy all your files/folders back onto it.
Do you have any other phones to test the SD car in? Sounds like a faulty one.
Though if it works in another phone fine then you could try backing up any files/settings on the actual phone and then reset to factory settings. Usually fixes most errors as something may have been corrupt.
3 clicks and I'm in a server.. no bullsh*t
Great Cruise Server Community (unless its WKD) (Including the huge possibilities availible through some InSim coding )
Waiting for S3, Scirocco, Rockingham
(yeh I'm a cruiser, so what.. When I get good enough with a wheel I'll race :shy
It may be your router or even the ISP that is blocking the packets. You could try opening the ports required for LFS and forwarding them to your PC's local IP. In this case then you'd have to set a static IP for your PC.