Sorry I haven't updated this much but because I don't really have the time now to do much on the PC just now.. So development has kindof stopped for just now...
I only manage like 6 hours per week on my PC because Im helping build a kitchen and knock down a wall to extend the curent kitchen
I hsould be able to continue the updates on this within the next 2-3 weeks or so
Until then sorry for thos who dont have scroll lock keys
I released the full source code for anyone who wanted to continue to develop it because I don't really have the time now to do much on the PC
If I do get time I can tidy it up and finish off the 1024x768 version, Unless someone can do it before me... I can't really say an ETA because as I say I really have like 6 hours a week on a PC now, But hopefully I can finish it off for you
Yep always do that, I just run through it to a hidden place close-by and get a few kills while some other team members come to help capture...
Although I havent played Domination for a few days, Been liking Hardcore Headquarters since because I got the bug for hardcore thats all I play...
Used to be always Domination and Free-For-All but I find them too hard now
Headquarters goes by points and kills to, and im usually 1st - 4th I like to kill and defend the HQ so I can have 10+ more kills than anyone in the game but I still 4th... However I do capture and destroy the HQ when I know I have a good chance of doing it without dying (I hate dying , I dont shout and swear, like my neighbour lol can hear him at like 3am shouting lol)
I wouldnt have a clue about my K/D ratio and dont really care because my brother would just f*** it all up anyway
My usuall class for HC HQ is
FAL Silenced or Barrett ACOG & Magnum FMJ
Semtex, Flash
Killstreaks are usually UAV, Care Package, Chopper Gunner although I sometimes change the UAV for Harrier Strike when im not playing Hardcore or I dont really use the UAV much..
TBH No, because apart from a new badge and some new titles what do you gain from it
I play on xbox and Im on 2nd and regret doing it again, I did the 1st prestige for the extra custom class slot... I hate losing all the guns, perks etc but I only ever play Hardcore Headquarters & Hardcore TDM so really any gun is 1 shot killing, I enjoy the Scar-H, ACR & FAL < bullets last for ever on that in hardcore Single shot + 1 shot for kill (providing you hit them right)
Then my brother (plays it on same xbox/gamertag) wanted to start second because his friends were all on 2nd+ and saying he's **** because he/we were still on 1st
TBH my brother is pretty bad, hes too (whats the word..) clumbsy?? he runs around without thinking/looking and dies A LOT...
(Usual scores for him is like.. 12 Kills // 16 Deaths.. But he is only 12 )
But yeah, to prestige or not to prestige
My Answer... No
But if you like having a cool prestige badge and looking good with high prestiges then sure, go ahead
Hey guys im looking for some help with buying an instrument cluster
Im hopefully putting together my own cockpit, once my dad gets some metal box-section
Im looking for what cluster that work and ones that wont
Also what programs are already out there for making it work for LFS + possibly program my own to suit my needs once I know how its done
-David (ps. should be releasing an 'real' outguage cluster soon)
Why Windows 7 IMO runs better than XP and Vista on my sisters old PC
512MB RAM and 2.24GHz Dual Core, Ok she dont exactly play LFS but it runs with 40-50% Ram used.. So even with little ram it adapts to it using around 256MB Ram with everyday apps like firefox, messenger, Anti-Virus etc
I used to have in Vista but never downloaded it again since I installed Win 7
Used to have two, top/bottom for programs and games keeping them separate
You'll notice I am not the OP and I dont have problem with running LFS on overything full...
I was just stating that Windows 7 runs on 512MB RAM so then 1GB would be ok and would most likely run faster than Vista..
Plus the PC aint mine its my sisters, so no my destiny is not to sing, nor get a new PC
Don't Worry
If theres a problem I'd be more than happy to assist
And uhm check ur PM's
To be honest when I made this for my friend I wasn't going to release here because I personally though it was useless But that seems to be totally opposite for some people..
Glad you guys like it Any bugs etc I'll fix without a problem
Any features you want added to it that you think it needs, Just say and I'll see what I can come up with..