Because of a 'Type Disable' feature I had added (and forgot to make optional)
It will disable the alarm when you press 't' then enable again (if it was enabled when t was pressed) when enter is pressed
It will be optional, and working better for my next update
Updated to 1.4.2: Felt there were no more updates and decided to update earlier
Added In 1.4.2: Variable Activation Speed: Now you can choose what speed the Alarm will activate at... Ranges from 0.1 MPH -- 5 MPH (0.1 increments) Fized Automatic Disable Timer:No longer 'tries' to disable the alarm when its not been enabled
I can see from the code why It doesn't check if the alarm has been activated before switching off
Already added, Just waiting on some suggestion before next update
The activation speed is 0.25 MPH... That works great until you get some lag and InSim reports an odd speed and sets the alarm off
Added another slider for Activation Speed
We all make mistakes :chair:
Are you happy now that I fixed it
Added Chat Stop Feature:
T = Disable (to chat )
Enter = Enable (sent chat )
Pressing 't' while alarm is set (but not going) will stop the pressing keys untill you press 'Enter'
Pressing 't' while the alarm is going off, will stop the alarm and then continue when you press 'Enter'
Yea unfortunatly because of the way the program works you need to have LFS on the top, may it be fullscreen or windowed...
In V1.4 I added a feature to stop the key sending if LFS is not the top window.. It just messes thing up if the alarm is activated and LFS is not the top window
UPDATE: V1.4.1 Now on the 1st post!! Customizable Activation Keys!!: Now you can change what keys you use to activate
You can choose between CTRL + ALT + A-Z or CTRL + A-Z or ALT + A-Z
haha, yeh I didnt have time to fully update the 1st post
Today when I update for 1.4 (again) with the changing activation keys, I'll most likely rewrite the 1st post as I think V1.4 will be for sometime, Unless I get some suggestions for it
Is that a suggestion?? Or are you asking if I have changed it??
From what I believe its a suggestion
To be honest I havent actually thought about adding the activation key even thought it would be pretty obvious
I'll make a small update tomorrow that lets you change the activation keys
I know V1.3 was only released yesterday but I only released it because I though I had no time to work on this for some days...
My plans for the next few days was changed and now I have some spare time I thought I'd add the features you guys asked for
As you can already see by the preview image ^above^.. I have totally redone the Inteface for this... Makes it look much better and IMO its easier to see what does what etc
Added In 1.4: Fixed Speed Bug: You can now set your alarm and spec some other players without your alarm going off More Realistic: As suggested by a few people, To make the program do 1 beep to activate.. And 2 beeps to Deactivate Custom Messages: You can no use your own Enable/Disable messages Automatic Disable Timer: I have added an optional feature to automatically Disable your alarm after it has been going off for a set amount of time... Adjustable from 1 Minute to 10 Minutes
ToDo: Nothing Post your suggestions for other additions
I would say that could be possible to add
I'll be doing some programming later on this and hopefully add all the current suggestions for either a 1.3.x or update to 1.4.. but since 1.3 was only released yesterday it might be early to go 1.4
Everything I add will be optional On/Off
I know that not everyone wants the same.. I think for the automatic timer I'll add another slider or somesort of multichoice control with ranges say from 1 Minute to 10 Minutes and then a value for Unlimited
Added to the ToDo List: Both suggestions have been mentioned to me before but I just forgot about them... So I created a ToDo list on the 1st post so when a suggestion is made I can add it to the list so I wont forget
Current To Do List: (BLUE= Fixed/Added || RED= Still to be done ) Fix Speed Bug: Speed used to set of the alarm is the current viewed driver's speed... So if you park up, set your alarm and then spectate another driver your alarm will start to go off Make More Realistic: Alarm Sound- 1 beep on, 2 beep off Automatic Disable Timer: Disable the alarm after a set amount of time (wont go on forever) Custom /me Messages: Make your own /me messages when Enabling/Disabling the alarm
EDIT: Major Bug Fix Coming Soon!! Fix Speed Bug: I have managed to fix this bug and will be adding the above features tomorrow afternoon (its 3am, by the time I wake up it'll be noon :tilt
Thanks for all the support and just simply liking this addon -David
Well it cant because its used to set off the alarm when your car is moved.. But because of the way I have programmed it it shows the speed for which ever driver you are watching... (Yea I was lazy on doing it )
Once I re-program the speed calculation from InSim, It will no longer go off if you watch another player
I would have eventually re-wrote most of it because I can see the way that I have written it is more sloppy than usual
And most likely why there is so much stalling problems
But I released the code because I don't really have time to make it any better, stop the stalling etc...
reducing/removing the redundant code is a pretty simple process but I don't have the time nor patience just now to do it
Honestly, No idea.... Because there is nothing to do with Doubles in the program
V1.3 Released
Added: InSim Connected Status:To see if InSim had connected properly or not... Handbrake Key: Space Alternate Lights: Flash your lights and indicators (turn signals/blinkers) alternativley! Changable InSim Port: Just incase you need to use a different port
ToDo: Nothing Post your suggestions for other additions
Also adding the alternate light suggestion you mentioned
make sure the settings.ini isnt somehow readonly or the folder that it is in isnt read only..
Also some people have had success by deleting (keep a backup copy :shy the LFS cfg.txt and the Alarm started working properly
Also make sure you have selected your Horn key correctly