RPM value for the current patch (z34) is in address: 008489E8
This is how the tweak programs worked, by editing values in memory. And also why it had taken time to update the tweak programs for each patch... Finding every single value one at a time, Although they were close together so when you found one value for the XFG most of the other values were close to that address
I got around this by reading the RPM values directly from memory, Makes it a little harder to update because the location of this value changes with every patch. Very easy to find so its not too much of a problem.
Anyone? If I manage to get the source back for this I can update it quicker because it takes time to re-code the whole program and time I cant spare much of
Would be a way but unfortunately can't be used for what I'm needing it for...
I was bored, and some one asked to update the 'Vehicle Alarm' to use the new collision packets rather than just the speed...
So while I was re-writing it I though about making it more realistic by not allowing the alarm to be set while the engine was running...
Hence I was looking for a way to do it with insim, rather than having to connect to Outgauge too
Hey, Is there anyway to check if the engine is running via InSim?
I know its possible through OutGauge by checking the RPM but can it be done with InSim in any way?
I'm already using InSim in my application and don't really want to connect with OutGauge as well...
Sorry for double but wouldn't get attention if I just edited
How can I get a players name from their PlayerID (PLID)?
EDIT: What I had written did work, just I had a FOR NEXT which it didn't need and stopped it working...
Function getname(ByVal PLID As Integer) As String Dim i As Integer = 0 Do If Connections(i).UniqueID = GetUniqueID(PLID) Then Return Connections(i).PlayerName End If i = i + 1 Loop Until i = Connections.Count End Function
and the GetUniqueID is:
Public Function GetUniqueID(ByVal PLID As Integer) As Integer For i As Integer = 0 To Players.Count - 1 If Players(i).PlayerID = PLID Then Return Players(i).UniqueID End If Next i Return 0 End Function
Is there an easier way to do this? this way working good.. tested online and with AI... But might not be the best nor fastest way to do it :/
How to use the collision packets in the example project?
Since I have lost all my old sources and I'm looking to update an app I made I have to code it again (no big deal) but I want to use the collision packet rather than speed...
So I started with the sample VB project from post 1.. Changed the dll to the updated one from DarkTimes.. added these parts:
' A collision happened. Private Sub CON_CONTACT(ByVal CON As Packets.IS_CON) If DoInvoke() Then Dim p As Object = CON Me.Invoke(New dlgCON(AddressOf CON_CONTACT), p) Return End If
'some test code to test it out textBox1.Text += CON.A.PLID & Constants.vbCrLf textBox1.Text += CON.B.PLID & Constants.vbCrLf End Sub
But I get nothing in the text box, nor does adding a debug marker on the sub call anything up. it does connect to insim because I see the MSO messages in the textbox..
Long time since I coded anything, not just InSim so is there something missing or anything?
(oh and I tested it with AI and in a multiplayer server..)
Anyone happen to still have the source for this? Would be good to update to the latest patches
I should be able to get a form of the source from recent backups disks I have but if someone could re-upload the source from the 1st post links that would help a lot!
Anyway, I suppose you could... LFSW Would launch LFS using the lfs://join=[hostname]' protocol, right??
Then the protocol would launch the LFS.exe..
So then just do what 'swingkid' said and use the command he gave into a shortcut to lfs and then point the lfs:// protocol to use the shortcut rather than the actual LFS.exe
It should be located in the registry (regedit.exe) at
and have the (default) value as the LFS install path.. eg.
"C:\LFS2\LFS.exe" %1
Change that to the location of the shortcut.. like:
"C:\LFS2\LFS-High.lnk" %1
and the 'LFS-High.lnk' has a target line like: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c start "" /high "C:\LFS2\LFS.exe"
I think that should work
EDIT: Actually I just did the above and it doesn't launch LFS