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S3 licensed
Quote from Herbz :Great advice guys thanks heaps however if I were starting from scratch, how does one determine the top straight line speed? Which of the ratio settings is best to tweak first?

Well you need to do a few laps around the track first and you'll see what kind of speeds you're getting down the straight. Plug that speed plus a few extra km/h into GRC and you'll get your ratio. I usually tweak the highest gear first and then just work on them all at the same time after that noting the speeds in corners etc.

Quote :Davo you mentioned copying WR set's gear ratios, I'd like to know what procedure they used to get those settings.

Well I imagine the way that we've described would be one of the ways they derive their settings. I don't think that there's too many ways to go about it, the ratios might differ slightly from person to person but not by much. Depends on what's comfortable sometimes.
S3 licensed
I'm not going to bother with the sid after listening to the mp3, I thought it was something revolutionary but if the c64 used it then I don't see how it could be any better than mp3, well except for oldskool midi sounds
S3 licensed
modded XBOX

Consoles are only good with friends, the xbox is an exception because of XBMC it can be used as a HTPC too.
S3 licensed
How do I play the sid, do I need some proprietery player? haha just listened to that mp3 and it sucks, it's like a midi file, no wonder they can fit that crap into a 5kb sid LOL
Last edited by Davo, .
S3 licensed
Usually I'll just copy the gearing from the WR set if available. When making my own gearing I adjust it for the corners and straights. You should set highest gear to nearly reach the rev limiter on the longest straight where you reach top speed. The other gears should be setup so you're in the power band for the corner and not changing gears mid way through. Ideally shifting up or down before and after the corner. 1st and second depend on the car and if you're downshifting that low, but usually they're short and used to get a good take off.
S3 licensed
omg look at the thread right at the top of this forum!
S3 licensed
Geez guys, this is a forum for prioviding help not undermining people becausde they're demo users. You were demo users once too or have you forgotten already?

There's a program called Lyte that makes layout editing nice and easy. ... =16873&highlight=lyte Check out the layout section for some great layouts.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Serves the twat who owns the Maserati right for parking it in the way in a construction site. Hope it's a right off and not covered in the insurance, and I hope Mr Builder gets away scot free!

The forkie is the twat and I hope he has to pay for the car out of his own pocket!
S3 licensed
You can bind a gamepad button to a shortcut button such as CTRL+F12 and use the command /press F12 in the shortcut.
S3 licensed
You've just sunk below their level...
S3 licensed
You'll need to get BigRender, never used it sorry, or the full version of Brazil.
S3 licensed
Quote from Woz :Changing 20km/h when the speeds are up in the 200s is a tiny change % wise.

All I can assume is you have never experienced a gusting wind in your life?

As I said before... how will you cope with a live track or rain when they are implemented?

Stop making out that your the greatest racer because you can race in wind and everyone else are dumb hotlappers. You haven't added anything to this thread ontopic except to jump at me for no reason. I'm trying to clear up the confusion about the wind stays constant throughout the whole race is rubbish, because it does change. So get off your high horse and actually add to the thread instead of dismissing others.
S3 licensed
You can change your racer name to anything, your login name stays with you.
S3 licensed
I don't have a raf but I've got an mpr where you can clearly see the wind changing speed as you go down the straight. Sometimes reaching 240km/h and other times only 220km/h. That's too much variance to put down to corner exit speed. This was a 54 lap race spanning nearly an hour so the wind changes were certainly noticable.
S3 licensed
From my testing I've found wind speed to change as well as direction. On high this can really cause some havoc as you have to observe your speed a lot more to be able to judge your braking points and how fast you can go around certain corners. The longer the race the more fluctuation you see from the wind so laps are always different and you can't tell how well you're doing from split times or lap times.
S3 licensed
Try turning off performance mode and changign it to quality, I always thought that limited the eye candy.
S3 licensed
I haven't used blender but this looks like a very detailed and excellent tutorial! Good to see people making the effort to help others out
S3 licensed
ahh me, there's your problem, full of random bugs
S3 licensed
Got dictionary? illepall
Last edited by Davo, .
S3 licensed
End race, CTRL+X, and then remove everyone from the grid and they add themselves manually. You have to tell them when to join the game. Starting order is from top to bottom.
S3 licensed
Quote from Smurfen : ... stad/75047/lxzziwldll.jpg

jpg compression is good mmkay, that pic should be 200kb not 2mb.
S3 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :yeh,but there are lot of way to make the cars look better

This1 i made just to see the difference better: ... e=thedifferencebigjo2.jpg

Sweet, nice model. If you could model some xenon headlights and angel eyes for the FZ5/FZR and share the scene it'd be great.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
You would use LFSLapper and the timer command. Check the LFSLapper thread.