To find out why only a 90 degree rotation on your G25 is bad, set it back up 90 degrees, and get on a circuit. Drive down a straight, flick the steering wheel to the left, and release it. The wheel will bounce from half lock left to half lock right all the way down the straight, without touching it. I couldn't imagine less realistic driving physics!
When you set your G25 to 720 degree rotation, you can hapilly let the wheel slide through your fingers out of a corner, and get optimum power-down.
I had to stifle a little chuckle about this. Where I come from, this could mean something entirely different
But either way, I do like the idea if the Kyoto Endurance track. Would be utterly epic. With that sort of set up, you would really want to force 3 or 4 pit stops. In fact, you'd have to as tires would be dead after 10 laps of that
If it was ever put down to a public vote, Spa Francorchamps would be my choice. Corners 3 and 4 up over the hill would be immense in some of the LFS cars.
I was gong to say, I used to boost at 1.2bar at traffic lights in my old Saab, in neutral, just to make the dump valve hiss at other people. Comments about gearing affecting boost pressure is a misnomer.
Right chaps, you might have nailed it. In one move, I turned fraps off, and also ran LFS in XP SP2 compatibility mode. One of these corrected the issue, and I can now see my tire and clutch temps!
I'll turn XP compat. mode off tonight and report back with my findings. Cheers guys
Voted for Hamilton, purely based on his Silverstone performance.
I attended the race, and was sitting in the Farm enclosure overlooking Abbey in the pishing rain. I can tell you now, at mid-race, only two people were actually in control of their cars in the standing rain, and that was Lewis Hamilton and Rubens Barrichello. The youngster, and the master \o/
I've noticed that it's probably quite a split - some racers use a conventional gated gear shift, and some use a sequential gear shift. I understand that using a sequential box is faster for shifting, but is this the only benefit gained?
At the OP: I was racing last night, and got a setup from the fastest guy on the track at the time - it improved my lap times by about 1.5 seconds per lap, but I was still about 2 seconds off his pace, and we were using effectively, exactly the same car. Setup alone might equal a second here or there, but it's not a race winner.
While driving last night, I hit F9 to see if my clutch was getting warm, and the game screen froze. The sounds buffer started looping whatever it was playing at the time. After about 5 seconds or so, a Vista message popped up saying "LFS.exe has stopped responding, looking for a fix" or whatever it does. All other hotkeys work perfectly fine, apart from F9 (tire and clutch temp). This was mid-race.
Spec is: AMD X2 4500, nVidia 8600GT, 2Gb RAM, Windows Vista Ultimate.
My name is Dave, I'm 29 from sunny Manchester in the UK. I race under the name of "Slowpoke Rodriquez" - hoping to change my name to "Speedy Gonzalez" one day
I'm an OAG (old aged gamer), and have done all of the "addictions", from Warcraft 3, Day of Defeat, Star Wars Galaxies, GTR 2, Geoff Crammond's GP(!!!), World of Warcraft, and now back to LFS. Last played LFS in a very early pre-release about 6 or 7 years ago (?), and only just found it again now. Very pleased to be back, hoping to spend a lot of time here
I'm very approachable, and can occasionally be found in a cruising server if I've been drinking, or on a CTRA server when sobre
Speaking of which, hahah ... in a race last night, I came out of the last corner on the last lap on Cadet Rev, and the engine died - ran out of fuel. The guy behind me drop the finish line, then turned around and pushed me over the finish line ... haha genius ... I'll never cut my fuel so close again though
Well, seeing as you posted your club time, I will too :P ... my PB is 1:20.680, using a default race setup.
On Cadet Rev however, my PB is 1:00:940 using a setup that *someone* gave me last night. I just know that I can get another second off this time, I just need to have a lap where I don't screw at least one corner up
Not bad times for someone that's been racing for 2 days
I just got my G25 on Friday last, and signed up for my S2 license on the same day. Guess where I ended up, too? Yep, CTRA UF-BR. It's almost as if I was watching your every move, and copying you ... hehehe
I, like you, am feeling a bit wet behind the ears. Some of the racers on the UF-BR server are really very good, and tremendously good sports when it comes to relatively newcomers like myself. So long as you show them respect on the circuit (i.e. blue flag = get off the racing line ) they will show you the same back
I've also a lot of practice in front of me - the good thing I've noticed though, is that on the CTRA servers, people generally always vote to restart the same race, so it's quite a good way of getting to know a circuit in a relatively short space of time. In one night, I've seen my lap times on Aston Cadet Rev drop by 4 seconds. I'm still 3 behind the leading drivers though ...
Good luck out there, and maybe we can have some ding dongs of our own?
As a relative newcomer (actually, a long-time returner) I've got the unique opportunity of looking at this thread with an completely open mind.
I don't see what the issue here is at all. If drifting is what people want to do, let them do it. So long as they are doing it in drift races / competitions, and it doesn't get in the way of anybody elses enjoyment, then I see nothing wrong in just letting them get on with it. It's not like they invade race servers and tear the tarmac up