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I have raced this server a few times over the last few days, and I have to say that it's very enjoyable racing.

Yeah, there are occasional crashes, and most of the time they are in turn one, but what would you expect? 25 or more cars, all having a long run in to T1, braking from 150mph to 108mph within 20 yards, and all trying to navigate without touching anyone - that's part of what makes it such a challenge.

I've not experienced intentional crashers - every race replay is watched, and 9/10 times crashes happened because of the volume of traffic in a single corner. That's racing and if you cry about it, then go play mario kart instead
S2 licensed
Hey look everyone, Lewis Hamilton is a real human after all: ... t/formula_one/8211911.stm
S2 licensed
Indeed, some advice that I found particularly good, was to not look on the road ahead for a breaking point, instead look to the apex of the corner, and focus on the speed that you need to be doing at that point.

I found that I was braking too much into corners and then had to accelerate to find the maximum corner speed, which can disrupt the balance of the car, and cause problems when exiting the corner (and even more problems in a chicane). This was purely because I was too focused on where I was braking, and not focused enough on where I should be when I exit the corner.

Also, take a look at some World Record replays - you will notice that they all tend to have one thing in common; if the car isn't accelerating, it's braking. There is no in-between. The in-between is called coasting and is regarded as being "not in full control of the motor vehicle". That isn't to say that you should either be fully on the accelerator, or fully on the brake - no way should you be - but at any one time (other than changing gear) one of these pedals should be being used.
S2 licensed
With some of the assumptions going around at the minute, here is another one:

Ferrari, McLaren and Renault will dominate the top six places for the rest of the season, and Lewis Hamilton will take the Championship by a single point in the last race, on the last corner, in the pissing rain.

*shrug* Just about as informed as everyone else :P
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :I think the current point system is the best F1 has had so far.

It rewards drivers who are not in good teams but get a half decent result, and it has provided 3 last race show downs in a row.

Quote from Mustafur :

18th March 2009, 09:10

imo this will be good, lucky they still have points for all drivers but with the top ones competing for wins, meaning they dont give two shits about points unless they know there not going to win the title meaning they are going to go all out for the win even if it means retirement. awesome imo.

I lol at the people who have no idea about f1
or even read what is happening here, most people hee are crying about the fact its a Title chasers championship but the rest are left out, DON'T WORRY POINTS FOR ALL!!

Au contraire, mon ami - we lol at you.
S2 licensed
Yaaayyy! Roflgoggles.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :oh and look whats happened now: ... detail/090808135039.shtml


"Felipe's visor only came off when the doctors pulled on it," said Oliver Schimpf.

In conclusion, shut the **** up.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Latest race video, with overlayed data.


Ha, you were driving at Silverstone the day after I was driving there - the Friday was sunny and dry, so I guess we lucked out. We were on Southern Circuit, mind...
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :Last years cars where capable of winning on any track under the rules, not saying the car was actually capable thats down to the designer, this year under the rules not every car is capable of winning on every track.

Explain what you actually mean.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :See this is what happens when you tell the truth. it WAS a KERS pass so please shut up.

The KERS effectively makes a 2 tier championship.

I'm not denying that he might have used his KERS button to overtake your countryman, but you were implying that he needs a KERS button to pass, which is quite obviously absolutely not true, at all even in the slightest regard.

And if you weren't implying it, you were just demonstrating sour grapes, and repeating your monotonous Hamilton hate. Get over it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :KERS pass

He didn't have KERS last year and he still overtook more than any other driver so pull the rod out of your stupid fat ass, and quit with the hate, ffs.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Hamilton did in the last race.

No he didn't. Stop being a douche.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :I want Webber not becuase im Australian but becuase he has struggled for soo long in his career and always shown the pace it would be very deserving.

In which case, Button would be more deserving, seeing as he's struggled for longer. Or maybe Barrichello? 17 years of pain...

Oh hang on, they aint Aussies are they? :P
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :I don't get that impression at all, at least in german interviews.

He comes across as very down to earth and likeable, IMO. Obviously can't say how it is in english interviews.

What I mean is, he's starting to question his place in Williams, by implying that Williams won't be able to build a car fast enough for him - suggesting this his future might be elsewhere. I know that drivers used to team hop back in the day, but there is just as much value staying with a team that know how you work, and you know how they work.

Williams are well capable of producing World Championship cars - drivers just need to not get so itchy and stick it out a bit.

I wasn't making comment about Nico Rosberg as a person - he seems like a very decent chap in interviews in general.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :+1

Can anyone voting for Sutil give some examples of his improvements?

Yes, he does drive in areas where the Force India normally doesn't belong every 4th or 5th race. But so far he has always thrown it away when he was in a position to get a good finish (except Monaco last year obviously). And in the other races he is just very average or doing silly mistakes. I really can't see how he has improved at all.

The only driver who has shown some signs of improvements is Nakajima, IMO. It was already a surprise if he completed more than 10 laps in any race last season but this season he did a lot better so far (especially in quali), IMO.

And perhaps Nico Rosberg. The Williams car isn't that strong, but they have both put in some good performances (either quali or race). Although I fear for Rosberg a little bit, as he'shad a couple of good races and is starting to get a bit full of himself. I hope he doesn't trip himself up ...
S2 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :Lol Buttons still the same, but the car and strategies are amazing. :P

I'd go with Nakajima too... He use to crash in T1 or the first few corners every race, now he keeps it on the road and even sets some pretty fast laps.

And Mustafur, it doesn't mean that he's still not at his teammates level that he didn't improve. He improved quite a bit imo. But yeah not many drivers improved. Either the car got better or it got worst, hard to judge... Even if you compare them to their teammates because some cars favor different driving styles then others.


If all the drivers had exactly the same cars all season, and some drivers gradually got better, then you could say who is progressing. At the minute, we can't really tell, because one car might be a rocket, and the other might be a dead giraffe.

I don't know if Button is an improved driver (he hasn't got lack of miles under him before this season, he's not exactly wet behind the ears). He's always had a nice smooth driving style, but a car that is gash. His driving style is the same this year, but his car is fast. Doesn't mean he's improved.
S2 licensed
The cars are being developed too rapidly to make any judgement on it.

Nobody knows or can tell who has improved greatly since the start of the season, as there is no way in normalizing a driver's performance - there's too many variables that affect the course of a driver's season.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :Last year, half the races where not even Normal conditions. look at the massive point spread compared to 2007.

Thats what helped hamilton.

Really bored of you and tristan going down this line, every single time. You shut up while Hamilton has a poor car, but as soon as there is a glimmer of performance, you're both there sucking each other off. Get over it.

Also, the conditions were the same for all the drivers, every single year, so your point is nonsensical.

I think that Webber did a sterling job - what happened to his German team mate? Where was the "next Schumacher" on Sunday? I didn't see one...

Makes me laugh though, people last year saying "Hamilton is the next Senna", this year "Vettel is the next Schumacher", and now "Webber is the next Mansell". Jesus christ, really? How about "Webber is the next Webber?" Mind boggling.
S2 licensed
I think that in USA and Canada, the driving test is a lot less involved than in the UK. In Australia, you only need to buy the local cops a few beers, and a license is yours
S2 licensed
Also, don't forget to take a trip to before you go, get yourself a relatively cheap camera system, and show us your videos when you get back

I've got one nearly permanently wired in my motor, they're pretty cool.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Generally track insurance is a waste of time if you own a car outright and are going to use it reguarly. For one off uses it could be worth it, and for rented/shared cars it is the only sensible approach.

I don't follow your logic. If I'm taking my daily runner to a track day and I bin it, I want to make sure that my insurance would cover me. As it stands, my insurance company doesn't cover me for track use. Why would I _not_ get one day track insurance?
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :All you need is like a driving licence and you just turn up, I don't know of places that make you bring the registration documents etc.

Be warned though, a lot of insurance companies will not insure you for track use. For example, I was looking at taking an Evo 7 to a track day, and to get one day track insurance was going to cost me £400. I've looked into it for my MX-5, and it's a whole lot less, of course Worth checking before you go though.
S2 licensed
You make your own luck. Webber isn't very good at making his.
S2 licensed
I have no idea what this Time Attack business is all about, but it looks pretty flippin' interesting - got any URLs?

Also, that Ollie chaps Scooby looks like a well balanced machine indeed.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Think of the forums as a pub.

When you go to the pub you will have good mates there, some people who are mates of mates, some who you don't know at all, and some that you know you do not get along with.

You don't stand near the ones who you don't get along with making snide remarks about their conversation, because you will get punched in the face.

You certainly don't argue with the manager or other staff, because they will just kick you out or bar you.

Surely, as a plastic Maccam yourself, you would know that pubs work in exactly the opposite fashion to how you've described.

You stand near the ones you don't get along with on purpose, making snide remarks about their sister and mam, they go to punch you in the noggin, but you smack 'im first with an empty Newcy bottle, and leg it down the chippy for some nosh.
