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Quote from Scawen :Make sure you go in screen options and select the screen resolution that matches your full width mode - go full screen that way the first time.

Otherwise I think SHIFT+F4 will just go back to the previous full screen mode you had selected.

Also note that the second screen is supposed to be blank in the menus and external views. It is only drawn when you are in a driving view.

So, I'm running Windows 7, and have looked at trying to get this working, with no luck at all. After digging around further, it appears that in the WDDM (Windows Display Driver Model) since Windows Vista, horizontal spanning has not been supported, or has been ommited for ... well, nobody knows why.

As a result, ATi and nVidia haven't been able to support spanning modes in their latest control panel software. Therefore, if you're using signed video display drivers, you won't be able to use horizontal spanning, and won't be able to make use of your two or more monitors properly. I'm somewhat miffed, myself.

If you're running Windows XP still, you'll have no such problems, and can span to your heart's content.

p.s. for those that are not aware, spanning allows you to have one large resolution across two or more monitors, not to be confused with merely extending your desktop.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :Why Ferrari Suddenly have so much faith in Alonso? We all know he is good, but it isn't recent news, if they really wanted Alonso they would have got him back in 07.

Might be something to do with the fact that Kimi has grown an attitude towards F1, that perhaps Ferrari don't like.

Further to this, Alonso can go wherever he wants to. It's not as if Ferrari click their fingers and their drive of choice comes running, contract in hand. I suspect that Alonso wanted another run in Renault, because that's where he won the driver's championship, and he thought maybe that he was on to another winner there. Who is saying that Ferrari didn't try and get him two seasons ago, and it was Alonso that wasn't willing to move?
S2 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :Like i posted in monaco thread:

Pick a number
1) Crash at start, some overtakings, Button wins
2) Crash at start, no overtakings, Button wins
3) No crash at all, some overtakings, Button wins
4) No crash at all, no overtakings, button wins
5) Someone of them above WITH....?

Example: 5) with a red flag.

6) Crash at start, some overtakings, Hamilton wins
7) Crash at start, no overtakings, Hamilton wins
8) No crash at all, some overtakings,Hamilton wins
9) No crash at all, no overtakings,Hamilton wins
10) Someone of them above WITH....?

11) Crash at start, some overtakings, Barrichello wins
12) Crash at start, no overtakings, Barrichello wins
13) No crash at all, some overtakings, Barrichello wins
14) No crash at all, no overtakings, Barrichello wins
15) Someone of them above WITH....?

16) Crash at start, some overtakings, someone else wins
17) Crash at start, no overtakings, someone else wins
18) No crash at all, some overtakings, someone else wins
19) No crash at all, no overtakings, someone else wins
20) Someone of them above WITH....?

21) Slight south easterly prevailing wind, with a faint smell of beef in the air. Trees will have four legs, and dance to The Prodigy. Cars drive around a circuit.
22) Scotland invades, much haggis is eaten. Wenches are pillaged, and beer is drunk. Cars drive around a circuit.
23) Banana

I choose 23. You?
S2 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie : the other seems to be devoid of any personalty and is afraid to show his true self on TV, with the father orchestrating his every move.

Change the record already, you've been blasting this nonsense for two seasons now. Did you even watch the post race video from last weekend? If not, I suggest you do.
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Nah man if your team boss tries to make you do something like that, you say no, what you don't do is carry the deed out, keep your lips sealed and then squeal when it suddenly becomes conveniant to, thats just bastardly.

If I was in such a position I would said no and if I felt the need to be such a grass I would've done it straight away, regardless of wether it threatened my position within the team, if they sacked me there and then at least I would be respected for blowing the whistle on some dirty deeds that needed to be stopped. Rather than simply using it as a pathetic personal vendetta long after it even matters any more.

This is the point, Piquet dosent give a stuff about clearing up corruption in F1 (he was part of it!), its all about getting his own back on people who sacked him because he was essentially not a good enough driver.

Everyone seems to think of Piquet as being quite innocent in this, he has his own brain and morals, he carried out the act even though he should have known it was wrong, he was one of the men in on the plan and has absolutely no excuse, so he deserves as much punishment as anyone else. Just because he squealed to the FIA dosen't make him any more holy, especially as he did it only for personal reasons.

Yeah, it appears that everyone on these forums is holier than thou, would always do the right thing, and never ever make mistakes.

You couldn't say what you would do, because you've not been put in that situation. Money makes people go crazy (imagine Nelson's bonus and Flav's bonus through the team scoring a win). It's all very well sitting there spouting the law, what is right and wrong, and what you would do, but all that goes out the window when someone is promising big dollar signs.
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Why would F1 Live print it if it was in any way dodgy? It's a reputable website as are others that have printed the same quotes.

They are just repeating what another agency has reported. The source is dodgy, not the people that repeat the source.

Quote from amp88 :There's a slight difference between spinning a story a particular way and actually faking a direct quote. If you think these news agencies employ layers for libel cases and they just go ahead and willy nilly print faked or unsubstantiated quotes then I think it's you who is misguided.

If you want me to find and deliver source material for straight out lies, fake news, false quotes, spin and hyperbole, then please let me know, and I'll be glad to spam the **** out of this thread with links.
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Newspapers/sites wouldn't survive very long if they printed articles containing errors or manufactured quotes without withdrawals or printed apologies. If it was faked not only would it have to be an faked story but it would be a faked quote (which is a big difference).

If it was real, and existed outside of anywhere else other than the news pages of a German website / magazine, or sites that have quoted the same source, then I would be able to find significantly more instances of the alleged conversation on the internet. As no other news agency is able to put a source to it, they haven't run it. Therefore, it's absolutely bunk.

Further to this, if you honestly believe that news agencies make their money by telling the truth, you are very much misguided.
S2 licensed
All the haters are bashing Hamilton for looking up to Senna, then in the same breath, are kissing Senna's ass, claiming he was a deity.

Grow the f**k up, you stupid, stupid people. Especially you, TexasLTU.

I took a quick look at RTL's "story". The only "sources" given for this "quote" are an unnamed 'veteran British journalist' and that well-known purveyor of responsible and accurate reporting Sport-Bild.

For referential purposes, here is quotes from the alleged interview:

Quote :"I've always felt I had a connection with him, that we're somehow similar," he told Motor Sport magazine.

"I do crazy things that others wouldn't do and I feel like I have an edge, too. I feel I share something with him."

Quote :"I seem to be able to draw a lot from how he came across, in interviews and so on.

"He was such a fighter, that was the thing - I don't think he was ever one to drive half-heartedly.

"He was always looking for perfection and, yeah, he was a warrior - and that was what I loved about him."

In the interview, Hamilton talks at length about how closely he has modelled his career on Senna.

Quote :"The year before, I'd won the British [karting] championship, and got the chance to meet him. I'll never forget that," he said.

"As a kid, I was drawn to Senna because, for one thing, his driving style seemed to be different from anyone else's.

"And he seemed to be a daredevil - well, not a daredevil exactly, but he always went out of his way to… make sure he was at the front.

"Compared with all the others, he appeared never to be afraid - he seemed to me to have that little bit of an edge."

Despite his reverence for Senna, though, Hamilton recoiled from equating his ability with the Brazilian's.

Quote :"By no means have I ever suggested that I'm better than Ayrton - for me he's the king, and always will be," Hamilton said.

"If I could ever get to a point of being anywhere near as good as he was, I'd feel great."

Source: BBC News
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :how is being a mindless peon in any way excuseable? and yes midless peons should be punished as well
by your logic commiting a war crime would not be punishable if someone ordered you to do it

Yeah, because war crimes and formula one are comparable.
S2 licensed
Quote from JCTK :and if we go back to the spy-gate, all the FIA could prove was that McLaren had some Ferrari's stuff, without proving any intention or whatever else, McLaren got penalised heavily...

so if we apply the same logic here, all the FIA would do is "prove" Piquet crashed deliberately, without proving whether he do it by himself or was ordered to do so by Renault, to punish Renault heavily and screw Flavio up...

I surely hope that won't happen again of cos...

au contrate, mon ami.

if we apply the same logic, renault will be found guilty, yet won't be punished. however, mclaren will be punished, because they have an 'M' in their team name.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ichabot :Was it the real twitter account of Sebastian Vettel?

It's linked from the BBC website, so *shrug* I guessed so.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawguk :You lot need to calm down.

Quote from 5haz :anally retentive

Anal retention you say? It might work ...
S2 licensed
Quote from samjh :There is a difference between using one's brains to form an opinion, and stating an opinion without any qualifying statement as though it is a fact, which is what you did. I do apologise for calling it rubbish though. It was a rush-of-blood-to-the-head moment.

Fairy muff

Quote from samjh :Just personally, a pet hate of mine is when people who are accused of doing something are presumed to be guilty without adequate proof. I noticed this tendency in jury duty (which was alarming), in other dealings with the legal system, and investigative work. It annoys the crap out of me.

Some people don't like sitting on the fence

Quote from samjh :Not necessarily. It would benefit him if he planted an idea about exploiting it to his superiors. He doesn't even have to get their approval. Just drop the hint, and rely on Briatore being greedy enough to let it pass by when events transpire into a positive outcome.

There is also this, but I think that you give Piquet too much credit. I don't believe that he has the head on his shoulders to think of something like this all by himself.

Quote from samjh :Piquet has a history of mouthing off without considering the consequences. Sometimes people who have a tendency to shoot from the hips end up crossing the line and actually do the deed. Does Piquet have that sort of temperament? I think he does, but that is something the WMSC will need to consider when weighing Piquet's credibility as a witness.

Briatore also has the history to try and pull something like this off. He's a very shrewd business person, and he doesn't care if he upsets people. Whether or not this would extend to cheating, surely not!

Quote from samjh :As does Piquet's father. And as far as the FIA is concerned, Flavio Briatore does not have a good standing with them, particularly after the 2005 US GP saga. Briatore is not a popular bloke (no surprise there, judging by his ridiculous antics). The Piquet name, on the other hand, is good business material.

Interestingly, I was reading Sebastien Vettel's twitter page earlier, and he had this to say:

Quote :Many want to delete Briatore from F1 (including me). But we are paying a high price! Nelson is a good guy!

Make of that, what you will.
S2 licensed
You lot need to calm down.

Everyone is allowed an opinion, these are open forums, he can post whatever he likes. I'm sure you can find something worthwhile to argue about elsewhere.
S2 licensed
You are not allowed an opinion
S2 licensed
Quote from samjh :Let's not pretend that we know the facts. "He was acting on orders from on high", etc. and all that rubbish.

On the same note, this doesn't mean we aren't allowed to use our brains. Exactly why is it rubbish? You'd do well to heed your own advice, especially as we aren't pretending to know all of the facts

Assume that he crashed intentionally - the jury is still out on that, but it's looking likely unless his right leg spazzed out and he lost control of that too.

Why else would he crash intentionally? It certainly wouldn't help his cause if his bosses WEREN'T aware of it. Him crashing intentionally would only benefit him if it was planned.

There is of course the possibility that he crashed because he wanted to piss his team off, because Briatore was treating him like shit. Although that just doesn't make sense.

And then there is the possibility that his crash was unintentional, and it was just a mistake. I'd like to see the telemetry data on that, it would be quite easy to see if it happened on purpose or not.

I hope the FIA are transparent with their findings, because they have history of covering things up, especially when money is changing hands, and Briatore has a lot of it.
S2 licensed
I don't quite understand why everyone is bashing Piquet so much.

He was acting on orders from high, in the belief that it would make his life in the team easier. It's not like it was his idea, it was his bosses idea. Ultimately, the blame should fall on the decision makers at the top of the pile, not the mindless peon that's doing their bidding.

If anybody thinks that F1 is a clean cut, stand-up gentleman of an organization, they are sadly mistaken - the place is and will continue to be corrupt for a long time.

The difference these days, is that it's getting harder and harder to cover it up.
S2 licensed
Quote from carey :Oh right, I’m the only decadent c**t watching it from home on interactive then

Student scum!
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Is anyone watching the BBC's streaming FP1 coverage? I've got no sound on mine at the moment...

Aha! I had no sound, and spent 15 minutes restarting my window manager, sound daemon, etc. Eventually it worked, so I thought it was something I did. Good to know that BBC F1 streaming is still dodgy.

Damn, I love Monza as a spectator's circuit, it just feel right to see F1 cars on it.
S2 licensed
There is of course the possibility that because the chassis, aero, engine, tyre and fuel rules are so feckin strict, that removing refuelling could actually make the racing better.

The cars are already tightly matched on the track, and the biggest gaps are only made because of a different in refuel strategy. You remove that, and we might actually see pack racing in F1 again.
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Let's just say the for 1 weekend the NHS said - "**** this we aint picking up any binge drinkers. If you want help you got to pay for it". I am in no doubt the numbers of bingers would fall! In fact I believe to a certain degree some NHS staff would like to see this happen

So effectively what you're saying here is that drinkers make a pre-meditated decision before going out, to use A&E later that night.

*shakes head*

You sir, are a fool.
S2 licensed
I have to say, that I disagree with Brundle in this case. Rocket cars racing down the salt flats is all about ultimate pace.

F1 is all about forefront technology racing cars, trying to get around a piece of tarmac before the others. The fastest straight line car isn't always the winner *shrug*
S2 licensed
Quote from samjh :Because he is a former world karting champion?

A win for Liuzzi will be extremely interesting, mainly because the guy has never been even within spitting distance of a podium in F1, and has been slagged a lot.

But for me, I'll be watching Fisichella and Ferrari very closely. Italian track + Italian driver + Italian team? I think I'm already hearing the Tifosi from here, on the other side of the planet.

The distant cries of "Forza Fisi!". Yeuch.
S2 licensed
I'll elaborate on my previous post, for fear of being a victim of my own suggestion.

Compare the two possible situations that Becky mentioned, and put yourself in a first person perspective;


"Ohnoes, teh person has fallen off their bike, I'll run over, check they are OK, and call an ambulance if they need one. That way, they can get better in hospital."


"Ohnoes, teh person has fallen off their bike. However, I can't be sure that they have insurance, so instead of getting myself involved in some sort of potential scam or putting myself in a situation where someone needs healthcare to live but isn't covered, thus making me feel like a lesser human, it'd be best for me to not get involved."

OK, the so the dialogue isn't the best, but it's pretty much what I was shooting for.
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Social healthcare is nothing like your example. The person who helped you made their own decision to invest their time in helping you. Social healthcare doesn't allow them the choice. They are forced to help you whether they like it or not.

Do you ever read back what you type? This is the biggest sack of horseshyt I have read from you in a long time. Sort yourself out, and stop arguing for arguments sake.