there server was up from 2 till 3:30, with not even 1 person connected, so, i closed it down.
Next session is Sunday Nite.
Tweak cannot be run over a dedicated host, it can, and it cant.
Tweak modifys LFS's memory address's (example - Address number 900 can the code for the XFG's number of engine cylinders and so on)
unfortunatly, LFS's own dedicated host program, doesnt use these memory access codes, or rather, tweak doesnt recognise it as LFS Running.
The only way to get Tweak to run on a Dedi Server, is to actually have LFS Running, but, this requires the server its hosted on to have some sort of GFX Card that can handle bare minimum LFS (In most cases, they cant).
so, unless i find some kind person, who has a Server, with a decent GFX Card, its going to have to stay hosted off my PC.