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S2 licensed
Quote from Pablo Donoso :According to Newman Haas Racing, their test center said that IRL cars can produce enough downforce to drive on the roof of a tunnel, without falling, @ around 100mph.

I actualy thought about how cool that would be, people told me it was impossible, but considering the downforce, if you had a tunnel with a very large diameter it might just work. Although I doubt you will find anyone willing to try driving up side down at 100mph. They'd have to be illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Of course, i know. U cant see the difference between 60fps and 200fps incase the monitor supports max of 60Hz. The fact is that human eye can take 30.000fps+ - proven fact by scientists.

But the average person will not be able to tell the difference past around 70fps, so whats the point in displaying 200fps even if you could?

I have very sensitive eye sight, I can see flickering on TV screens if I look at them a certain way, but after about 70-80fps I don't see any difference.
S2 licensed
I tried to explain how hard it is to take a single threaded program and make it work on multiple core systems to some people on another forum and they just woulden't listen to me.

I'm glad to know that I was right at least. Unless LFS was written with future multi-threading in mind it could take an insane amount of time to re-write the whole code base to play nicely on a multiple core system

Multi-threading won't hurt anyone with an intel single core processor these days though, as others have said, the overhead will basicaly be offset by hyper-threading. And on AMD systems it's still so little that it won't realy hurt them anyway.

As far as hyper-threading giving no real gain in performance, AMD claimed it hurt performance in some cases, that seems to be partialy true. But I find it's also largely based on the program and in most games made for it, and even some that arn't, I see higher frame rates with it on. Maybe even more than %10 gain in some cases, but it isn't anything like a dual core.
S2 licensed
I did the first thing the guy above said and that was it, A NAT enabled router is the only thing besides Spybot S&D I need.

I never click on anything other than my deviant art pages or other art websites, youtube, or here. Thats all I frequent. Everything else I do with extreme caution.

My main computer has been virus free since I got it, thats 4 years now. None of my computers have ever had a virus from my doing. My brother let one in unknowingly once, but it was on my secondary computer, and I killed it quickly.

Simple way to avoid geting a virus or malware, don't go places you don't have to. Downloading random stuff seems like a good idea, but in the end it will cost you alot of time. The only downloads I ever do are images or games and modifications from trusted developers.
S2 licensed
Quote from Feffe85 :Excuse me? "this how it SHOULD look like"? EVERYBODY has different tastes in sound, two humans dont hear the sound the same way :/

so you really cant tell people "this is how it should look like"..

attached a pict of my EQ.

I said basicaly, NOT exactly. I was trying to state that it shoulden't look like a bowl shape unless you are lazy or don't realy care that much.

Of course it will look different for everyone. But why do you have your 200hz completely cut? That removes all of your upper bass range.

In general, EVERY system will benefit from an EQ, regardless of what media you play. As I stated, the EQ is not to make one particular type of music sound good, it should be set to flaten any frequency deviances caused by different equipment and the listening environment. I've said that at least twice in this thread already.

Unless you have some type of RTA spectrum analyzer or simmilar equipment you are going to have to set your EQ by ear, and it's perfectly possible to do so, provided you know what you are doing and know what to listen for.
Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Not Sure :Ever heard about parametric EQ?

Of course I've heard of a parametric equalizer, I've used parametric equalizers before. Hence the comment I made about having an equalizer that took up three shelves in a component rack, It was old and oversized, but it got the job done.

My old sound card had a virtual parametric equalizer, unfortunately it wasn't very good and was a chore to work with since everything was numbers, no sliders or virtual knobs what so ever.

Most virtual EQs arn't parametric because sound card manufacturers don't think people will know how to use them, and for the most part a ten band virtual graphic equalizer is enough for a PC sound system.

If I wanted to use a parametric EQ I'd bring my dads old one out of storage (not the big one) and set it up, but its quite pointless for the space it takes considering I don't do recording on my computer anymore.
Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
I decided to actualy take the time and tune in my EQ, mostly because of this thread.

I now have seperate and proper configurations for my headphones (MDR-V150) and speakers (MM-1000)
They have a very slight simmilarity in acoustics, but not much.

You will notice the bowl shape is gone, this is what an equalizer tuned by ear should basicaly look like:
Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCat360 :As a downforce car goes faster it rides lower since there are thousands of pounds pushing down on it. I've never seen that in a game.

I thaught it did that in LFS, I never realy looked at it though.

Thats a big thing for suspension geometry then, I always took downforce into account on my setups. But now that I think about it, I coulden't have been doing it properly if I wasn't looking at it anyway.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Those are what I'm using.

That looks alot like my old EQ.

My old setup had an unusual EQ on the sound card, I could set the bands myself, so I could boost or lower any range I wanted and I found that if you boosted the very lowest and highest it didn't sound right. But on a ten band, they usualy only effect frequencies above or around the bands depending on the type of equalizer.

I have to stress though that a proper equalizer setup will NOT always have the bowl shape, its a common thing to see on mid range sound systems playing recorded media, because it boosts the sound and has a certain appeal. But even on those types of systems thats the easy way of doing it.

It takes alot of time to equalize a system properly, so I always recommend people play with the bowl shape instead, not everyone knows how to do it properly, and often times on mid range systems it will be good enough and does away with the need for seperate EQ settings for headphones and speakers. I use it on my system too, because I'm lazy XD.
Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
They haven't stated how he died yet, but with the given evidence I'd say it was a brain aneurysm. It just sucks they didn't even see it till it was too late.
S2 licensed
One thing I think no one has mentioned yet is that even if the car behind doesn't touch the other, the one ahead still gets a small boost from the reduction in drag since the turbulence is being broken up and displaced by the car behind. It basicaly ends up being one hole in the air with two cars moving through it.

I don't know if LFS models that though, so bump drafting is probably the only way the car ahead gets a boost.
S2 licensed
I've seen bump drafting many times in racing, not just in Nascar. The problem with drafting that close is that you don't get enough air through the radiator, the car will overheat very quickly.

As LFS progresses we will see drafting techniques progress as well, and they will fall in line with the way its done in real life.
S2 licensed
Um. It's called a short URL. SAME SHIT. works exactly the same in every browser. Stop being a fan boy and start being a power user.

honestly, MAC fan boys can just sit on it and rotate. I'm not against macs, actualy, I like them. But this thread is about windows 7 prices and has nothing to do with mac os prices. Besides, $30 for an OS upgrade? Sounds sketchy to me, I wonder how much the poor bastards that worked on that actualy got payed.
S2 licensed
If an EQ is used in high end sound systems don't you think it's there for a reason?

Seriously, the EQ is there to allow you to adjust the sound AT YOUR DISCRETION. It's there to allow you to adjust for a specific sound environement.

If you don't use one you will NEVER get 100% out of your sound system, because the room you are in will always effect the volumes of the frequencies that reach your ears. Additionaly, every speaker set is tuned differently, so you can't expect one recording to sound the same on every system.

The EQ isn't just adjusted based on the speakers, it's also adjusted based on the listening environment, the room and how the acoustics of it effect the sound. The whole point of an equalizer is to level the frequencies so the audio sounds as it was intended.

As a note, if you use presets on a virtual EQ, like the one on winamp, it will ALWAYS sound like garbage, they will never match the acoustic range of your speakers. Presets are for the tone deaf, plain and simple. Also, if you adjust it yourself and think it makes it sound like crap, you need to learn how to use an equalizer, I'm not saying you are dumb, but you don't know what you are doing.
S2 licensed
He's probably talking about a Hilux, I've seen one with no body work left and the thing still drove by with the engine purring like new.

If you want a car that will last, get a used volvo 240DL, it's basicaly the Hilux of cars, it's also not bad on fuel. Volvo used to make good cars, and the 200 series was one of the best volvo series ever made.
S2 licensed
An Equalizer isn't just for running crap equipment, otherwhise they woulden't make EQ units that cost almost or more than $2000.

Every live show, every recording booth, every single high end system I have used or even seen while working with my dad has had at least a ten band multi channel EQ.

My dads old recording studio had an EQ that took up three shelves on the component rack, it cost somewhere around $1500 and was set up specificaly for the studio.

Thats what an EQ is for, to set up for a specific sound environment and specific speakers. If you have a room shaped a certain way, speakers will sound differently than they would in a differently shaped room regardless of how much the speakers cost. Thats a simple fact.

Most audio you will buy on CD or even MP3s won't ever be equalized for your system specificaly. You can't equalize a track when you create it and then play it back on a different system and expect it to sound the same, it doesn't matter how expensive both systems are, it will ALWAYS sound different. That is why it is left to the owner of the system to equalize the sound for the components in the system they run.

As far as the quality of MP3s, it doesn't realy depend so much on what bitrate it's at after 128, it's more dependant on who recorded it and how. I find lots of MP3s at 320 that sound horrible in comparasion to the same song on a 128 MP3. Sure the quality is noticable, but it's not horrifiying unless the person that recorded it did a bad job.

I encode my recorded songs in 128 MP3 to save space and the quality doesn't realy bug me that much, it's more annoying when I listen to an MP3 that was encoded badly.
Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
Thats why I ditched my satalites within a week, I put High end Sharp speakers on my system.

The amp in my system isn't half bad, not nearly as good as the systems I've worked with before, but not bad for a home computer amp. Before I moved I had a high end amp hooked up through a dual channel ten band EQ all plugged into my computer, and I had instrument inputs on the front of my computer.

When I moved I left that system with my dad since he still uses it for recording, it's not a bad system, probably 3k in parts minus speakers.

As for different music needing different EQ settings, it realy doesn't. Bass music should still be equalized the same as any other, the idea is the bass is the center piece of the composition, but the other instruments should still be level with it. I hear it all to often in car audio, the bass is so high it rattles the car apart, I've actualy seen the bumper fall off a civic because of it.

People will tell you different, but I have yet to find any professional EQ set up differently based on genre.
Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
The man's a bloody SOUND TECHNICIAN, I think he knows what he's doing, considering he's been doing it for more than thirty years.

A high end EQ shouldent put the signal out of phase, if you use a realy cheap one maybe, but a high end one won't.

If you look for EQs online all the expensive ones have a very familiar setup on them . I'm talking $500 or more, with seperate left and right ten band channels (or more).

EDIT: fast moving conversation completely overtook me lol.
S2 licensed
There are a few, from cheapo companies like rocket-fish and nexxtech, but I would honestly save money and get a logitech like a DFGT or something, garanteed to last alot longer than a nexxtech at least.
S2 licensed
Quote from GFresh :What is it with people and EQ's? Get the sound you were meant to hear and turn the EQ off

LOL, and what speakers do you expect that to work on?

@Not sure

Have you ever worked with realy high end speakers?
I have, my dad is a sound technician and has been for a very long time. Every High end sound system I have worked with, every one I have ever seen while working with him, has had at least a ten band EQ. The most important part of a sound system is a good amplifier and EQ unit. You can't get good sound without a good EQ, its simple as that. You can have $1000 speakers and they will sound like $20 ones on a system without a properly set up EQ.

Equalizers are called that for a reason, they level out the sound so you can hear the entire range correctly, you should hear all the frequencies evenly. The thing that blows my mind is that people rarely use them for that, instead they over do certain frequencies and muck up the sound.

Unfortunately because of the vast range of speaker makes and acoustic characteristics they won't always be level in every application. Generaly the mid will be too loud and the high and low frequencies will need to come up. That is why you run a curve, but if the sound system already does a good job you may not need to run a steep curve, but instead just bring up whatever you need to for it to sound balanced.


For a logitech that EQ looks sketchy, I doubt it is set up right for a PC sound system. That looks like an EQ setting you'd run on a single instrument amplifier.

I have a Monsoon Multimedia MM-1000, its very similar to the X-240 in terms of sound quality, if not a tad higher. I run the equalizer settings I posted on that. I swaped the two satalite speakers for a pair of Sharp surround sound ones.

I ran both of the EQs you posted, and at least on my system, it realy makes it sound flat. Some frequencies are almost inaudible and others are crazy high. You should try loosely copying my EQ and see if you like that better, I garantee it will sound better than your current settings, even if it might be a little off for your system.
Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
This is why I listen to old rock, like Led Zeplin, Pink floyd, and all the awsome bands of the 80s and before.

Rock died when it became about the money. Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll no longer works. Now it's money, drugs, and cheap guitar tabs.
S2 licensed
Your soundmax has a ten band EQ right? I know mine used to.

If so you want a gradual curve down and then up so that sliders at the ends of the EQ are higher than the center ones. This is true with all EQs too.

It's got to be done by ear too, how far you bend the curve is based on the speakers and the sound characteristics of the room. And it doesn't have to be a perfect bend either, it can be biased to one side or the other, or a little wiggly, it all depends on what you need to do to make the speakers you have balanced.

I usualy listen to a song while I tune mine, I listen to a song with as many different frequencies as possible, so I can balance the sound entirely. I close my eyes and move one slider at a time, first all the way up and down to determine exactly what changes, and then I put it back to center and slowly move it untill I can hear the frequency at the level I want. Then I move on to the next and repeat.

Putting all the sliders up is just boosting the volume of the entire range the EQ covers, you arn't getting anything out of it.

Here's a screenshot of what mine looks like right now, it's tuned to work with my speakers so its not a good idea to match it exactly, but it is a good starting point if you don't want to start with a flat EQ. (I always name my custom settings Boom Box)
S2 licensed
I'm usualy unbiased, but I would take the HD4870.

I've had three Nvidia cards and countless ATI cards, as far as defective cards goes it's three Nvidias and one ATI, thats every Nvidia card I had failed.

I've had alot more ATI cards than that, probably more than ten, so one out of that many isn't alot of defects.

I run an HD3850 on a dual rail 500w power supply. I used the connector that came with the card to power it from both rails instead of one. If you can I would suggest doing that, it will mean that the card will have stable power from both rails at all times.

The rating on a power supply means nothing if the power supply was cheap, a cheap 500w power supply will die if you try to run it anywhere near 70% of that.

Pull out your power supply and see how heavy it is, if it isn't heavy at all get a new one, this sounds odd, but a light power supply is a bad power supply, you want the heaviest one you can buy. That also means a more expensive one. I payed $110 for my 500w power supply, I could have got one for $60 but it would have been dangerous to use it.
S2 licensed
Quote from BEEAH :I haven't played in a while, a LONG while. The only real change I have seen or read about to get excited over is the introduction of that FBM. Patch Z was put in on July of 2008 with updates like New Interiors and and such. Who cares what the inside of the car looks like(I at least don't). Give us real tracks, give us real cars, charge more for the game. Put it on store shelves! Go big or go home. Waiting years for the most simple and minor updates is crazy.

I understand if they don't want to do that its their choice. But being what many of us consider the best sim out there, IMAGINE what it could be if they took it to the next level. I randomly search the markets for a new updated sim that may compete with LFS bit, but still find none. We know that drift and cruise market games are large. Incorporate that into a full blown portion of the game. The people it would draw would be massive, with all the movies and stuff that motovate people, take advantage of it. Put out the dough and fire up LFS side perminent servers with in game stats tracking. Couple the free version with the purchase of a wheel, talk to Logitek GET SHIT MOVING!

I love the sim and its creators, but at this point, I want them to merge with a developer.

How many fully commercialized sims do you know that are as good as LFS in terms of value-content-realism relationship? I can't think of even one.
As it is, the cars are based on real cars anyway, the XRT is basicaly a Starion, just to name one. So what if the tracks are fictional, they are still paved surfaces that act like such, at least the roads arn't a laser light show.

If LFS went fully commercialized and got a bigger team and a publisher the sim would very quickly become a bloated unrealistic piss fest. The publishers would be all over it trying to make it "apeal" to the right demographic, LFS would be dead in a year.

At least with the way it is going there hasn't been a step in the wrong direction, it's still a sim, and even though the steps are small and sometimes far between they are always going to be striving for a better simulation. Thats why I play LFS, because its always going to be about the simulation, no bling, no fame. Just a serious realistic racing simulator.

If LFS is still being worked on five years from now, I'll still be there to get the updates, and I'll pay for S3 when it comes out.
S2 licensed
Quote from Equinox :Incorrect.

Project Reality - A mod for Battlefield2 also contains suppression effects. (Unless you want to be all uber say OMG ONLY GAMES NO MODZ PLZ)

Actualy, Insurgency is a mod as well.

I prefer Insurgency over Project reality because Project reality has absolutely horrible cones of fire on all of the assault rifles, they deliberately made them inaccurate, which is incorrect for a realism mod.

Insurency is phasing out the cones for a ballistics system at some point, as it is though the weapons in Insurgecy are somewhat realisticaly accurate, they will hit if you take the time to line up a target.

The AK is generaly less accurate than the AR series, but for the same reason it is in real life, the sights aren't great on the AK series, they look alot like enlarged pistol sights.