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S2 licensed
It's called Caster steer or Self return. All real cars will do that, how hard they push back depends on the car and in LFS you will notice that this is also true, the XRT will push the wheel around harder than the LX4 because of the extra weight of the car.
S2 licensed
Dude, no I didn't.

And if I did I was refering to older ABS like the cars in LFS would have.

Older ABS does it's job well, unfortunately, the peole who drove those cars equiped with older ABS didn't know that you still have to go around the obstacle, and when they pressed the pedal and felt the car "float" they would re-pump the brakes and that would cause an accident. In worst cases I've heard of people panicing when the ABS kicks in and just completely releasing the brakes.

Modern ABS has improved on the stopping distance when ABS is engaged, but its not the point of it, modern ABS has been improved so that people are more likely to hold the brakes and steer than repump and brace for impact. Unfortuanately many people still do.

On my fathers 99' 6.5l turbo diesel van you can stop faster on most surfaces without ABS than with, But thats 3 tons of truck plus payload, so when the ABS pulses it doesn't keep enough pressure to maintain optimum brake force for the weight. On most cars the pulses are ususaly enough to preven the wheels from locking without loosing a considerable amount of brake force.

On my fathers van, when ABS is engaged the brake distance increases by as much as 5ft, may not sound like much, but it can mean the difference between hitting something or stoping just short.

I will add that you can't steer around in all cases, because sometimes you will be blocked in, but thats no excuse to slam the pedal to the floor.
Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
Should have chucked it into reverse and planted it on the limiter.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :And you seem to think that ABS doesn't decrease braking distances, I find this laughable.

Are you even reading my post? I said NOBODY SAID ABS DOESN'T DECREASE BRAKE DISTANCE.

I'm just saying that its not there to stop your car faster, thats just a side effect of its intended use.

Damnit I wish people would read the whole thread instead of running off at the mouth.

@el pibe,
And how are bigger brakes going to stop the car faster if the small ones already lock the wheels? wheres the added traction come from?

Wider tires are about the only way you can stop a car faster than normal brakes, hell, even drum brakes will stop the average car pretty well.
Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
My god, you are thick headed.
S2 licensed
To use FFB in LFS you need to set the logitech profiler up with no damper force, and no spring force.

Overall at 75-105% depending on how much force you want.

And LFS should have FFB set to 20-25%
S2 licensed
You may need to go into Computer Management to reactivate the drive.

Rightclick on your My computer icon, click manage and go to storage.

If the drive is listed there you should be able to reinitalize it, or windows may decide to be a d#ck and make you format it before you can use it again.

If it doesn't show up there, something is wrong and I would suggest calling Maxtor customer service.

Maxtors are good drives, don't let anyone tell you otherwhise.
Alot of people just don't seem to know how to take good care of thier computer.
S2 licensed
An FFB brake pedal would only realy do one thing, pulse when ABS kicks in.

Other than that you can get an extreemly realistic brake pedal using a load cell and a very heavy spring.
S2 licensed
I use engine braking in LFS all the time and never over rev the engine, if you are over reving the engine going from 2nd to 1st you arn't letting the car slow down enough before you change down. Or your first is to tall.
S2 licensed
Because at high speeds you only turn the wheel a little. ABS won't stop you from lossing contol of a car because of excessive steering, it can only do so much.
S2 licensed
I'm talking a big car here guys, like the average canadian car. They go from 100-0 in alot more space than a europian car.

I just realize I put the wrong unit to, I meant feet, not meters.
The crown victoria goes from 100-0km/h within 167ft.

ABS still has the same intended usage no matter how advanced it becomes. My brake book was from 2003, And I'll quote it again.

"ABS or Anti-Lock Brake System is a system encorporated into the computer system of most modern cars, when active it allows a driver to steer thier car in a panic situation where they would normaly lock the brakes and slide."
Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
Quote from marzman :If you need to make an emergency stop most people will slow down faster with ABS. Because in the moment you floor the brakepedal. That also counts for "experienced" drivers that don't expect that they have to make an emergency stop (because they are shaving/making phonecalls/looking on a roadmap). In normal circumstances you don't need ABS, not experienced and not unexperienced drivers.

I just HAD to make another post just for this, experianced driver shaving behind the wheel? Thats not an experianced driver, thats an idiot who wants to die.

I never do any of that while driving, its just plain ignorance to do so.
S2 licensed
It's obvious that BlueFlame doesn't have alot of experiance behind the wheel of a real car.

I've driven all sorts of vehicles over the past years, not all of them have had ABS (bikes don't). You know what saved me from a crash more than once, actualy realizing that you CAN'T STOP, you need to go around regardless of ABS or not. Trying to stop a car within 100m at 100km/h isn't possible, even with ABS. I've seen people try to, and it wasn't a pretty scene.

If people can't comprehend that ABS isn't designed to stop your car faster, thats not my problem as long as I'm not the one they hit. But if someone rear ended me because they didn't have the common sence to either steer or lock and pop, then I'll be damned if I don't give them my two cents.

Nobody said modern ABS doesn't stop your car faster, all we are saying is that it's not designed to stop your car faster, it's designed to allow you to steer with the pedal to the floor. I don't know how many times I have to repeat this.


"ABS or Anti-Lock Brake System is a system encorporated into the computer system of most modern cars, when active it allows a driver to steer thier car in a panic situation where they would normaly lock the brakes and slide."

I wish I still had the damn book, because then I could scan the whole page, instead of taking it from notes.

Maybe when I actualy have my Service tech license people will actualy listen to me
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :It's purpose is to prevent your wheels from locking. You said that ABS isn't intended to help you slow down more quickly than without? How does ABS not spell that out?
People can interpret the sub-purpose how ever they want but the name is what it is, you don't call a banana, a banana when it's a carrot do you?

I realy hope you wake up and actualy do some research.

I am an AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN, that means that I know alot about the braking systems on a car and how/what they are designed to do.

I had to study this stuff for two years, I know what ABS is designed for, and I don't know how you get "STOP YOUR CAR FASTER" out of "ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM"

The whole point to preventing the wheels from locking is to allow an inexperianced driver to steer thier car when they panic and smash the pedal to the floor. It was never intended to allow you to stop your car in a straight line, that is what your foot is supposed to do.

Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
Just try doing it without ABS, thats imposibble to do with the wheels locked, hence why Lock and Pop is a good thing to know.

There's a reason ABS doesn't kick in below certain speeds, thats because it's not designed to stop your car, its designed to allow you to brake hard and steer at the same time, something you don't need to do at low speeds.
S2 licensed
What I'd like to do is get samples from all the cars the ones in LFS are based off of, this way I could tune them in and get realy good sounding engines.

I would realy like the XRT to sound like a turbo charged starion, but I can't find a good starion sound clip, so I just worked with the default sounds.
S2 licensed
Just about every car in production today measures the dash displayed speed from the transmission, the wheel speed sensors are reserved for ABS and traction control. I have changed the speed sensor on alot of newer cars.

On cable driven cars it was either taken from the transmission or from one of the non driven wheels. The only examples I can think of right now that take it from a wheel are the DMC12 and older porsches. Other than that, they mostly take it from the transmission.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :It is what it was designed for. You couldn't avoid the collision at a higher speed, it's designed to reduce speed as fast as possible. Therefore, designed to stop the car.

This is exactly what I am talking about, ABS is designed to alow the average person to push the brakes to the floor and steer around the hazard, but most people think exactly like you do. And most people smash into the car infront of them and come away going "But the ABS kicked in, why coulden't I stop?"

I have practiced high speed steering, and belive me, If I needed to steer around something braking from 100km/h, I could do it. And if I can, anybody can learn how to control thier car properly. The problem with drivers today is that they don't take the time to learn thier car.

Edit: I also forgot to mention a trick I learned for avoiding collisions in a medium-low speed situation. I call it the "Lock and Pop" And it only works on cars without ABS.

What you do is lock the wheels and turn the steering wheel, this causes the car to continue to slide straight even though the wheels are turned, then you pop your foot off the brake and apply proper pressure so you don't relock them. This will cause the cars front end to shoot out in one direction allowing you to steer around a hazard very quickly. The maneuver should only take a split second to do, but you have to watch where your car goes afterward and steer to avoid hitting something else.

They used to teach you that when you take your drivers test, but now they don't teach you any of the important maneuvers anymore.
Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
I have a P4 prescott 3.2ghz HT, when I play any source games my performance is nearly doubled when I have HT enabled.

My framerate goes up from 100fps to 170fps, this is with the same high settings and the same (complex) scene in single player.
S2 licensed
I found Grid pushed HDR even farther than I've seen before, the contrast is so cliped at the ends of the spectrum its crazy.

None but the 20k priced monitors can display True HDR yet. It takes 48bit color to display true HDR, otherwhise you might as well just turn up the contrast, because thats what HDR does right now anyway. It clips the hell out of the contrast range.

All the other effects like better transparancy and shadows are grouped with HDR for some reason, but they arn't even linked.
S2 licensed
Quote from Not Sure :rtfm, search, google m********er

Dude, thats just uncalled for.


Check to make sure the brake and accelerator pedals are on seperate axis in both LFS and the profiler, and then make sure to assign and calibrate them in LFS.
S2 licensed
You can put a 3-way cat on any car with a computer, all the computer control need to know is the oxygen level in the exhaust so it can adjust the fuel level to keep it in the correct range for proper catalytic operation.

The catalytic converter will do its job regardless of what ignition system you use, you could even have one on a car that uses magneto-coil ignition as long as the engine is fuel injected. (my dune buggy will have a cat and has magneto-coil ignition with EFI)
Last edited by DragonCommando, .
S2 licensed
I've played a against people in source games where they have a ping of 300, and we still get perfectly stable play. They ususaly have a slight advantage because of lag compensation, but other than that it's perfectly fine.
S2 licensed
Yes, it was an older VW jetta, They use a distributor and the canadian ones are fitted with catalytic converters.

Remember, Canadian Emissions standards are different. Every car has a converter in Canada.
S2 licensed
When they are lagging that bad, it should just time them out, but if they have a "high ping" they shouldent just get kicked for that.

The problem with LFS is how it seems to handel the location data, it apears that if you are lagging it makes alot of prediction errors.