I recently bought a new computer, I also have some spare time over christmas, now I've finished for christmas. Anyway, my new computer came with Vista already installed.
Previously on XP I was using a PS3 six axis controller, however I can't seem to get the six axis to work on Vista, I searched around google but never really got a good answer, so I was wondering if anyone knows how to get a PS3 controller to work with Windows Vista.
I've found this really nice route to drive just down the road. It's a quiet, winding, country road. Except it's wide enough for two cars. It's amazing fun to drive down to the bottom, the turn round and come back
The problem with peoples opinions of hip hop being bad is from what's in the charts.
Snap and crunk is truly awful, but it's when you delve a bit deeper and start discovering more alternative hip hop, which show amazing production talent, from musicians such as JDilla, Dj Premier (of Gang Starr fame). J Dilla inparticular is often considered the no 1 hip hop producer, sampling jazz
Hip hop often gets a bad reputation for misogyny and violence. Listen to something different from what's in the charts. A Tribe called Quest, De La Soul. Any band/musician part of the native tounge, a collective who's known for their positive lyrics.
Hip hop duo Blackalicious, have produced tracks criticising rappers killing people in rhyme, stating they'd rather cultivate than contribute to genocide.
Another argument against rap and hip hop is that there's no skill in it, becuase they don't play instruments for the most part. The truth is that with newer hip hop (soulja boy and other crunk/snap musicians) who use a beat looper aren't using much skill. The skill is in the sampling, making a good track out of different tracks, bringing many layers to it.
There's alot of skill in writing songs, it's so hard in fact that alot of rap songs are ghost written.
Another argument is that there's no meaning to it. Again this is a problem stemmed from crunk and snap; inane music and rambling to satisfy ringtone customers. Almost all songs by musicians such as Nas, ATCQ, Blackalicious, PE etc. However some hip hop musicians can create a brilliant track with no real meaning to it, Kool Kieth as Dr. Octagon for example from the album Dr. Octagonecologyst, a made up character he's an extraterrestrial, time-traveling surgeon/gynecologist. It's absolutely ridiculous, but it's a brilliant album. You can tell it's ridulous as well by the statement on the sleeve of: "The music on the compact disc was originally recorded on a thermo-nuclear 387-bit, non-linear tracking system dithered down to 20-bit compact disc format. Because of its high resolution, however, limitations can be heard in the compact disc format."
It's produced by Dan the Automator, another brilliant producer, who worked with Prince Paul to create the production duo/group Handsome Boy Modelling School who produce songs and have other people sing on them.
Personally I am not against the taking of drugs, I just choose not to take most of them. My exceptions being alcohol, tobacco and cannabis.
I choose to smoke weed with a few mates, never more than once a week. We normally, go on a walk on quite back roads, on the way to Asda. As cliched as it sounds, convesations about space happen fairly often.
If we don't walk back roads we go to a friends house and just sit around watching films and old cartoons, talking rubbish, generally having a peacefull, fun time.
I choose to do cannabis over other drugs becuase I enjoy it. Done pills a couple of times and don't really like them. Seeing people on ket puts me off. Family happenings put me off doing crack, coke and heroin.
Wouldn't mind doing shrooms.
Smoked salvia a couple of times as well, that was fun. And legal.
Personally I think cannabis should be legalized in a similar way it is in the Netherlands, allowing certain shops to sell with a licence in small quantities, where the goverment would charge tax I imagine. That would probably mean lower prices for weed (or maybe not) and less dealers on the streets.
I've only used one. My dad had to pay for the refill. But it's because I have no way of paying at the moment (chip and pin was borked, so I ordered a new card. Week later I phone the bank, apparently they never ordered one ¬_¬)
Also haven't had the chance to go on a proper long drive yet.
Occasionally drive down some of the country roads near me when alone or take a longer route home from college or work.
I should have reset the trip computer as soon as I passed. I reset it earlier today.