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Quote from ultrataco :I think a very subtle, realistic motion blur could look good. It would make it smoother (especially for people using LCD monitors), and add to the sense of speed a bit.

See, I don't think so. In real life, your own eyes provide the motion blur effect, and it's really not any different looking at a monitor. Objects in my peripheral vision are still blurred. Not by a graphic effect, but by my own eyes.

Motion blur can provide style to some games, but does not look at all realistic. LFS should look realistic because it's a sim, attempting to replicate real life.
S3 licensed
Why is this thread now full of unfunny, spammy posts??

With custom textures, LFS looks great. Like Sil3ntwar said, lighting improvements is all I would ask for.

A lot of DX9-10 features, like motion blur HDRI etc just would not suit LFS and it is much better off without them.
S3 licensed
XP for games and Ubuntu for everything else.
Until XP no longer runs the games I play properly, I won't purchase another Microsoft OS.
S3 licensed
Quote from 1993weeman :The person who played Bugs Bunny never even liked Carrots.

His name was Mel Blanc. He voiced many Looney Toons charaters e.g. Bugs Bunny, Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn. Many more as well.

He died in 1989, and the engraving on his tombstone says "That's all folks"

S3 licensed
Quote from Rdcranno :I seem to remember Germany invading Poland,

Remember that?

You don't even know what you're trying to say any more, do you?
S3 licensed
I seem to recall the Poles did some pretty good work in the skys over England in 1940 too.

Remember that Rdcranno?
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :See this is what I find SO funny about this kids views etc...

The reason is because people of this mind are not really thinking about the economics, they're just racist. Most people in society don't tolerate blatant racism, so they use feeble economic arguments to try and disguise their views.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Rdcranno :Why isit that if someone has an oppinon I get put into a group?

For a start, because you said these things:
  • Send the buggers back!
  • If they don't bloody like it why don't they piss off from where they came from.
  • My only concern is that the buggers will come over to England now.
  • And thank god for it. (In response to an opinion that racists would be more able yo publicly voice their racist views)
  • Shouldnt our own come first?
  • People who bring nothing to the country and take the minimum wage jobs is what I dont want.
  • Racist? I say Realist.
S3 licensed
Quote from Rdcranno :You call me ignorant. The ignorant ones are the people who have let society get this way. Enoch Powell brought this up many a year ago and he was ousted out. Its people that think everything is nice and rosie, and that we can all get along happy and peaceful. Well the world doesnt function like that. Racist? I say Realist.

The ignorant people are people like you. People who have zero tolerance for differences have let society get this way.

We would all get on better if it were'nt for people like you.

You're not only racist, you're also a fool.
S3 licensed
Quote from Rdcranno :Well then there you are, send the buggers back!

I know that allot of illegals in Aus are actually british backpackers, but how many are we talking about. from having a quick look in 2004 5,500 UK passport holders overstayed there visa. over here, the number is nearly at 1million illegal immigrants.

So what's your point? I noted that most illegal immigrants in Australia are British in response you your comment that you would 'ave to have a job lined up for me to go to.'

There's no evidence from what I've read that the people attacked in Northern Ireland were illegal immigrants. They're just victims of racist hate crimes.

Your view seems to be that if they don't enjoy being the victims of crime, then they can bloomin' well go back to where they came from, and it just illustrates how ignorant and inhumane you must be.

S3 licensed
Quote from Rdcranno :If i was to move to the Canada, New Zealan, Aus or basically any commonwealth country. I'd have to have a job lined up for me to go to.

Just want to point out that the largest group of illegal immigrants in Australia are British.

Also, I'd dare say that that job in finance or IT you missed out on recently was probably taken by an Aussie or a Kiwi, not a Romanaian. Where's the drive to kick all the white immigrants out?

Redneck rhetoric is always the same; arguements stating 'they too our jobs!' and the like in a feeble attempt to mask their racism and intolerance.

S3 licensed
By definition, it will only alienate people who don't play LFS as a 'Racing Simulator'.
When you consider that game's title is 'Live For Speed: Online Racing Simulator', the answer is yes but who cares? LFS was not developed for their wants.
S3 licensed
Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :snippy

Wow. Lots of information to work with there, and straight from a dev's mouth.
For the record, I've mainly been driving the TC65 Falcon, and the GTC76 911 RS. Currently, I'm using a Momo with A1 GT Pedals and an Act Labs shifter.
Some of tyour suggestions I have already tried, but others I haven't, so hopefully there's a magic combination for me there somewhere.

Thanks a lot, and good luck with version 2.
S3 licensed
Well, I've given rfactor Historix Mod a good deal of time and effort over the last week or more. I've consulted numerous forums, downloaded real feel and tweaked my ini files extensively. With my passion for historic motorsport I really, really want to love it.......

But I just dont.

The sound and the graphics are fine, the reason is that I just don't feel the car on the road, and I don't realise I'm losing control until I've already lost it. More often than not, it's the rear end stepping out entering corners. Yes, with extensive practice and effort, I can learn not to make it happen by making sure my braking and entry speed are exact every time, but I don't want that. What I want is to feel what my car is doing on the road.

LFS does it for me (as did GPL), but not rfactor so far. Any tips or suggestions to get more 'feeling' out of this sim, I'm more than willing to listen to.

S3 licensed
Great project. Following it with interest!
S3 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :It's gonna go right here.

Reckon it won't.
It will be up with the other road cars.
S3 licensed
Quote from mathew4445 :
EDIT: Just noticed something, The top two rows have no skins, The bottom two do =/

Top two rows - road cars.
Bottom two rows - race cars.
S3 licensed
Quote from stjuart :Why don't you buy the full game before complaining maybe than you would have a lot of content. You of all people have no right to demand anything from the developers, or the community since your not really devoting anything to the success of lfs, go whine somewhere else.

Probably a licenced user who made a new account for the purpose of posting his inane rant. Hopefully the mods can figure out who it is (ip address??) and give him a nice lengthy ban.
S3 licensed
Quote from LightningBladeR32 :For GOD'S SAKE!!! Scirocco Has Supposed To Be Out In DECEMBER. It Is Now 5 Months Later And STILL NO SCIROCCO

WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM LFS?!?! The Whole Reason I Play It Again After Quitting (Used To Play 0.5 X) I Saw The News And Was Like OMG A Licinced Car Is Out?!?!

After Almost Half A YEAR The Posponed Message Is Still On The HomePage At I Wonder If They Are Actually Doing The Damn Thing. HURRY UP IF YOU HAVENT CANCELED IT!!!

This Is Stupid. I Have Changed Over To A More Realistic Game Just Like LFS Called Project Torque. It Is Way Better And There ARE Licinced Cars And Fantasy Cars As Well That Resemble Real Life Cars.

So Listen Up LFS! This Is Getting WAYYY To Far. If Your Going To Make People Excited And Happy Abour The Game, Dont Put FAKE Licinced Car News Or Fake Youtube Commercials. Its Dumb.

So If You're Going TO Make The Damn Car, Make It. And Tell Us When The Hell It's Coming Out. Because I Am Very Mad About This. I Am Super Close To Quitting For Good Unless Scirocco Comes Out By The Time School Is Out For Summer. So DO IT

Your post fails in so many respects, it's impossible to know where to begin picking it to pieces.

Congratulations Loser!
S3 licensed
When you see it, you'll shit bricks.
Well, not really but it's a pretty cool pic anyway.
S3 licensed
Quote from innersasuke16 :I still dont get why people like this car so bad, It just looks like a VW Golf 5 with some other headlights and abit modified

I'm looking forward to it, not because of what kind of car it is, but because it will be the most detailed yet in LFS. It will be a big insight in to the future of the sim, in terms of car content.
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :That's what I really hate about anything chinese, weapons, aircraft, electronics, cars, they've copied it all...

Hehe. True to a certain extent in today's world perhaps, but go back a bit and the Chinese would have been saying the exact same thing about Europe.

But a few Chinese inventions that were copied by everyone else:
S3 licensed
I'm in the 'Fart jokes are funny' camp ... farting+preacher&aq=f