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Quote from ColeusRattus :I really can't remember any period in LfS, except the releases of S1 and S2, which brought more content.

By content, I meant everything associated with a patch. Not just new cars + tracks.

(I probably could have been clearer :nod
S3 licensed
Quote from Jordan2007 :as you can see on the forum most people want Real Cars,

A dubious statement at best. Where can I see this?

Quote from chunkyracer :history, if based in facts, is quite different:

version W - released Mar 31st 2007
version X- released Jun 8th 2007
version Y - released Dez 21st 2007
version Z - released Jul 2nd 2008

Aye, but the last few have been more than a little lean on content. Particularly Z. It had some nice touches, but didn't seem like 6 months worth development. To me, it feels like a year since anything happened.

Quote from Gills4life :LFS is still the best sim you can buy imo

I totally agree, but I remain a concerned fan in regards to ongoing development.
S3 licensed
Quote from LiveForBoobs : farcar, Old timers probably are more patient because they like the way the game is right now, so any further improvement is just a bonus, not a necessity for them to enjoy it.

They also have come to understand this is the way the devs work, and that what many newcomers are suggesting has been suggested many times before.

You didn't even read my post did you? I think you just read the quote in TAYLOR-MANIA's post above. Go back an read my whole post. It might put things in to context for you and you'll realise you have made a moot point.

Quote from LiveForBoobs :If you don't like the ways thigs are right now, you can make a topic about your suggestion in the improvement sections, but saying "we want this and that" is like me going to your house telling you when to buy new furniture.

If this was directed at me, then you've totally lost me. What are you on about?
S3 licensed
Just wanted to pick you up on a couple of things in your rant.

Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :why exactly would it matter even if large numbers of long-time players leave LFS??

The commercial loss for Scavier would be if these people don't fork out for S3.

Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :90% of those players leaving have used LFS for a long time indeed & have now grown bored of it. That's to be expected after 6-odd years & that's their problem.

I have not grown bored of LFS as a piece of software, or as a concept. I've grown bored of it's current content and grown tired of the slowing development cycle. There's a difference.

Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :But the developers shouldn't change their ways just because a fraction of old-timers are getting impatient.

As you said yourself the 'old timers' know how the developers work, so it's concerning that it is these people who are becoming impatient after all this time.
Generally, the 'old timers' are the most patient people in the community.
S3 licensed
Quote from 510N3D :In case you really understood the reasons behind it you should know what to expect (wishfulness ftw) . And this is why im unable to see a problem somehow but perhaps you could try to enlighten me in that respect (once again).

So we both agree that the development cycle is slowing.
You don't see a problem with this which is cool with me. No skin off my nose.
My opinion on the other hand is that the slowing development cycle will eventually lead to a decline in this great simulator through a slower uptake, and existing racers leaving. Enlightened?

In regards to wishful thinking, the solutions to the (imho) 'problem' would be more developers or more development hours from Eric and Victor. I'm assuming Victor and Eric aren't working full time on LFS... Clearly these decisions are made by them based on their desires (do they want to spend more hours), and economic feasability (will they make more money?). They're none of my business, but being a fan, I do think about these things.

Quote from 510N3D :About server populations once again, i think that anyone that is not living within the european time zones has got a problem, every now and then, finding a proper server to play at. But since im actually living in europe, im of course just guessing here.

I feel like I'm repeating myself here, but I will...
A couple of years ago, I had no problems finding a reasonably well populated pickup race server in Australia. In the last 6-12 months I have had lots of problems finding a reasonably well populated pickup race server in Australia.
So it's not living outside Europe I'm referring to, it's a perceived decline in numbers on Australian servers
S3 licensed
Quote from 510N3D :Im afraid that you haven't considered the expositional factor of such a project...

Yes I have.

I was merely stating a fact; that patches have become less frequent over time. I understand that there are reasons behind this.
The fact that there are valid reasons for slower development output, doesn't solve the problem though.

In regards to server populations, I don't have any numbers to show. It's just that from Australia I can never seem to find decently populated local race servers.
I never used to have such problems.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Bottomline, it (LFS) is what it is, it has been the same for many years, and is not going to change.

I would argue that LFS has 'changed' over the years with lower frequency of patch releases. Maybe that's why the complaints are louder?

For the record, I rarely play LFS at the moment because of this stagnation. I'm still a huge, huge fan, but think that the development cycle needs to be sped up for it's long term survival. If the next patch doesn't have significant new content and enhancements, or there is another huge gap between patches I fear that things will really begin to drop off in terms of online server populations etc.

Let's hope it turns out OK!
S3 licensed
Quote from richo :Were probably the only nation that either culls or eats its Coat of Arms

... and use the shield as a plate.
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Just rack off, you dag

GOLD! Made me laugh, that one.
Something a typical Aussie bogan might have said in the 70s or 80s.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :The state penitentiary?

Not a bad jail you Brits sent us to. Thanks!
S3 licensed
There have always been plenty of Aussies on the forums, but are any any of the pickup race servers populated? I must admit I haven't played LFS for ages. Mainly because there were no populated local servers.

A while back there was usually at least 10 racers on a server somewhere.
Bring those days back!
S3 licensed
Quote from omgti - website of my city's state)

Maybe you should have asked your government to pay you for making this one, and buy S2 with the proceeds?
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :You should be able to get it full screen. Have a fiddle.

iirc, it's a tick box in the Render Options menu
I'm still waiting for my DVDs to arrive, and the 10 minute time limit is annoying as hell, but at the moment I'm having a blast just playing around with the weather. It's just implemented so nicely.

The current amusement comes from hiting the Randomize Weather button until eventually, I get cyclonic winds and my Cessna blows off the runway.
S3 licensed
Quote from obsolum :So can you fly a chopper in the demo or not?

Yep, you can.
S3 licensed
Quote from wildwilly :it's the LFS of flight sims.

I'm really starting to form that opinion too. Xplane is just such a neat little piece of software. Very modular, highly configurable, great physics and developed with that little bit of extra love and care.

I guess that that would make FSX is like the rfactor of flight sims, but I haven't played it so I won't make such assumptioms...

Nice heli landing too! -Edit- I'm sure you've seen this Willy, but for the benefit of people who don't know about auto-rotation, have a look at the movie below. It's basically landing a chopper by cutting the engine and using a physics cheat. Not for the faint of heart!

Quote from Mazz4200 :...those 70gb's worth of scenery files is a bit of a worry, can't afford that kind of space on my pc atm.

As I understand, the scenery is broken down in to regions, and you only need to install the areas you want. Europe is around 10GB apparently.
Last edited by farcar, .
S3 licensed
Here's the 3D cockpit in the Cessna, and yes it's clickable.
I haven't downloaded any planes yet, but the quality of cockpits in the demo planes varies. Some of them are rather dodgy, but the Cessna one as you can see is great.
Last edited by farcar, .
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :the latest xplane does look very impressive!

I reckon the graphics are rather pretty. Like any flight sim, some of the details look a little clunky close up, but overall it's good. I attached some quick and simple edits taken from the demo.
S3 licensed
Quote :The scenery is nice in X-Plane however it doesn't compare to well with FS9 with products like the PMDG 747-400.

Looks like a very in depth product, but not really what I'm looking for in a civilian flight sim. I'd be more inclined to fly short legs in a GA type plane like a Piper. Besides that I already have FS2004 but there are quite a few things that annoyed me, so I haven't installed it on my latest rig...
X-Plane 9
S3 licensed
It's been out for a while now...

I ordered my copy the other day, partly because I'm lacking a good civil flight sim, and partly because I like this 'style' of software and how it's developed.

I've been mucking around with the demo while I wait for my 6 x Scenery DVDs to arrive (around 10 days apparently). Just starting to get used to things.
I'm wondering if anyone else is on the X-Plane bandwagon and wants to share any thoughts, tips or tricks, particularly regarding configuration, recommended downloads/plugins and anything else X-Plane related that might be interesting.

S3 licensed
Quote from monsterrocks :Anyone see the Paul weel crash i reckon he might be dead personally

Eloquently put.
If he is OK, then full kudos to the saftey of a V8 Supercar though. It was a sickening impact.

Edit - looking at the footage it seems he was hit in the rear quarter just behind the driver seat. Another metre forward and it would have been a different story.
Lucky man...
Last edited by farcar, .
S3 licensed
Sorry for the old thread resurrection, but I had to post this. Mainly to put all your efforts to shame :P
S3 licensed

One for fans of Star Wars or pretty much anything bad that happened in the 80s.
S3 licensed
Straights and Beer

BF1: Attempt sip of beer, miss corner, beer spilled on lap.
FZR: Quick sip of beer, run wide on corner. Smile and think that it was worth it.
RB4: Leisurely sip of beer, take corner.
XFG: Pour beer in to tall frosted glass, ensure head is not too big but not too small, leisurely sip, take corner.
UF1: Brick on accelerator, minimise LFS, study beer brewing techniques on Wikipedia, wander out to back yard shed, brew beer, bottle it, refrigerate it, pour in to tall frosted glass (ensure head is not too big but not too small), wander back to seat, edit beer brewing wiki article to correct errors, press Alt+TAB, remove brick, leisurely sip of beer, take corner.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Comparing iR to LFS is like comparing apples to oranges, sure, they are both fruit, but are very, very, different things.

Maybe, but they both compete for the attention of the same group of people. That's the problem that Scavier face.
S3 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :iRaping is taking a severe chunk out of LFS.

I know that I've turned the context of the original quote completely on it's head, but I think the above statement is true. At least from where I sit.

There is no question about the Scavier's commitment to LFS, but I reckon there are 2 things that desperately need attention for it to hold it's audience:
1/ At least one more track. 2 would be even better.
2/ A game structure to bridge the gap between pickup races and leagues. I sense that a lot of people can't commit to leagues, but get frustrated at the aimless nature of pickup races and the often crappy standards of driving.

The second point in particular I think is what has drawn people from LFS to iRacing. I also think that they would come back pretty quickly if this structure was put in place.

Anyway, the Devs are very smart lads, so I'm sure they know exactly what they're doing.