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05X10 OOS errrors with spr's I just made.
S3 licensed
I'm getting an OOS error when attempting to watch some replays I just made using 05X10. There are 5 replays in total.
I know that some of these errors have been reported before, but were mainly from downloaded sprs.

The sequence of events after I have saved the replay is:
  • Select replay to load.
  • The track loads up (if it needs to).
  • Grey-ish screen appears with messages 'Can't load skin: xxxx' even though the skins do exist. (refer Screen1)
  • Grey-ish screen will hang there until I escape out of the replay.
  • Playing around a bit, I hit Shift+U and now could see the 'OOS Error' (referscreen2). I can't move at all in the Shit+U screen.
  • In some of the replays, I can see cars etc after hitting shift+u, and notice that of the skins on the cars have not loaded. (refer screen 4)
  • I have also attached one of the replays if that helps at all.
The problem also occurred a couple of weeks ago but seemed to go away, so I didn't worry about it.
I'm suspecting it's related to not being able to load the skins for some reason, but that's only a guess...
Any ideas?
Last edited by farcar, .
S3 licensed
The delivery, and content weren't all that good, but I think the idea is excellent.
I'd love to see a slide-show of the worlds greatest screenies.
To be interesting for me, they would need to be the really good ones, high quality, and not just from LFS.
S3 licensed
While I know not to take this thread seriously and all, the simple fact is that right at this minute, there are probably more people reading this thread than there are racing online (I'm not counting the 'cruise' servers).

I'd rather be racing, but no-one else is...
S3 licensed

A lap of Bathurst in an Aussie Racer. Now this would be a good combo in LFS.
I watched the whole race on TV last week; 3 wide through The Chase and even through some sections across the top of the mountain. Awesome stuff.
S3 licensed
I can't imagine why you would ever want to play a sim in chase mode. I have a feeling this is the minority of racers though, and if they want to ruin the immersing experience of a sim then good luck to them. I couldn't care less, even if they are quicker this way.

Forced cockpit, I don't like though. Personally I don't think it's realistic, and I find it annoying. I don't think that the custom view I use (centre of the car, near the windscreen) gives me an advantage over anyone. I still see the road and a bonnet in front of me, just not a wheel and a set of arms (in addition to the ones I already have).

I think there are much better ways of making the game more sim-like than forcing views on people...
S3 licensed
I don't think it should be forced. Here are my reasons:

* I think that custom vieiws are more realistic in many ways. Your arms and the steering wheel don't dominate your view in real life. I can already see arms and a steering whell in front of me when I play LFS. Why do I need to see two lots? FTR, I use a custom bonnet view.
*It is obviously too divisive for the community. A divided community is bad.
* Forcing 'no third person' views would have been much better if it is possible (see point 1 for reason).
Last edited by farcar, .
S3 licensed
Quote from aoun :Anyone cop racism in a server?

Every time i go on and theres a certian racer i see, he says things that are racist.. i dont do anything wrong to him, or i dont try to, and i dont say anthing about him, but still, hes racist...

really annoys me, ProRacingRoom is the best server for me, cause its an aussie server for people in australia only, fast clean racers and theres no lag ofcourse, so i get crap from someone and sorta ruins it, cause im not good with just letting things go ya know..

is there anyone i could report this to? hes not a wrecker either so yeh, i got the latest MPR if its needed..


I've never seen this behavior in Pro Racing Room either, if I did I'd be backing you up straight away aoun. There's no justification for racism ever

While I agree with your comment that there is some tension in Sydney between the 'Aussie' and 'Leb' communities, it is also totally blown out of proportion by the media. I find that when people actually meet each other one on one, they generally get along fine. It's all about breaking down the barriers.

Anyway, there's my 2 bob from an anti-racist 'Aussie'.
S3 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob : , a new game for me to get addicted to

I tried this a while ago, but never got my joystick to be able to rudder, and there were also wire frames around all the objects. I gave up on it.

Let me know if you get it working though, and I might try again.
S3 licensed
Does Lock-On have Starforce on it? I remember reading it somewhere, so it put me off buying it.
I need a modern jet combat sim, so please say it doesn't.
S3 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :MS Train Simulator!!!

I'm not into that sort of thin, but word on the street is that Trainz pwns MS Train Sim.

For Me, IL2 - 1946 is the stuff. That with the dynamic campaign generator is endless fun.
S3 licensed
I recorded at 0.25 @ 30fps and made the movie at 60fps.
So effectively, the movie runs at 0.5 speed.
S3 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :This is the truth of GT4.

I had more fun reading the video comments. Especially the one about sand and genitalia.
S3 licensed
I've had Forza 2 for about a week now, and tbh I'm not that impressed.
It's fun and does have it's merits (the physics are actually quite good), but I'm disappointed in the lack of polish in some areas (mainly graphical) considering the budget they had.

I guess mass market console games live Forza are the polar opposite in terms of development when compared to LFS even if you put aside physics:

Forza - A gazillion licenced cars, real tracks, bloom and other next gen effects.
LFS - Simpler graphics but rock solid and almost bug free.

You can really see areas in Forza that have been rushed to meet deadlines. Little bits that are rough around the edges. Whereas LFS just oozes evidence of it's lengthy and continuing development. And you can just sense the love more.

Give me LFS any day.
S3 licensed
Wow, it's hosted everywhere now. Thanks very much to both of you.
Links added up top.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the comment.
I'm no expert on compression, but I used XVid and played with the quality slider in VirtualDub until I reached a reasonable quality/size compromise.

@kurent - Can you recommend a good host that's accessible for you? I'll upload when I get home from work (approx 10-12 hours from now)
LFS - Corners 2
S3 licensed
It's only a WIP, but please let me know what you think.
It was done using only VirtualDub, so there are no special effects only simple fades for transitions.

1024*768 @ 60 FPS and 101MB (2:26).

Last edited by farcar, . Reason : added links
S3 licensed
Holy shit I found that funny.
I'm not really sure why because you're obviously a bored and lonely wierdo (j/k) , and the video is really quite eerie.

I'm sure you'll have several hundred thousand hits by the end of the week.

In fact, lets make this a little mission for the forum. Link the hell out of this and see how many views we can achieve!
S3 licensed
Murray's commentated for the last couple of Australian GPs for Channel 10.
The guy is a living legend and I'll listen to him call a race any time.

Onya Murray!
S3 licensed
I think the demo should be more focused on the great physics model rather than online racing. Unfortunately the LFS demo (through no fault of it's own) has a reputation for being full of d1ckheads.

I think that most people who own S2, made the purchase based on physics rather than online experience.
S3 licensed
Quote from drinklime :Instead of shift+P sending you instantly to the pits there should be a countdown while you wait for a "tow truck." And the time gets longer each time you use it. If you dont want to wait then drive to the pits yourself and get repairs.

Was it GP2 where after a race ending crash invisible marshalls would slowly drag your car to the side of the track? That worked OK from memory (unless you were dragged across the racing line)
S3 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :Yeah but I wont be able to go 200km/h on 80 degree tires at a 45 degree angle for metres and metres on end in a constant drift, if it messes up my turning..

How will engine and suspension damage effect drifting? I don't see RL drifters smashing in to walls and over-revving their engines?
S3 licensed
A terrifying accident, and a good illustration of how an apparently safe piece of track can in fact be very dangerous. The driver was OK.
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I too am worried about the effect that realistic damage would have on the non-hardcore part of the LFS community. As much as I'm not a fan of the subcultures that make up large parts of the LFS userbase, they are a big part of the population. Perhaps we'll draw in a lot of GPL/NR2003 guys with realistic damage to displace the more NFS-ish crowd, but it's a little scary.

Personally, I think that having a range of server level options to suit both camps would be a good thing.

I'd much rather race in a 'full damage' server against people who have the same mindset as myself when racing. i.e. consistency and finishing the race (OK, so I'm slow) as opposed to online hotlapping and crashing every second lap. I wouldn't want to race on a full damage server with people like this.

I would hope that most of the community lean towards racing with more realistic damage, but that's fine if there are servers for those who don't.
S3 licensed
My last post on the damage/credit thing coz it's kinda boring, but I really doubt that the majority of racers have discussed this.

Sure it may have been rejected by posters in whatever forum topic it was bought up in previously (I have no reason not to believe you), but the 'majority' of everyone? Sheesh...