Well, i get like 800€ a month from the ones in charge here in Sweden. Its not much to live on as my rent is 400€/month..
But yeah i see ur point mate, still i didnt mean it like you took it All i meant was that if you just save a little now and then, in not too long you'll have the money for at least a small upgrade..
I run LFS @ 1920x1080:32bit, max AA in LFS + max AA in CCC. I have everything in CCC set to quality n'stead of performance.
i still get 60+ fps while driving on a normal server. sure, i hit ~40'ish when im near all the other cars and someone hits something that can be moved..
Also, with computerparts so goddamn cheap these days, why not just save some money, and then go buy uptodate parts?
I searched but did not find.. Okey, so my suggestion is to either make the clutch grip higher up or to make it's grip-"place" selectable independantly, so everyone can set the clutch up as they want.
I think everyone know what I mean by this, if not ask for a better explanation
If anyone know a thread where this is discussed before, pls tell me!
1st off: Didn't find this anywhere else so made a new thread.
2nd off: Thread title is a little off. ^^
Haven't found this to be limited to just 1 car, tho the car i noticed it in was the XRT.
This is the problem i found (atleast in z34):
1. Heat up the clutch so its ALL RED.
2. Hold the clutch while still in gear. Temp wont go down.
3. Put it in neutral, it drops as it should.
Anyone know why it is like this and/or has anyone else noticed it?
Last edited by Feffe85, .
Reason : added a line of text
I love 'em too. It's just to bad that the cooling I have (H70), performs worse than my old CM V8. So I'm thinking of getting me one of those fancy 1366-brackets for the V8 so i can try it on the I7