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S2 licensed
It will only repeat while you keep the button pressed, and the repeat-rate is extremely fast even at the lowest setting.
S2 licensed
There's actually an ignore list feature available, evans.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
There's always teh HVSC SID collection with ~110,000 songs, if you feel short on tunes.
S2 licensed
Regular expressions are by far my favorite tool.

Very tricky to get used to, but once you're there pretty much any other string parsing thingie seems completely useless. The only problem is when expressions get very long.

@Dygear, sections on regular expressions in the PHP manual is basically for people who already know how to use them, it's more just a list of modifiers and basic syntax, google for some tutorials or buy a book instead, it'll be worth it.

Most hated function call? fork(), it doesn't work on Windows. (PHP)

" ",
$str) . "!!1! (rly?)\n";


S2 licensed
I stopped collecting mp3's when i got broadband, the challenge wasn't there anymore.
S2 licensed
FOX without engine braking?

I know a whole bunch of corners i slow down for / thru by exclusively engine braking.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Taavi(EST) :I have S2 now

Welcome to S2, good choice.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :can anybody manage to see the robot's front side?

I feel all but comfortable not know how it looks like. :/

Rotate the camera with the numpad "arrows", 2,4,6,8, i think 9 zooms out, 3 zooms in and 5 resets to standard chasecam.
S2 licensed
You can turn it into a robot-mountaineering-sim too. With some editing of the terrain files and textures that robot is high in the himalayan sky.
S2 licensed
For a moment i thought mr.angry angel had prevailed, but i was wrong.

"libarys"? "libaries"?

I guess programmers are overly used to copy/paste.
S2 licensed
Quote from Marty502 :Try this at the starting grid:

Do a quick Shift+N. It will disable the sound, and will give you a big FPS boost when surrounded by cars at the grid and at Turn 1. It works for me and my computer is old too (PIII 800 mhz, 512 RAM, Radeon 7500) As long as I hit the straight at Blackwood, I press Shift+N again and I get the sound back.

Also regarding sound, lower your sound acceleration setting to basic, this really boosts FPS especially in situations featuring many sound sources (grid).

Works for most people i've told to try.

Start->run, "dxdiag", tab "Sound", acceleration to basic.
S2 licensed
What is your programming languages of choice?
PHP, i often write something just about every day, and these days it's rarely web-based, PHP can do wonderful things outside a webserver.

What programming languages do you know?
PHP, some Delphi/pascal, some C and Quake-C (!), mIRC's scripting language, MS extended BASIC - Spectravideo 328, and i've code-monkey'd some stuff in C#. I know some javascript as well.

What do you use the most as your text editor for programming?

What IDE do you use, if any, and if you don't do you have problems with them?

What is your compiler of choice, for your primary programming language?
None, no need.

What libarys do you recomend for your primary programming language?
PHP-GTK, even though it's extremely annoying.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Driving the FOX up the uphill chicane on Aston gives me a huge ffb-feel of tightened suspension, and hitting curbs hard with the FXO can actually be painful.
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :I can get on track with LFS within 11.6 seconds of double clicking the LFS.exe icon. What does this prove though?

It shows that since it doesn't take you 11.6 seconds to switch car, switch layout, leave an online game to hotlap the same config or switching between replays of the same track, having a separate UI is a very bad idea / design, as nK needs to reload the entire engine, track, textures and car(s) each time you'd do any of the above, which is basically comparable to your 11.6 seconds of waiting for LFS to start.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :I tested how quickly I could get on track with the nK UI already open compared to loading LFS.

nK 35.5 seconds
LFS 29.5 seconds

Actually LFS got onto the track faster even with the time loading the splash screens but felt slower than nK I don't quite know why maybe it's waiting for splash screens that makes it seem longer. Also nK seems to have very long load times when compared to N2003, still much quicker than the ISI games any reason for this?

It's just a very bad idea to separate such central parts of the program and need to actually reload and re-initialize the entire thing each time you want to change layout or watch several similar replays.

I wonder what the time difference would be if you ..

Launch and get on track with a car,
Switch layouts and get on track on all available layouts of chosen track with chosen car,
Switch car and get back on track,
Leave track and view a replay of that track/car.

S2 licensed
Quote from Dygear :From here on in that is going to be my job on the LFS Programmer Forum, to give half assed ideas to the programmers who need it, only to be rebutted by a much more experience programmer.

Bah, apart from the lag thingie you were basically spot on.

Frankmd even codes java by choice (?) , so you're technically ahead already.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :you can leave nK running in the background all day and you would also be able to leave multiple sims open without them taking resources.

but nK isn't running, it's just the frontend, the launcher.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Windows UIs are the way forward in serious sims .. GEM+ how it should be done ..

Except for the extremely annoying fact that since the actual game isn't running, you need to (re)load everything after you've set up something in these UI's, for example, loading replays in netkar (namie or pro), it's quite silly to reload everything in order to watch another replay from the same car/track combo.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :how did u win? i dont understand. how do you play tic tac toeillepall

S2 licensed

col($n) {
$colors = array('ff0000','05fd05','ffff00','0000ff','ff00ff','00ffff','ffffff');
preg_replace("/\^([1-8])(.[^\^]*)/e","'<font color=\"#'.col('\\1').'\"\\2</font>'",$name);


Too many lines argh!

I wanted to get the color from the array directly in the regex, not using "col(n);", but i can't make PHP like back references as array keys.

$colors[\\1] simply returns value from key 1, not the value from subpattern-value-as-key. It also gives a warning.
Last edited by filur, .