struct IS_SRE // Send to LFS to define Setup REstriction(s)
byte Size;
byte Type;
byte ReqI;
byte SetupRestrictionFlags; // SRF_ constants
struct CompleteSetupFile;
struct IS_BSE // Sent from LFS to indicate Bad SEtup under restrictions.
byte Size;
byte Type;
byte ReqI;
byte PLID;
#define SRF_MIN 1
#define SRF_MAX 2
#define SRF_ENABLE 4
before sending the button
save the button text in a list using the clickid as a key
when a btc packet is received
using the clickid, find the text in the list you saved it in earlier
abs((abs(direction - heading) + 180) % 360 - 180)
- writer.Write(Text, 240);
+ writer.Write(Text, Size - 12);