- When stopping for a stop & go no IS_PIT is sent, there is however an IS_PSF at the end of the stop.
- After a driver swap, STime in IS_PSF does not include the time before the swap actually took place.
Calling the destructor doesn't destroy the object, it's simply a convenience method that gets called automatically when the object is actually being destroyed.
To destroy the object you should unset the reference(s) to it.
The object will be destroyed once there are no more references to it, unsetting the array key will result in destroying the object if the array of guests is the only place you're storing references to the guest objects.
<?php public function __destruct() { echo "I'm being destroyed!"; } ?>
When your buddy tries to connect to you, he ends up at your router knocking on port 63392. Unless you've told your router which PC on the home network is running a service on port 63392 the router won't know where the request is supposed to go (post office receives a letter with a nonexistent address written on it).
What you need to do is figure out what address (IP-address) your PC is using on the home network and tell your router to forward requests on port 63392 to this address.