Guess I will get laughed at then. I don't believe in the death sentance for minor crimes at all but for larger crimes I do. By larger crimes I mean along the lines of mass murder, not stealing a loaf of bread. Also, and this is where i get alot of flaming, I believe that people who either commited an act of terrorism or were going to commit the act should also suffer the death penalty. The delibrate acts of terrorism, say of bombing the UK, is an act against the country and so against the crown and should be counted as treason. Yes treason is usually taken as more directly against the crown and yes after the human rights ask we can't put anyone to death.
Always wanted to visit New Zealand
I thought you were a real man
P.S. Sorry If there are any spelling mistakes, i typed this in a hurry.
Photoshopping cars is easy, getting them to look realistic isn't. The image attached in one I have been working on for about 5 hours just on front bumper, which still isn't finished.
The picture is too small to see clearly whether is is photoshopped or a normal photo but from the size it does just look like a normal photo. Only questionable thing for me is the red dot on the left.
If your wisdom teeth are causing trouble or if they will cause trouble then I don't see why people shouldn't have them out. People who have them out for no reason doesn't make sense to me, mine have come through and yeah sore gums for a time while they were coming through but now no problems.
I can succesfully say that after my youth I still have everything I was born with. Some things I came close to loosing and one thing is now wonky (my finger before anyone says anything:razz but it is still attached and working
Yes. Hereos plots aren't too deep or powerful but as entertainment I liked it. What I am finally getting round to watching now though is 4400 season 3 which looks like could be good.
I will have to agree on those 3 car's. Mini is just a classic and my dad used to compete in UK rally's in it so soft spot for it. Lotus esprit is a nice car only ever been passenger though and Uncle just bought an e type but yet to go in it.
I would also have to add a Nissan Skyline R33 GTR. Yes yes I know very boring choice but it is the best skyline IMO.
Calibration problems with pedals? I know an ex team mate of mine wasn't going to fast and it was because the throttle pedal wasn't reaching maximun, re-callibrated and it worked.
It has been mentioned before, but IMO it is worth a +1 more now than before due to bigger grids meaning we can have multiclass racing. Just think Ky gp long with 18 LMP's and 14 GTR's - that would be good
Back when stcc was running there was the server which had no driver aids racing lx4 and lrf cars. Meaning that the driver ahd to throttle blip etc. Reading the FAQ I found
I have only a silver licence to I have not got upto the gtr class cars so I don't know if it is limited on those but the lrf no aids server was the server I enjoyed the most, though it was not that popular it seems. I am just wondering if a lrf or a 'no driving aids' server will be open again at some point?
Maybe a choice of different wheels for the for the FWD GTR and the big GTR's as purely an aethetic reason. Such as having names of tyre brands, different makes of wheel look different. We already have different wheels for the gtr's just maybe make the interchangable.