Torture happens, whether it is or is not ethical depends on your point of view. To have a discussion on whether or not to help in interogation involving torture seems sensible to me (in the way of having the discussion not the topic)
Definatly satisfied. I have been playing for a little under 2 years and never felt i needed to have a break from it. I play other games, some racing some not, but i find myself wanting to come back to lfs. The one thing that I have noticed playing LFS over other games is that after an hour of playing some random game, you know you have been playing for an hour. I was racing for about 3 hours one night and would of sworn it was only about an hour and only stopped because i was falling asleep lol.
Things could be improved, yes. But and big but I feel is that it is improving all the time (even if we don't get to see the improvement until patch day.)
I didn't put fast down because then people would wonder about the rest of us. There is only a small amount of people who are alien though and I prefer to be in the majority
Ok ok -
We would like to welcome our newest member. You may have seen him driving round with the DR tags, especially on ctra servers. We welcome to Dynamic Racing, Niall, who is a clean,FAST and fun racer.
Wispa were far superiour to Aero. Aero's always seem to melt in your mouth and become a sticky chocolate mess Wispa by far the better bar. Although mint aero are nice.
Anyone remember pretxel flips as well, they were sooo nice
We would like to welcome our newest member. You may have seen him driving round with the DR tags, especially on ctra servers. We welcome to Dynamic Racing, Niall, who is a clean and fun racer.
Surely there is no rule that say comprehensivly that alpha games shoud be free, or even beta games. If people are willing to pay for your alpha game then surely you can charge people to play it. Although LFS is an alpha it runs and plays better than any other aplha I have ever seen, most beta's too and even some 'complete' games.
As all the updates and patches are free, you are paying for the final game, you just get to play while your waiting for the final game to be released.
Edit: I don't know whether you could drop the alpha from LFS because it has been said that there are things that still need to be done before S2 final, like the AI.
I agree buses ftw!!! City centre from my house is ~6.5 miles, bus stop is about 100m away. Bus is £1.40 each way, so £.280 a day, parking a car along at the cheapest is £3.00 with any parking close closer to about £5 - £6 a day.
There is no 'perfect' ratio as depending on where your skinning on the car. If you are skinning onto a flat surface of the car (rear spoilers are a good example) then the ratio will be about 80% of its original width to compensate for the skin being stretched. If though you are placing a decal onto an angled surface of the car (front end of the bonnet on the FZ's is a good example) then it is ~ 80% for normal skin compensation AND X% for the stretch due to the angle. I have attached simple drawing to show what I mean, on the left the decal is on the skin file and onto a flat surface so no extra stretching occurs. On the right though it is on an angle so the decal gets stretched more.
Best anyone can say though is ~80% compression but you may need to alter it again to make it perfect.
People complain about the unpredictability of wind never mind oil spills etc lol.
Personally though +1, Extra objects on track like water, oil, dirt etc. I don't think it should be random though. When damage is more developed then maybe when an actual car drops oil or water you would get a patch then.
I am not sure exactly what you are asking but if your asking what I think then - You do not need to reduce the image size. If you open the decal up in its own file, copy it as it is and paste it into you skins file. It will automatically place it on a new layer. Now if you free transform (shortcut is ctrl+t) you can resize to any size you want by dragging one of the 8 points. Also if you press ctrl and click one of the points you can move it independantly. Also when in free transform at the top it give you details of the image. ONce your decal is resized double left click in the box or press enter to de-select free transform.
I would take Androids comment as not literally look but more to think about what it coming up. Best example is a long straight after a corner you take it slightly differently to if it is a chicane say.
Practice is the key though. You can get some good set ups from team inferno site and from players online. A set may make you instantly quicker but it wont able you to keep up with the fastest racers.
Bit off-topic but that site looks good, specially with GPL and RBR both for £4.99 and then you get a free game . I don't know the site so bit reluctant to use it, anyone know it or used it?
1. If you typed the logo on the windscreen banner then when you type it, on the top tool bar, 2nd from the right, there is a symbol of a T with a curves double headed arrow underneath it, click that. Ont he drip down menu select arc, and then bend to -7% IIRC, leaving the distortion alone.
2. If your using photoshop CS2 or newer (might work in CS can't remember) create a path with the pen tool along the bottom edge of the windscreen banner. Select the type tool and hover over the end of the pen tool curve and the type tool will change slightly. Click and type what you want and it will follow the curve you previously made with the pen tool.
3. If it is a logo you have on the banner e.g. A copy and pasted logo. Place the logo in the middle of the documents, with the logo 90 degrees anti clockwaise from horizontal. Go to filter -> distort -> sheer. Move the line in the little box around to form a curve, click ok and the curve is applied to the image. For the windscreen banner IIRC you need to create a point in the middle of the line and move it to the right about 1/3 of a box.
I don't of a way to straighten the banner so IMO best option is to re-do it using one of the above 3.
As for shrinking the logo's to account for skin stretching, there is the exact numbers somewhere on here but as a rough guide you need to shrink down to around 80% of the original width for the side of the car (obviously becomes 80% of the height if you are placing logo on the hood, front or rear of the car.) If you want to find out the number best way I can think of is create a perfect circle on the skins, look at it in cmx viewer and shrink the cirlce until it appears as a circle in cmx, then you will have the amount you need to reduce the size by. My way of doing it though it to copy the logo into my skin file at its normal size, free transform it (ctrl+t) and at the top there are percentages and angle etc, lower the width (or height) to ~80% and then check it in cmx viewer then make any small adjustments. The method I use take longer than knowing the correct figure but, and this is only my personal taste, the figure is always ~80% and on some logo's I have compressed by the figure look too compress, or still to stretched so I had to alter them anyway.
Hope this helps, if you need more explination let me know.
I am completely self taught in photoshop apart from a few tutorials on the internet. The best way I can suggest you start learning a program such a photoshop is open a new file and mess around with it, pick colours brush, gradients, new layers etc. Until you have a basic overview of the program. If you want to know what something does or how to do something google it and I am sure you will find a tutorial for it
Main tools for skinning though are
Lasso and marque for simple selectiongs
Pen tool for more complex shapes (harder to use than 2 above though)
Magic wand for selection of sponsors logos
Paint brush, Paint bucket for filling in sections of colour
Gradient tool for gradients obviously.
Eraser for rubbing out detail
Free transform is also useful for re-sizing logos.
Also you will need to know how layers work and be able to create new layers, switch them on and off, re order, delete, duplicate.
Looks really complicated when put like this but stick with it for a few months until you are comfortable using PS then you will be able to produce some good skins.
One final tip: Be patient! With learning photoshop and the tools, it is a big program and it can do almost anything. Also be patient when creating skins, for a good looking skin, which may look simplistic, can still take a few hours minimum to create.