Is it illegal?: yes. Will you get into trouble/is it wrong? Yes its wrong but as it is non profit, free advertising then you are very unlikely to get into trouble. LFS has been aroudn for years now and I know of no one who has been told they can't use a logo.
However I would presume as with most things, you would get a cease and disist before being taken to court.
Using your example I can't think of a sponsor that is used in forza which a) hasn't got sponsorship in other places and b) would really turn there noses up at free advertising. The only way I think it would be trouble would be in turn 10 made some comment about people using their sponsors illegally in a racing sim and then wanting the sponsor to do something about it.
Back in my skinning days, I built up a big file of sponsoship logo's. If I saw any on a skin someone else had made, I would look up the name to see what the company did and if I wanted, add it to my logo collection. While it is using copyright material illegally, you could also view it as a variation of words of mouth.
He will think you just brought some members of the village people
On the other subject which has cropped up, I have half asked someone out by text. I asked them out as a friend for a few drinks, but after a few drinks it turned into a date.
Your name is well suited then though I think devildare was talking about your very first date not just first dates.
I remember mine, went rather well to be honest. We had been mates for few months and asked her out n ofcourse she said yes lol. Went to the pub for a few drinks, which ended up being most of the day. Got a kiss goodbye too Was the start of a 6 month relationship too.
On a more serious not the torrent is a good idea. While people don't talk about it too much alot of people do download torrents (legally and illegally.) I have enough going on outside LFS to keep me occupied but I am waiting eagerly for the next patch.
For the next patch I would say the VWS, some physics changes (backed up by scawen mentioning not wanting to wipe the hotlaps until he has to) are very probable. Past that though to be honest I have no idea though anything extra is always a bonus.
While these sort of threads can cause a fair bit of disruption, I wonder if scavier read these threads to see what could be added (though I think Scawen already knows) but also to see whose getting it right.
I think he meant more paying someone to make a team skin.
My view on this is that while yes it is illegal to use copyright material without permission I don't see a problem with this. While I can't see any of the companies would pay to have their sponsorship on your car, by you having the sponso logo on your car you are giving them free advertising. Also, while in the eys of the law you are breaking the law, I personally would think less of a company if it tried to enforce its name not being used on a car skin.
To be honest the presentation of formula 1 is pretty similar with track guides extra information, grid walks etc. BBC wins it though purely for no adverts
I probably should but they both sold so put third one up which sold too. Xbox on for 10 minutes to set up auction, go to work, check xbox when I get home and im 2million up
I started the green whifbitz RX-7 but lost interest, should finish it really.
Not going to do the skin, but you need to give more info. What does your team do (race, drift, cruise) Have you got a logo? If so provide it. What sponsors do you want? Real or lfs brands? etc.
Edit: Also what cars? Or do you mean all cars? If so its unlikely you will find anyone whose willing to do a full set of team skins for free. You are easily talking 80 hours for a full set (thats 2 normal working weeks.)
True true but each endu race is about an hour, and took about 10 hours to do the 'skins'. i stopped selling the cars really so much now as I don't play so much but i made about 15 mil. So easier and less time consuming Saying that though I do have a couple for sale at the moment if anyone wants to go buy them
You don't need to glitch to get 'easy' money in forza. Just spend a few hours painting a car and sell repeatadly for lots of money. I painted up the Norris Design evo and RSE Motorsport evo and can sell them both for 500k + again and again.
I didn't like the rewind button idea but as pointed out saves having to press restart so really it is the same. Looking good though, just need to wait for full indepth review.
While Massa himself may be pushing to race, I cann't see any of the doctors allowing him to race Valencia. I know roughly for some bone breaks but I don't know about skull fractures but I can't see it being within 4 weeks or even 6.
That would be interesting then, if you can vary things like pressure. Though raises question if you turn it up too high will you damage your engine? You could damage your engine in FM" over revving it so I hope it will be more complete in FM3.
I have been trying to work out the 175 upgrades/50% more then FM2.
FM2 had about 8 - 10 things to upgrade (can't remember) each one had 3 things which gives 24 - 30 upgrades. Yet if you take it for all the cars in FM2 thats thousands. So i can't figure it out
Edit: I was being stupid and thinking thinking purely engine. If you include drivetrain, wheels, tires, interior, new bumpers then the 175 has to be per car.
On a more sensible note: The more I read the more it is shaping up to being an absolutely mind blowing game in everything it offers. I do like that all the cars are unlocked at the beginning, it annoyed me at times in FM2 having to do a race to unlock a car so I could win/unlock it.
The painting im sure will be similar if not the same as FM2, though does anyone know if you can take your designs across? I made a couple nice ones in FM2 would be a shame too loose them.
The tuning is what interests me the most though, how are they going to implement that and make it work? Instead of just adding a turbo, are we going to have to buy a new stronger crank, rods, pistons first? then only low boost until we can afford an intercooler, larger injectors etc.? Along those lines though would be easy to get your head round, from what it says in the article though it makes it sound deeper than that. Maybe you get the same options for every car and you have to pick. So 20 turbos from small to big so you can choose small turbo coming in at low revs with less power or a huge turbo giving monster turbo lag but more power.
Hmmm I think it will, while we are getting excited over the prospect of FM3 the classic lfs patch (z0Mg they might include this) isn't happening so we are just hyped over what they are offering. Only about 3 months to go though
Hmm while open ended would be very good, I can't see it happening because you will eventually complete every race possible. I wait for the full walkthrough write up or video though.
I am still trying to complete FM2 career lol, levelled upto maximum but gone back to complete the lower races for which I have had to detune mostof my cars lol.
Either way it is shaping upto be a very good game, i want more videos and walkthroughs now!
Hmmm maybe it will suggest the races then. I didn't mean it would force races more you miss them. Take that you head off towards american muscle cars if you take Skyline Vs Supra face off, how it sounded was if you don't own a skyline or a supra (or not your preferred cars) it wont offer you the event but if it doesn't offer you the event(so you knows it there), how can you complete it unless you buy all the cars to see what races are available. Who knows though, hopefully it will be clever enough to offer you the races one way or another. Maybe through the suggesting events for cars you don't own or if you win cars for events that aren't your 'normal'.
That is what I was thinking about the career never ending, however it mentions on that sight that there is 220 races so if you complete them all surely career would be over?
From reading that, I wonder if you can see the events you can't enter? Because in FM2 there was a few occasions where I bought a car for a specific event (Face-off events for example) So if you don't know what events your missing you could miss a race by not having a car able to comete in an event.
I am sure they have thought of this so all I can say is, Roll on October.
Think i make reference to reading this earlier in the thread. I am reading it too, I have read it before but can't remember half of it. Where are you upto? Im upto einstein theories (p169)