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S2 licensed
Sounds like fun, If I can make it on ill come on for a bit. Tbh the ebst racingI have had on forza is where it is forced to one car. However I prefer the A class cars as they are quick and provide some challenge due to the power of them.
S2 licensed
I don't think anyone really disagrees with the fact that there are other updates which are possibly more important (e.g. physics.) I also do not notice the helmets in the tin tops however when racing the single seaters, LX or RAC it does become obvious that the helmet has a low poly count.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :I'd say that's a bad translation for "uploaded"

Ah Good thinking batman.

If you do mean uploaded then, as far as I know there is no date stored in the reply (correct me if I am wrong) so would make it very time consuming to check against those uploaded on LFS World.
S2 licensed
Quote from Omar Hurtpeim :This is my personal skin for FZR

Looks good, good job Just the redbull logo on the side looks stretched, I think if you reduced the width so it doesn't look stretched it would also mean the logo fits on the door fully (instead of the bulls foot on the wide body)
S2 licensed
Quote from brt900 :just accepted you on

Sorry, I wasn't on xbl that late. I am at work now but gift the cars to me and I will send them over to you tonight when i am home.
S2 licensed
That S15 skin looks better than your others, however as already mentioned you need to take into account skin stretching (or just stretch the logo's less). The other problem I can see is that the 'headlights' you have put on the front are low quality, stretched and don't line up as they from the front to the side. Sort those out and would look alot better
S2 licensed
Quote from ErAri :Still can they be raised hotlaps? I will comment on it to a friend

Raised hotlaps?
S2 licensed
Quote from brt900 :do you have me on xbox?

Yh i added you earlier, says pending friend request or something like that.
S2 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :Is it the crazy green Norris Motorsports paintjob, Greboth?

By the way, feel free to add me on XBL. It'd be good to race against some LFS'ers. Gamertag is the same as on here, beefyman666.

I'll add you in a few mins but:

Yup thats the one If you want it, gift me the car (mentioned above: '04 Evo VIII GSR) and ill gift it back with the paint job.
S2 licensed
I have to say watching that I agree with some people about logitech. While I can see that have listened to what people have said about the g25 and improved on them like the noise and heel and toe pedals. To remove something like the sequential shifting on the gear lever seems to be stupid. While I can see that you have the paddles on the wheel still, I tired using paddles on the gtr's but at 540 degrees occasionally I would hit the paddles and change gear when I didn't want to so I used the sequential stick and I am sure there are alot of people who use the sequential stick instead of the paddles.

Overall I would say for Logitech +2 for improving the G25 but -1 for making it worse. So while it is an improvement it could of been so much better.
S2 licensed
Brt900: Its a 2004 Mistubishi Lancer Evolution VIII GSR As I said gift me them and ill add the paint jobs
S2 licensed
Quote from carey :Yep, so someone would need to win both competitions to become an S2 licence holder, although if an S1 licensee won both then the LFS world would descend into anarchy (maybe it’s best just to cater for demo users).

Well I did mention about if a demo winner wins both competitions, while unlikely I thought I would put it just to be sure.

I have set out the terms of the competition, unless I made a mistake somewhere I wont be changing them so the winner get a free upgrade from demo to S2
S2 licensed
I never thought about upgrading S1 to S2, however it seems there are very few S1 licence players as people either have demo or a S2 licence. It also raises the problem that if I upgrade someone from S1 to S2 do I then give a S1 licence to a demo user? So just upgrading demo users.
S2 licensed
Quote from brt900 :do you syill have the norris design and rse skins as i would like ot buy one please add p4uls on xbox

Yeah, I saved them as paint jobs so I can apply them to evo's again and again and again. I can't get any pics up as I am at work but I can sell them on the auction house for between about 600k - 1mil each so the question is how much are you willing to pay lol. Also depends how much tuning you want done to them.

For a fellow LFS'er a one time special - When I get home ill find out which evo's it is (can't remember as there is 2 evo 8's) and if you buy a couple of stock evo's, gift them to me, Ill apply the paint jobs and gift them back
S2 licensed
I found the paintjobs in forza 2 aren't really that difficult to do more just time consuming to get looking good. I think if you can skin in lfs then you would be able to do the paint jobs in forza.

The 2 I have made so far are the Norris Evo and the RSE Motorsport Evo. I keep meaning to make some more but can never be bothered too. The next one I had planned was the RS*R Scion but with forza 3 coming soon doubt I will make it.
S2 licensed
Quote from carey :Didn't FOTA agree to shut the factorys for 2 weeks.

Bloody trade unions

Yes they did, to save costs and reading about, simply shutting the factories for 2 weeks saves the teams around £1.5 Million.

On the original question - I don't know who will win, While Button seems a good choice, I would put it at either Button or Webber. Vettel is just too inconsistent for my liking.
S2 licensed
I don't think we could have any specific helmet but would be nice to have different models to represent different helmets. If not then definately:

Quote from Sponge :A better (higher poly) 3D model would be nice

S2 licensed
Why oh why can't I watch these videos at work I will watch it when I get home though.

One question, which may get answered in the video, but if it doesn't have sequential shifting is that just no sequential on the gear lever but it has paddles? If not then it would be silly because of the SS being raced.
S2 licensed
Good to see people entering this Still plenty of time to enter so hopefully should turn into a good competition.

Keep your entries coming and remember you can update your entries upto the closing date.
S2 licensed
Sounds like it was a good race, shame I couldn't make it Was my own fault though. Back on ctra the ct2 cars were fun so definatly up for a championship with them.
S2 licensed
I know you said not single seater cars, while they are hard to skin they are worth the time. In regards to your skins you need to do some work with quality. On the fzr the yellow and black hazzard stripes don't line up and the honda badge looks really low resolution.

While I appreciate what you are trying to do, I think you would need to improve greatly on your skins to be able to trade them for a licence.

However, click the link in my sig I am running a skinning competition to win a licence.
S2 licensed
This is a hard question to answer due to each server running different rules, some of which may be specific to their own server. The best advice I could give you woule be to use your common sense, if it is a race server don't drift around for example.

About drifting on race servers. I would say no don't do it, it won't be quicker than taking a racing 'grip' line. However, I find in the higher power RWD cars (especially LX6) at some tracks I end up crossed up at some corners nearly every lap. While it isn't the quickest way round, it works for me as I would have to driver slower to 'grip' the whole corner.

Edit: I would add, in my case I mentioned above, it is not really drifting as I am not trying to be sideways with large angle etc. Unless I make a mistake, the oversteer is corrected with very little opposite lock (1/2 a turn of wheel or less)
S2 licensed
Quote from Martin L :i gona need to practice a lot. xfg ~ 1:37: xx <- is this a good average time on blackwood GP ?

Well nmthunder above you got a 1:35.3. However it is for the total lap times of 3 laps (xfg, xrg, fbm) so one can be slower if the other 2 are quick
S2 licensed
Is it a bird? is it a plain? No its........ Supersam

Just to really double what sam said. If you register an account after my original post you cannot enter anyway. However if you already have S2 and have an old demo account please do not try to use it to get a second licence. My objective is to give demo users the chance to get a licence NOT to give a second licence to someone.

Thanks, Greboth.
S2 licensed
Yes, even in demo you can use hotlap mode.

Quote from asdfasdf :I don't have any possibility but I will try it hehe

One question, the faster laps done with the tourisms use manual clutch, is legal? Second question, the xrg wr use hybrid tyres, legal too? thx

Can we use the last test patch?

As long as the lap is a valid HLVC lap use whatever set up you like whether it be keyboard, mouse, wheel, manual gears, automatic. The purpose is to find someone who is a quick racer and give them a S2 licence.