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S2 licensed
Quote from säkkinaama :I might have saved the laps the wrong way but definately they are legit and hotlaps (if thats the term for the race you start in sc2) While we're at it could you just tutor me how to save the hotlap replay correctly, I just did a lap, hit 2 and gave the file a name , quite sure thats not the right way

I just checked and the fbm is a hotlap so I guess they are right. I don't know about the names then, I thought LFS auto named the replays for hotlaps maybe not then.

Quote from jimi_jimi_jimi :do i have to post the skin files as well or are just the screen shots ok

Yes the skins need to be either posted here, or if you are doing private skins then PM'ed to me.
S2 licensed
Quote from roadrash17 :I nominate Greboth.

Bribery at its best lol.

I would say The Very End though.
S2 licensed
Right I am confused. You say you found a solution yet I have read your post 3 times and all you do is hint at how people steal the skins and seem to suggest using png files which would be just as easy to steal if they wanted.
S2 licensed
Quote from säkkinaama :I could propably have done -1sec faster in both XRG and XFG, but I cant drive in hotlap mode cause I cant see my braking / turning points cause of the missing driving line thingy : ) 4.23.99 is my total time so far (if i did the maths right )

I can't check because I am at work but are they normal laps or hotlaps? I query because the file name is wrong for hotlaps but you may have renamed them.
S2 licensed
Turning into a real comptition now Keep your entries coming.
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :All engines are beautiful.

Hit. Nail. Head.

S2 licensed
Quote from jimi_jimi_jimi :am i allowed to submit more than one skin design set, becoz i feel like i wanna do another one but i dunno if that will be against the rules or anything and just for clarification, the new design would be completely different from the original submission

Yes, you are allowed to enter more than one set of skins. As long as the skins are different than the others submitted. I will be marknig the skins on design, quality, colours etc so they will be marked seperatly.

Getting close to just a couple weeks to go. Come one come all enter this competition and win.
S2 licensed
Always good to post pictures of the car in question
S2 licensed
Quote from :Does the skins have to be released? Because I have thought of a livery, but I was thinking of making it private.

I never specified private or public skins, however I did ask for the skin files. So obeying the rules as per my original post, as long as you post the skin files (maybe by pm if you want to keep them private) then yes it is fine.

Quote from :EDIT: Is the VWS allowed for the road car skin?

I missed the VWS, so thank you for pointing it out. Yes the VWS is allowed as a road car skin
S2 licensed
Quote from Bokujishin :Thanks for the WR times, but wow, I'm so far of these , my best times for the moment are 1'36"75 with XRG, 1'35"98 with XFG and around 1'16 with FBM...
Are the WR done with RACE setup or modified ones ?

They are usually done with specific set ups which wont last for longer races. You should use whatever set up you want, its just who can drive the laps the quickest.
S2 licensed
While I can appreaciate people have chosen a name that they no longer like. I have to say it does say when your sign up that you will be stuck with the name so any faults with the names is your own.

I also agree if you want a new name that badly, you can always purchase a new licence.

Either way your ursername is your licence name, you can change racername. Unless I was looking up stats for someone I don't look at licence names. I also doubt anyone reads anything too much into the the names.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bokujishin :First of all, I'd like to ask, which is supposed to do better times? XFG or XRG? I've seen someone did 1:35:3 with XFG, and as I've just done 40 laps with the XRG and got a little slower time, I wanted to know that... I may try again in a few days, after I do it with the XFG and the FBM.

Just checked lfs world, XFG WR: 1:33.09 and XRG WR: 1:32.8 so pretty equal but the XRG does take it in speed it seems.

Quote from jimi_jimi_jimi :@Greboth it is spacebar , thanks for the tip

Whooo go me and my memory lol.

Quote from logitekg25 :these are some nice skins guys! hope the winner is a real demo'er :hide:

It should be, SamH cleared out some users earlier in the thread who set up demo accounts or were using old demo accounts to enter and I will double check with Sam if the winners are showing up with duplicate accounts. I would assume after the people getting caught earlier in the thread its stopped.
S2 licensed
Ah ok, I am at work at the moment so I will send the car when I get home
S2 licensed
Quote from SEXIBOY :Will there be another competition like this in the future?

Who knows, it is upto to whoever runs the competition whether they want to give licences away. However, I can't see it not happening sometime in the future.

Quote from jimi_jimi_jimi :hey do any of u guys noe how to remove the settings boxes from the cmx viewer so i can take a better screen shot(s) to upload

I can't checkk as I am at work, but if I can remember correctly its space. (If not then try shift u.)
S2 licensed
Quote from carey :Random question number 223 (and counting), if I win an S2 licence, will that allow me to change the Union Flag to something more applicable?

Errr as far as I know you can change it even as a demo user. I don't know though as too long ago to remember.
S2 licensed
Quote from PoVo :Lol, anyone wanna gift me a Stock BMW E36?
Anyways add me, my gamer tag is PoVoOo
I had to add 3 O's because the tag was used already

Add me on xbox live (name below) send me a message to remind me what car and I will gift it to you Do you want a completely standard one or any tuning done on it?
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :I think that's for two reasons
1) Many people think or know they can't skin, so they don't even try
2) They see the already submitted laptimes and know they can't beat em, so they don't even try

Overall, you shouldn't have allowed the entries to be posted publicly (instead only via PM) and maybe a mandatory "entry sent" message in this thread to keep it active. Now that doesn't mean the winners wouldn't be the same people, just that you would've gotten many more entrants

Hmmm I see where you are coming from. However you could argue then that by doing it publicly then people aren't entering if their times aren't quick enough which means less entrants for me to look through. however I wonder if people realise it is a total of three laps so they can be slower on one lap if the others are quick. Either way, hopefully will get some more entries before the end.

Quote from e.M :dont u worry personaly i am creating skins(xfg done) and trying to beat roadrashes(i think ) hotlaps so there will be more entries btw if one guy wins both which 2nd placer will get the licence? skinner or racer ?

Good to see another entrant and to answer your question
Quote from greboth :...if however the same user wins both competitions the second licence will go 2nd place in lap times

S2 licensed
Quote from Postman Pat :I may well be quick enough for the hotlaps but I'm not registered and anyway wouldn't accept a free one as there are those more deserving and no doubt needing of it. I suspect you'll get some tactically late fast entries for the hotlaps, btw. Bet they're all out there lurking and lapping. Come on noobs, fess up!

Whoever drives a fast lap or designs a good skin is deserving to win this competition. I hope so because otherwise there has not been that many entrants into this competition. Oh well, we shall see I guess.

Quote from roadrash17 :that is great, but, how do i try it out in races? no one will be able to see it?

Well true, no one else would be able to see it but you could still test the skin out. Another reason you need S2
S2 licensed
Quote from Postman Pat :Another of my failed attempts at humour on the LFS forum.

Ah I see ...... *moves away slowly*

Well on a different note, are you going to be entering this competition postman pat?
S2 licensed
I am going to pretend that makes any sense in any sort of way.

If you want to use pink though use it, it does suit some cars (I am thinking sumo power cars especially)
S2 licensed
Quote from hereticlohani :lol pls teach me how to quote properly, and also how to address different comments on the same reply.

You need to leave the [/quote] on the end of the quote for it register as a quote. Also for multiple quotes, click the middle of the 3 on the right for all the posts you want to quote, then click reply and they will all appear

Quote from roadrash17 :I gave it a go...but I am designing better ones. The thing is, you need to please Greboth. If my particular style (simple and clean) doesn't please him, then I won't win... But thanks for the encouragement.

Hmmm while I agree you need to please me as I am the judge it is not a simple case of 'what looks nice'. As a skinner myself (though been a while since I skinned) I can appreciate how the design suits the car, the execution (does the design line up etc) quality of the design (any parts blurry e.g. sponsor logos) colour choice (complimentory colours or do they clash) etc. While personal taste effects what skin you use on your cars, a well design well made skin (whether race, drift, tuner, drag etc) will always be a good skin and therefore a chance of winning this competition.
S2 licensed
Quote from War :I'm sorry but i don't remember who to credit the body kit/template for, soz don't throw flaming bananas at me

Using body kits is part of skinning, I don't think anyone will flame you for not remembering whose it was. Going to be interesting to see how you convert the design onto a single seater.
S2 licensed
Quote from hereticlohani :All three in a row (FXO, FZR and BF1)

I wont make a judgement on the skins as I feel it would be unfair to before the competition closes but remember to post the skin files too

Quote from markorester :Can S2 licensed join?

Obsolum said it really, the thread title is attention demo users. The competition is for a demo user to win a licence. It begs the question though, why if you already have one would you enter a competition to win another?
S2 licensed
Quote from lukelfs :Ahh ok, No problem, Might try and get a copy sometime have it really cheap (and in stock which is the difficulty.)
S2 licensed
Quote from :Oh damn, this is gonna be hard.

Because I'm time-constrained (Nearing exams AGAIN) I will not submit a time-comp entry. However, I'm still considering the skins.

Well stop considering and get skinning still over three weeks to go so plenty of time.