To start, how's about I stir up a bit of controversy? If this offends any FZR drivers then I DO NOT apologize for any offenses caused due to the viewing of this skin. Viewer discretion advised.
"If it shown that I am clearly MUCH slower than the guy behind I'll let him by. (By my standards) It's considered poor ettiquite to block someone if they show a much higher speed than me. Then again, I'm so aggressive when it comes to overtaking that by the time I get by the guy we'd already be out of the race!"
Can't you just make the tyre pressure different on each wheel for ovals? I mean come on it's not like you have to adjust everything just to compensate for one little thing...?
If you have a racing class, then there should always be a car with it's pros and cons, like (from what I hear) the FXR being the easiest on driver, fuel and tyres, the FZR on the opposite of those two extremes, and XRR somewhere in the middle of these two. What's the point in having cars within a single class even if they all just perform the same?
From looking at the graphics, it look's like TM and A1GP put together car-wise, and you are quite right: They look d### impressive, and it's compatable on a huge range of computers!? Wowee. Can't wait to try it out
The one with the higher suspension was supposed to be a rallycross setup, I just forg0t to change teh tires to knobblys/hybrids, lol.
Anyhow I'll take your advice and see if I can get myself back into the low 34s to high 33s again, right now I'm running low 36s and mid 35s, slower than I used to be.
Maybe it's just me, or I'm in need of some money to get a wheel. Anyway, I keep on getting understeer (I am talking quite a bit) despite setting my brake set to 70% front bias and 512 nm - I'm not sure on how to counter this, but I'm too lazy to use the handbrake (No kidding! ), so any tips to get rid of the problem is welcome. If needed I'll attach an setup in case. Also, if I turn, at some point if I hold the brake for too long, I start to limp to a side even WITHOUT damage.
Whiplash - First game with something more complex than jumps. Most stunts are based around it, but still fun none the less! I still play it even today. (Note to Shotglass: Fatal Racing is called "Whiplash" over here)
LFS - Gave me a reason to stop playing most of the PS2 games I own. :ices_rofl
Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies - The first and only air combat game I've played. Dang fun trying to shoot down some enemy planes, but gets a wee bit boring after a while.
Age Of Empires - The very first of stratgy games I played. I don't play it anymore and I dunno if I even have it anymore.
Anyone have pics of the (new) S2 track layouts? Or some pics of the tracks new to S2 other than the screenshots section (too much focus on the cars on the screenshots that is)? I can't seem to find anything but the S1 tracks. At that, could I have some pics of Fern Bay track?
I think these questions may have been answered, not too sure illepall
On most cars in Live For Speed, the default (even race_1) are often every easy to lock up if you aren't careful, and (usually) applies to all cars. Usually when you first start with a car the brakes' power should be lowered just enough to slow the car down to the right speed. Avoid setting the brake bias towards the front on FWDs and AWDs - you may end up spinning out. (and yes, I am Demo licensed). Once you have the brakes down and set, you can then get to other parts of your setup.